900字范文 > 生根变异 rooting variation英语短句 例句大全

生根变异 rooting variation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-08 00:29:41


生根变异 rooting variation英语短句 例句大全

生根变异,rooting variation

1)rooting variation生根变异


1.Rooting variation of high-aged first cycle cutting orchard of Japanese larch clones日本落叶松高龄一轮采穗圃无性系生根变异

2.Effects of Auxin on the Rooting Ability of Hybrid Larch Cuttings不同生长素处理条件下杂种落叶松生根力的变异

3.Variation of Competitive Nodulation Ability of Rhizobium Meliloti from Different Ecological Region;不同生态区苜蓿根瘤菌对宿主竞争结瘤能力变异的研究

4.In Situ Dynamics of Phosphorus in the Rhizosphere Solution and Organic Acids Exudation of Two Aquatic Plants2种水生植物根际溶液磷素时空变异及有机酸分泌

5.The patterns of product appeared the dendritic, ramification, dense branch, fractal, and homogeneous structure and their morphological evolution was caused by the change in anisotropy of crystal growth and different stage of electrodeposits.这些形态变化从根本上是由于晶体生长各向异性的变化和沉积物的生长速率不同造成的。

6.Diagnosis and Treatment of Permanent Teeth with Canal Varieties Using Dental Operating Microscope利用根管显微镜诊治恒牙变异根管的临床疗效

7.The Fundamental Change in Traditional Alienation Therory Caused by Alienation of Labour;劳动异化对传统异化理论实现的根本变革

8.According to the distinguished result, the algorithm adaptively sets the mutation rate.根据辨识结果,自适应地设置变异概率。

9.The Spirit of Confucianism: Source,Variation and Cultivation;儒家思想的基本精神——根源、变异及培植

10.Two New Synonyms of Ophiorrhiza subrubescens Drake(Rubiaceae)变红蛇根草(茜草科)的二个新异名

11.Studies on the Physiological and mRNA Differential Display and DNA Methylation during Fleshy Tap Root Development in Radish(Raphanus Sativus L.);萝卜肉质直根形成膨大的生理生化、基因差异表达与甲基化变化研究

12.The landscape is radically changed.地貌发生根本变化。

13.Application of broken-line analysis to assess floor space requirements of nursery and grower-finisher pigs expressed on an allometric basis.应用残破线分析的方法根据体形变异对养殖场和生长肥育猪的地板面积的要求进行评估。

14.Objective To study the accumulation of dry matter and changes of isoimperatorin content and accumulation in the root of Angelica dahurica in different growth and development duration.目的明确白芷不同生长时期干物质积累及根中异欧前胡素质量分数和积累量变化。

15.Use the Method of Root Chamber System with Two Compartments to Study Spatial Variability of Soil nitrogen Transformation and N_2O Production;用二室根箱系统法研究土壤氮素转化过程的空间变异性及N_2O的产生

16.The Differences of Subcellular Ca~(2+) Distribution in Root Meristem Region of Cucumber Seedling Under Different NO_3~- Concentrations Stress不同浓度NO_3~-胁迫下黄瓜幼苗根系分生区细胞内Ca~(2+)分布变化的差异

17.These data permit the source(s) of any variance to be established.根据这些数据可确定出产生差异的根源所在。

18.an organism that has characteristics resulting from chromosomal alteration.染色体变异的生物体。


Variance of rooting ability生根力变异

3)Nerve root anomaly神经根变异

1.Objective To investigate operation countermeasure to lumbar disc herniation undergoing the microendoscopic discectomy(MED)when the lumbosacral nerve root anomaly occured.方法在近一年半内运用经后路椎间盘镜下腰椎间盘摘除术(MDE)治疗腰椎间盘突出症168例,术中发现4例神经根变异,发生率2。

4)difference between seminal and nodal roots初生根与次生根差异

5)condition variation生境变异

6)growth variation生长变异

1.Thegrowth variation of dominant height among Japanese larch families was analyzed, and height_age models were developed for each family.以湖北省建始县长岭岗林场 生日本落叶松子代测定林为研究对象 ,研究了家系间优势高的生长变异 ,家系对树高生长模型参数影响的显著性检验 ,并构建了日本落叶松家系树高生长模型。

2.The shape characteristic, PCR detection of transgenic plants were researched, shape and Growth variation and leaf anatomic structure were also studied.对转化再生植株进行了形态鉴定、PCR检测,并对转化植株形态及生长变异进行了初步研究,主要研究结果如下:1。


棒叶落地生根棒叶落地生根介绍 棒叶落地生根 (Kalanchoe tubifdia)科属: 景天科 伽蓝菜属别名: 形态特征: 茎直立,粉褐色,高约1m。叶圆棒状,上表面具沟槽,粉色,叶端锯齿上有许多已生根的小植株(由不定芽生成)花序顶生,小花红色。分布与习性:原产非洲马达加斯加岛南部,为多年生草本植物。茎直立,粉褐色,高约1m。叶圆棒状,上表面具沟槽,粉色,叶端锯齿上有许多已生根的小植株(由不定芽生成)花序顶生,小花红色。繁殖与栽培:将叶端的不定芽取下栽植即可成株,亦可扦插繁殖。盆栽宜砂质壤土,浇水不宜太多,需保持土壤潮润。越冬应在10℃以上。植株长至一定高度,应立支柱,以防倒伏。应用:棒叶落地生根适于小型盆栽,供室内观赏。叶端常生具根小植株,十分有趣。图片:
