900字范文 > 早死所致生命损失年 Years of life lost英语短句 例句大全

早死所致生命损失年 Years of life lost英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-20 15:01:21


早死所致生命损失年 Years of life lost英语短句 例句大全

早死所致生命损失年,Years of life lost

1)Years of life lost早死所致生命损失年

1.Years of life lost was used to measure premature mortality burden due to stroke.[方法]选择盘龙区作为城区的代表,以早死所致生命损失年(years of life lost,YLL)作为脑卒中疾病负担的测量单位,采用3%的贴现率但不采用年龄权重按年计算标化每千人口YLL率;并分析其地理分布的变化趋势。

2.[Methods]Years of life lost(YLL)were used as a measurement of burden for diseases,and Standardized YLL rate per 1 000 for causes of death and areas was calculated by using 3% discount rate,while did not use age-weighting to calculated.[方法]以早死所致生命损失年(Years of life lost,YLL)作为疾病负担的测量指标,采用3%的贴现率但不采用年龄权重按死因和地区计算标化每千人口YLL率。

3.Years of life lost was used to measure premature mortality burden due to IHD.[方法]从昆明市4个区中随机抽取盘龙区和官渡区作为城区和郊区的代表,以早死所致生命损失年(years of life lost,YLL)作为IHD疾病负担的测量单位,采用3%的贴现率但不采用年龄权重分年份、地区、性别、年龄组计算标化每千人口YLL率,对其进行比较。


1.Years of Life Lost due to Common Cancers Among Three Areas of Kunming,Yunnan Province昆明市三个地区主要癌症早死所致生命损失年分析

2.If the baby is ill or is premature the lost of heat can be dangerous.如果婴儿生病或者是早产,则热量损失会导致生命危险。

3.Disputes in 1999 involved three work stoppages and resulted in a loss of only 299 working days.一九九九年所发生的纠纷导致三宗停工事件,损失工作日只有299天。

4.Trend Analysis of Healthy Life Years Lost of AIDS2002~艾滋病健康生命年损失分析

5.absolutely fatal trauma绝对致命伤(不论在何种情况下对所有人都足以致死的损伤)

6.Study on loss of healthy life years in patients with infectious diseases7种乙类传染病健康生命年损失研究

7.Measurement of the lost of healthy life year caused by circulatory system diseases循环系统疾病的健康生命年损失研究

prehensive Analysis of YPLL on Malignant Tumor Deaths in a County of Hunan Province form to 湖南某县-恶性肿瘤死亡寿命年损失的综合分析

9.2002- Chinese Residents in the Loss of Healthy Life Years Caused by Tumour Analysis2002~我国居民肿瘤健康生命年损失分析

ments on Civil Relief for the Third Party"s Damage Caused by Trespass to the Right to Life论侵害生命权所致第三人损害的民法救济

11.Analysis of the death and potential life lost of injury in Wuxi,1996~2000无锡市1996~2000年伤害死亡状况和潜在寿命损失分析

12.Analysis on the Main Causes of Death and YPLL of Residents in Chaoyang District of Beijing in 北京市朝阳区居民主要死因及寿命损失分析

13.The cost of the war in lives and property was great.战争在生命和财产方面所造成的损失很大。

14.Measurement of the Life Lost of Hepatitis B With DALY for China in 乙型病毒性肝炎的健康生命年损失研究

15.nonfatal trauma非致命伤。不构成死亡的损伤。

16.If we allow these morning hours of life to slip away, we shall never be able to recoup④ the loss.如果我们让这些生命的早晨时光悄悄溜走,这损失永远也无法弥补。

17.The traffic injuries caused570 years of potential life lost before age65 year and1500 classes lost for school children.调查年间车祸导致的潜在寿命损失为570年,学龄儿童因车祸受伤而致缺课1500节。

18.Survey of main public health diseases death and years of potential lifespan loss in Yuxi Prefecture,Yunan玉溪市主要的公共卫生疾病死亡与潜在寿命损失调查


YLLs(Years of Lost With Premature Mortality)早死所致生命损失



5)Years of Life Lost(YLL)疾病早死所致损失(YLL)

6)years of life lost(YLLs)死亡损失健康生命年

1.Methods: Based on the national pilot data for disease control in Guangdong,,the burden of disease from respiratory death was analyzed using years of life lost(YLLs).方法:利用广东省国家疾病监测点资料,采用死亡损失健康生命年(YLLs)指标对广东省居民呼吸系统疾病死亡的疾病负担进行研究。


