900字范文 > 电子竞赛 electronic contest英语短句 例句大全

电子竞赛 electronic contest英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-25 05:02:57


电子竞赛 electronic contest英语短句 例句大全

电子竞赛,electronic contest

1)electronic contest电子竞赛

1.Explaining of the enlightenment of theelectronic contest, introducing of the training methods before contest, and exchanging the circuitousness of the innovation of teaching.叙述了电子竞赛的启迪 ,介绍了参赛备训的作法 ,并论述了对电工电子系列课程的教学改革的探索与实


1.An E-contest Training Method Based on the Development of Integrated Project基于综合项目开发的电子竞赛培训方法

2.Relying on Electronic Design contest Promoting Professional Curriculum Reform;依托电子设计竞赛 推进专业课程改革

3.Undergraduate Electronic Design Contest Boost Engineering Education;大学生电子设计竞赛与工科教学改革

4.Make A Good Job of Electronic Design Contest and Deepen the Reform of Practice Teaching;搞好电子设计竞赛深化实践教学改革

5.The Difficulty and Developing Countermeasure of China E-sports Games我国电子竞技联赛的困境与发展对策

6.Research of Electronics Device Contest to Accelerate Teaching Reform of Electronic Technology Courses;电子设计竞赛对电子专业教学改革促进的研究

7.Analysis and Design of Eight-bit SPC-QL Electronic Circuit八位竞赛抢答器电子系统电路分析与设计

8.Design and Implementation of Electronic Design Contest Circuit Board Based on FPGA基于FPGA的电子设计竞赛电路板的设计与实现

9.I participated in the design competition of mechanism and electronics and won the second prize.我参加了校机械与电子设计竞赛,并获二等奖

10.Study on Differentiated Management of China Esport Game ;全国电子竞技运动会赛事差异化管理研究

11.Taking Advantage of the Undergraduate Electronic Design Contest to Improve the Innovation Ability of Electron and Information Students;通过电子设计竞赛培养大学生创新能力

12.Based on NUEDC,Promote the Training of Students with Innovational and Applied Ability;依托大学生电子设计竞赛培养创新型人才

13.Status Quo of Carrying out Electron-Sport Competitions in Shanghai Universities and Colleges and Some Suggestions;上海市高校电子竞技运动赛事开展现状及建议

14.Holding undergraduate electronic design contests to promote created talents fostering;开展大学生电子设计竞赛,促进创新人才培养

15.Using the Theory of Constructivism to Improve the Guidance of Electronic Designing Contest;用建构主义理论完善电子设计竞赛指导工作

16.University Student Electron Design Competition s Function to Students Ability s Developing;大学生电子设计竞赛对学生能力的培养

17.Accelerate University Didactical Reformation and Reinforce Training of Innovation Ability by Way of Developing Electronic Design Contest;开展电子设计竞赛,加强学生创新能力的培养

18.Electronic design contest and the bring up system for the nurture of innovatory person;电子设计竞赛与创新人才培养体系建设


electronic design contest电子设计竞赛

1.Analysis of national undergraduateelectronic design contest;试析全国大学生电子设计竞赛

2.The application of transmitting command system with short-range wireless communication and similar broadcast network inelectronic design contests;短距离类广播式无线指令传输系统在电子设计竞赛中的应用

3.Holding undergraduateelectronic design contests to promote created talents fostering;开展大学生电子设计竞赛,促进创新人才培养

3)Electronic Design Competition电子设计竞赛

1.The nation-wide undergraduate electronic design competition is a comprehensive examination of students electronic knowledge and practice skills,it also provides a review and assessment to every college s quality of education.全国大学生电子设计竞赛是对学生电子知识及实践技能的一种综合检验,也是对各高校教学质量的一种检查和评比。

2.This article studies the active influence of electronic design competitions upon the promotion of practical teaching and the training of college students’ creativity and deals with the necessity of the improvement of practical teaching reform and the training of college students’ creativity.本文探讨了大学生电子设计竞赛对促进实践教学的重要作用,电子设计竞赛对大学生创新能力培养的作用,论述了高校深化实践教学改革与培养学生创新精神、创新能力的必要性。

4)college students electronic design contest大学生电子竞赛

5)E-sport game电子竞技赛事


1.Based on narrating the regression theories of least squares support vector machine (LS- SVM), a feature extraction method based on LS- SVM was presented and introduced into the field of quantitative analysis of the comprehensive competence of the can- didates who were to attend the undergraduate electronic design competition(UEDC).在详细阐述最小二乘支持向量机(LS-SVM)回归算法原理基础上,提出一种基于LS-SVM的特征提取方法,并将其应用到全国电子设计竞赛队员选拔问题上。


