900字范文 > 上颌动脉 Maxillary artery英语短句 例句大全

上颌动脉 Maxillary artery英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-28 22:44:20


上颌动脉 Maxillary artery英语短句 例句大全

上颌动脉,Maxillary artery

1)Maxillary artery上颌动脉

1.Applied anatomy related to the ligation of maxillary artery;与上颌动脉结扎术有关的应用解剖

2.There were maxillary artery and nerve,sphenopalatine ganglion and pterygoid canal never in pterygopalatine fossa.方法成人尸头10具,沿正中线锯开,手术显微镜下于唇龈沟切开黏膜;凿除上颌窦前、后壁,分离上颌动脉翼腭部及其分支和上颌神经及其分支;从侧方切开颧弓,解剖颞下窝,在翼外肌长短头之间分离上颌动脉主干及其分支,在翼腭窝后上内侧分离上颌神经及其分支;用游标卡尺测量上颌动脉及其分支的长度、外径,观察上颌动脉、腭降动脉及蝶腭动脉的毗邻关系。

2)internal maxillary artery上颌动脉

1.Applied anatomy for third portion of theinternal maxillary artery;上颌动脉翼腭部的应用解剖

2.Applied anatomical investigation of the first and second segments of theinternal maxillary artery;上颌动脉第一和第二段的应用解剖研究

3)venae maxillares上颌静脉

4)internal maxillary artery颌内动脉

1.Results: Contrast to the lateral pterygoid muscle, there exist the prominent venous plexus both deeply and superficially to it, theinternal maxillary artery (IMA) which runs horizontally crosses superficially (more.结果:以翼外肌为参照,其浅深面均有丰富的静脉丛,颌内动脉多水平行走其浅面,下颌神经及分支多垂直行走其深面。


1.Transcatheter supperselective internal maxillary artery and facial artery embolization for treatment of intractable epistaxis经导管颌内动脉、面动脉栓塞治疗顽固性鼻出血

2.Applied anatomy of the internal maxillary artery in pterygopalatine fossa under transnasal endoscopic surgery鼻内镜手术颌内动脉翼腭段的应用解剖

3.③The ration of in ternal maxillary artery through the lateral pterygoid muscle superficity and dee ps to fossa infratemporal was 90% and 10%,respectively.颌内动脉走行于翼外肌浅、深层率分别位 90 %和 10 %。

4.The angiography showed that the main branch of internal maxillaries artery and facial artery in 32 cases became larger, crooked and had blood dots.血管造影表现 :32例颌内动脉、面动脉主干增粗、迂曲 ,出血灶明确。

5.The Anatomical Study of the Periosteal Flap Composed of Submental Artery and Anterovent of Digastric Muscle;颏下动脉二腹肌前腹下颌骨骨膜瓣解剖学研究

6.Animal experimental research on rapid orthodontic tooth movement of whole anterior teeth and premaxillary快速整体内收上颌前牙及前颌骨的动物实验研究

7.Inflammation of the inner lining of an artery.动脉内膜炎动脉内层膜的炎症

8.endarteritis:Inflammation of the inner lining of an artery.动脉内膜炎:动脉内层膜的炎症.

9.internal carotis aneurysm in cavernous sinus海绵窦内颈内动脉瘤

parison of effect of different dosages of tramadol in intravenous analgesia after mandible fracture operation不同剂量曲马多用于下颌骨骨折内固定术后静脉镇痛效果比较

11.The Micro-aneurysm of Posterior Communicating Artery: Diagnosis and Treatment;颈内动脉-后交通动脉起始部微动脉瘤的诊治

12.internal mammary-coronary artery anastomosis乳腺内动脉-冠状动脉吻合术

13.internal thoracic-coronary artery anastomosis胸廓内动脉冠状动脉吻合术

14.Endovascular repair for thoracic dissecting aneurysm腔内修复术治疗胸主动脉夹层动脉瘤

15.Arterovenous fistula between occipital artery and intracranial sigmiod sinus:case report枕后动脉与颅内乙状窦动静脉瘘1例

16.Study on Pingyangmycin Albumin Microspheres for Jaw Angioma Arterial Embolization;颌面血管瘤动脉栓塞平阳霉素白蛋白微球的研究

17.Disc replacement with temporalis myofascial flap pedicled on the middle temporal artery and vein应用颞中动静脉为蒂的颞肌筋膜瓣置换颞下颌关节盘

18.Value of multi-spiral CTA in the diagnosis of arteriovenous malformations in oral and maxillofacial regions多层螺旋CT血管成像在口腔颌面部动静脉畸形诊断中的价值


internal maxillary artery上颌动脉

1.Applied anatomy for third portion of theinternal maxillary artery;上颌动脉翼腭部的应用解剖

2.Applied anatomical investigation of the first and second segments of theinternal maxillary artery;上颌动脉第一和第二段的应用解剖研究

3)venae maxillares上颌静脉

4)internal maxillary artery颌内动脉

1.Results: Contrast to the lateral pterygoid muscle, there exist the prominent venous plexus both deeply and superficially to it, theinternal maxillary artery (IMA) which runs horizontally crosses superficially (more.结果:以翼外肌为参照,其浅深面均有丰富的静脉丛,颌内动脉多水平行走其浅面,下颌神经及分支多垂直行走其深面。

5)external maxillary artery颌外动脉

1.Objective:To investigate the important adjacent relationship of theexternal maxillary artery.目的:研究颌外动脉的重要毗邻关系。

2.External maxillary artery need to be ligated Only in 6 cases during operation.方法:对70例颌下腺与颌外动脉的关系进行重新解剖及文献复习,为口内入路的颌下腺切除术提供解剖学基础。

6)vena maxillaris externa上颌外静脉


