900字范文 > 氧化速率常数 oxidation rate constant英语短句 例句大全

氧化速率常数 oxidation rate constant英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-11 00:59:13


氧化速率常数 oxidation rate constant英语短句 例句大全

氧化速率常数,oxidation rate constant

1)oxidation rate constant氧化速率常数

1.The results show that with increasing temperatureoxidation rate constant increases,composition of TGO is transformed from alumina to spinels comprising oxides of Cr/Ni,and oxidation of thermal barrier coatings accelerates.结果表明,随着温度的升高,氧化速率常数值增加,粘结层中的Al发生贫化,粘结层中的氧化产物(TGO)层逐渐由氧化铝转变成以Ni、Cr为主的尖晶石类氧化物,热障涂层的氧化速率明显加快,并给出了温度与等离子喷涂热障涂层氧化速度常数之间的定量关系。

2)oxidation rate constant氧化反应速率常数

1.As a new viewpoint, to determine the priority of the competitive oxidations between the antioxidant and the protected drug, and to compare the drug-protect capacity of antioxidants, it is important to determine theiroxidation rate constants using chemical kinetics instead of standard oxidation (or reduction) potentials.分别在充空气和充氧气条件下,用碘量法测定不同时刻抗坏血酸溶液的浓度,作出降解曲线,拟合降解公式并计算氧化反应速率常数。


1.Determination of Oxidation Rate Constant of Sodium Formaldehyde Sulfoxylate;甲醛合次硫酸氢钠氧化反应速率常数的测定

pressed Oxygen in Drug Stability Experiments and Evaluation of Antioxidants Using Oxidation Reaction Rate Constants;药物对氧稳定性实验及抗氧剂氧化反应速率常数的测定

3.Determination of the Rate Constantsin Ethyl Acrylate Saponification;丙烯酸乙酯皂化反应速率常数的测定

4.The Determination of Heterogenous Rate Constants in the CV Oxidation of Adenine腺嘌呤电化学氧化及反应速度常数测定

5.The apparent reaction rate constant can be obtained by linear regression.线性回归得出化学反应速率常数表观值。

6.The principle and method of determining the rate constant for the reaction of the ethyl acetate saponification;测定乙酸乙酯皂化反应速率常数的原理和方法

7.Determinate the Rate Constant of Reaction on Acetone and Iodine by Macroproperty光栅光谱仪测量丙酮碘化反应速率常数

8.The Application of Excel 2000 to Data Processing for Rate Constant of Ethyl Acetate Saponification;Excel2000软件在处理乙酸乙酯皂化反应速率常数中的应用

9.The parabolic rate constant B is substantially larger for wet oxidation than for dry.在湿氧氧化中抛物线速率常数B比干氧氧化中的大得多。

10.The variation of the return rate constant k with different absolute temperature T deviates Arrhenius empiric equation.反应速率常数随绝对温度的变化基本上符合阿累尼乌斯定理。


12.The determining factors of the rate ratio come from the joint contribution of the activation enthalpy and activation entropy.活化熵对反应速率常数比值的贡献是不可忽略的.

13.A deviation in the experiment of determining the rate constant of sucrose conversion reaction by saccharimetry;旋光法测定蔗糖转化反应的速率常数实验的一种偏差与处理

14.An Improved Experiment for Determining Rate Constant of Saponification Using Electric Conductant Method;电导法测定乙酸乙酯皂化反应速率常数的实验改进

15.An Improvement on The Experiment of Catalytical Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide;过氧化氢催化分解速率常数测定实验的改进

16.Processing Involved Data in the Experiments of Determining Rate Constants for Second-order Reaction with Excel;用Excel处理二级反应速率常数测定的数据

17.Selection of First Order Reaction Rate Constant Experiment Date Processing;一级反应速率常数测定数据处理方法选择

18.Examing the speed constant of the chemical reaction with the experiment of the mini chemical method;微型化学实验测定化学反应速度常数


oxidation rate constant氧化反应速率常数

1.As a new viewpoint, to determine the priority of the competitive oxidations between the antioxidant and the protected drug, and to compare the drug-protect capacity of antioxidants, it is important to determine theiroxidation rate constants using chemical kinetics instead of standard oxidation (or reduction) potentials.分别在充空气和充氧气条件下,用碘量法测定不同时刻抗坏血酸溶液的浓度,作出降解曲线,拟合降解公式并计算氧化反应速率常数。

3)bio-chemical reaction velocity constant生化速率常数

1.Micro-electrolysis enhance the wastewater"s bio-degradation andbio-chemical reaction velocity constant increased from 0.废水的可生化性提高,生化速率常数K从0。

4)catalytic rate constant催化速率常数

1.The determination ofcatalytic rate constant of surface materials of testing model in the shock tube;驻点壁面催化速率常数确定的研究

5)chemical reaction rates化学速率常数

6)The rate constant of deuteration重氢化速率常数


表观速率常数分子式:CAS号:性质:(一)描述不遵循米氏规律(Michaelis rule)的复杂酶反应一个动力学常数。例如,葡萄糖在酶(黄素蛋白)的作用下,被氧化成δ-葡糖酸内酯时,反应所需的酶(黄素蛋白)包含有一个再生步骤,并可用下式表示(k+1,k-1,k+2,k+3,k+4为各反应常数):其时,内酯生成的表现速率数ka表示为:[O2]及S各为系统中的溶氧浓度及葡萄糖浓度。(二)在固定化酶的情况下,由于存在外扩散限制(指底物通过固定化颗粒周围的滞流膜时引起的扩散限制)和内扩散限制(指底物从颗粒界面向颗粒内部扩散时的限制),也会影响反应速率。游离酶反应速率v与酶的最大反应速率Vmax(Vmax是酶与底物结合速率k2及酶的浓度E0的乘积),米氏常数km和底物浓度S有关,并可用米氏方程式表示:v=VmaxS/(km+S)。式中v及Vmax的单位为均为mol/m3·s,而在固定化酶情况下,由于存在扩散限制,其反应速率及动力学常数必然较游离酶反应不同,出现了表观反应速率V′(mol/m2·s)及V′(mol/m3·s),表观米氏常数是k′m(mol/m3)以及表观最大反应速率V′max(mol/m2·s)和V′′max(mol/m3·s)。对外扩散限制而言,以上kL为底物在滞流层中的扩散系数,m/s。对内扩散限制而言,存在一个有效因子—η,此外,γφ称为蒂勒模数(Thiele modulus),,其中De为底物在固定化颗粒中的有效扩散系数,m2/s。
