900字范文 > 北方土石山区 earth-rock mountainous area英语短句 例句大全

北方土石山区 earth-rock mountainous area英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-09 19:55:30


北方土石山区 earth-rock mountainous area英语短句 例句大全

北方土石山区,earth-rock mountainous area

1)earth-rock mountainous area北方土石山区

1.The study is an attempt to explore the comprehensive eco-economic management model of soil and water conservation in theearth-rock mountainous areas of Northern China.结果表明,通过对流域进行水土保持生态经济型综合模式治理,将流域治理,区域特色,市场推动有机结合起来,不仅使区域生态环境得到了进一步改善,水土流失得到了有效控制,而且带动了区域经济发展,为我国北方土石山区水土保持生态经济型综合治理模式探索提供了技术支持。


1.Eco-economic Model of Soil and Water Conservation in the Earth-rock Mountainous Areas in Northern China--A Case Study of Niugutu Small Watershed in Horqin,Inner Mongolia北方土石山区水土保持生态经济型治理模式——以科尔沁地区牛固图小流域为例

2.Analysis of Soil Organic Carbon Density in the Lithoid Mountainous Area in North China:A Case Study in Miyun County北方石质山区表层土壤有机碳密度特征分析——以密云县为例

3.Soil Health Assessment of the Main Plant Communities in Rocky Mountain Area of North China;华北土石山区典型植物群落土壤健康评价

4.boreal or alpine sandwort.北方高山地区的一种石竹科植物。

5.Study on Compaction Properties of High Embankment Crushed Stones at Mountainous Airport山区机场高填方碎石土压实性状研究

6.Soil Properties Modified with Different Fertilization and Moisture Conservation in the Typical Soil-gravel Area in PingShan County, Hebei Province, China不同施肥保墒材料对河北平山土石山区土壤性状改良的研究

7.Soil Respiration in Typical Forest Plantations in Lithoid Hilly Areas of North-China;华北石质山区典型人工林土壤呼吸特征的研究

8.Ecosystem health assessment of the Pinus tabulaeformis forest in earch-rocky mountain area of North China华北土石山区油松林生态系统健康评价

9.Study on Seed-base Method for Afforestation in Saline Land in Hebei and Rocky Mountainous Area in Beijing河北滨海盐碱地和北京土石山区基盘法造林技术研究

10.Health Analysis and Evaluation of the Main Forest Types in the Typical Soil-gravel Area in North China;华北土石山区典型区域主要类型森林健康分析与评价

11.Study on Drainage System Design in Northern China Mountain Highway我国北方黄土山区公路排水系统设计研究

12.Basic Study on Directional Adjustment and Control for Stable Protective Forest System Structure in Mountain and Stony Area of North China;华北土石山区防护林体系稳定林分结构定向调控基础研究

13.Study on the Rules of Water Consumption of Dominant Tree Species and the Community of Artificial Forest in Mountain Area of Northern China;华北土石山区典型人工林优势树种及群落耗水规律研究

14.Study on Forest Health Based on Forest Vegetation Succession in Mountain Area of Northern China;华北土石山区基于森林植被演替规律的森林健康的研究

15.The Application of Distributed Hydrologic Model MIKESHE to Simulate Hydrologic Responses of Small Watershed in North China;应用分布式流域水文模型MIKESHE研究华北土石山区小流域水文响应

16.Study on the Ecologuical Response of Hydrology on Forest Vegetation in Some Typical Watershed in North China;华北土石山区典型流域森林植被水文生态过程响应研究

17.The Coupling Relationship between Forest Vegetation and Terrain of Watershed in Earth-rocky Mountainous Area in North China华北土石山区流域森林植被与地形因素耦合关系研究

18.Response of Land Use Change to Hydrological Dynamics in Rocky Mountain Area of North China--Based on Yunzhou Reservoir of Zhangjiakou华北土石山区土地利用/土地覆被变化的水文响应研究——以张家口云州水库流域为例


rocky mountain area of northern China华北土石山区

1.By studying on the soil water of pine forests and bare soil of shady slope,and Platycladus orientalis and oak mixed forests of sunny slope inrocky mountain area of northern China,there was less illumination time and intensity in the shady slope than in the sunny slope,so the evaporation of shady slope was little,which was propitious to hold water and increase water in the soil.通过对华北土石山区阴坡油松林、阴坡裸地和阳坡侧柏栎类混交林土壤水分研究可知,阴坡光照时间和强度较阳坡小,相应的林地蒸发散减少,有利于林地的蓄水,增加土壤的含水量。

3)mountainous area in the north北方山区

4)earth-rock mountain region土石山区

5)earth-rock mixture山区土石料

paction standard and application ofearth-rock mixtures in mountain area;山区土石料压实标准及其应用

6)stony mountains of northern Beijing京北石质山区


