900字范文 > 自我价值保护策略 self-protection strategies英语短句 例句大全

自我价值保护策略 self-protection strategies英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-23 00:11:08


自我价值保护策略 self-protection strategies英语短句 例句大全

自我价值保护策略,self-protection strategies

1)self-protection strategies自我价值保护策略

1.These strategies is named as“failure-avoidant strategies”, also named“self-protection strategies”.因此,学生为了保护自我价值会采取一定的策略来避免失败的消极含义,把这些策略称为“回避失败策略”,也叫“自我价值保护策略”,包括自我设限和防御性悲观两种。


1.The Relationship between Depression, Self-esteem and Self-protection Strategies抑郁、自尊与自我价值保护策略的关系

2.A Study on High School Students Self-protection Strategies and Its Influencing Factors;中学生的自我价值保护策略及其影响因素研究

3.Nature Resources Value&Protection and Management Strategy of Yunnan Provincial Three Parallel Rivers National Park;云南三江并流保护区的自然资源价值和保护管理策略

4.The Characteristics,Values and Safeguarding Tactics of Linguistic Cultural Heritage;语言文化遗产的特性、价值与保护策略

5.Value and Preservation Strategy of the EnvironmentalLandscape of Maijishan Grottoes;麦积山石窟寺环境景观价值及保护策略

6.Study on China"s Natural Protected Area"s Public Management Based on the Value Analysis;基于价值分析的我国自然保护区公共管理研究

7.A Study on the Historical Value and the Conservation Strategy of the Campus of University of Shanghai;上海理工大学前沪江大学校园风貌价值与保护策略研究

8.Study about Tactics of Student s Self-worth Cultivating in PE. Teaching;体育教学中学生自我价值感的培养策略研究

9.Feeling of Self-worth in Managerial Staff in Institutions of Higher Learning and Strategies in its Improvement;高校行政管理人员自我价值感及其提升策略

10.The Virtue,Problem and Countermeasures of Developing Eco-tourism in Nature Reserve Area;自然保护区发展生态旅游的价值、存在问题及实施对策

11.Present Situation and Protection Countermeasures of Bird Resources in Axia Natural Reserve阿夏自然保护区鸟类资源现状及保护策略

12.Protected Values and Their Impacts on Decision Making;保护性价值观及其对决策行为的影响

13.Assessment of Ecosystem Service Value of Natural Reserve in Hainan Island海南省自然保护区生态服务价值评估

14.Strategy of the Insurance Marketing Channel Integration under the Enterprise Value Chain;企业价值链下保险营销渠道整合策略

15.Behaviour tactics in overwintering Eurasian red squirrel in Liangshui Nature Reserve,China凉水自然保护区松鼠的越冬行为策略

16.Resource Assessment and Protection Strategy of Guanyinshan Mountain Nature Reserve in Shaanxi Province;陕西省观音山自然保护区资源评价与保护对策

17.Agency,Investor Protection and Corporate Value;代理问题、投资者保护与公司价值——来自我国上市公司的经验证据

18.The cutivation of the feeling of Self-worth: An effective strategy in mental health education for undergraduates;自我价值感培育──大学生心理健康教育的有效策略


strategy of self protection自我保护策略

3)self-protecting value自我保护价值

4)self-worth protection自我价值保护

5)protection strategy保护策略

1.Chinese sauce and salt culture andprotection strategy in museum perspective——take the first Chinese sauce culture museum as an example博物馆视野下的中国酱盐文化及其保护策略——以首座中国酱文化博物馆的建立为例

2.The main technical issues for VSC HVDC are reviewed, including converter topology, characteristics of two level and three level converters, pulse width modulation pattern, control strategy,protection strategy, switching frequency and loss reduction.为了进一步推动电压源换流器型直流输电在电力系统中的研究和应用,结合ABB公司几个典型应用工程,在详细介绍电压源换流器型直流输电的系统结构、基本工作原理和与传统直流输电相比的技术优势的基础上,对电压源换流器的拓扑结构、控制与保护策略、开关调制方式等技术问题的国内外研究现状进行了评述。

3.Based on the study above, some protective methods are compared, and a novelprotection strategy is proposed, which is composed of BOD(break over diode) triggering thyristor valve and RC snubber circuit.在上述分析的基础上对不同的保护策略进行比较,提出阻容吸收回路与BOD(break over diode)触发晶闸管阀相结合的新型过电压保护策略,理论分析和仿真结果都证明所提出的保护策略的正确性和有效性,从而确保过电流试验装置的安全可靠运行。

6)conservation strategy保护策略

1.Current Status and Conservation Strategy of the Wetlands in Nansha District,Guangzhou广州南沙区湿地现状和保护策略


价值工程(见价值分析)价值工程(见价值分析)value engineering; VE: see value analysis; VAjiazhi以洲笋h6ng价值工程(valuee峪~ng;视)析。见价值分
