900字范文 > 破碎体分形维数 Fragments fractal dimensions英语短句 例句大全

破碎体分形维数 Fragments fractal dimensions英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-08 20:23:30


破碎体分形维数 Fragments fractal dimensions英语短句 例句大全

破碎体分形维数,Fragments fractal dimensions

1)Fragments fractal dimensions破碎体分形维数

2)fractal crushing破碎分形

1.A confined compression test was used to investigate the crushing behaviors of coarse quartz sand and fine gravel particles under high compressive stress,and theirfractal crushing was studied based on the fractal concept and the measured data of particle-size distribution.利用侧限压缩试验研究高压应力下石英粗砂和细砾的颗粒破碎特性,基于分形模型和粒径分布资料,研究颗粒的破碎分形。

3)volume fractal dimension体积分形维数

1.Porevolume fractal dimensions of fly ash - cement paste at different ages and its porevolume fractal dimensions were determined by MIP(mercury intrusion porosimetry) on experiments.采用压汞法对不同龄期粉煤灰-水泥浆体的孔分形结构进行了实验研究,测定了复合浆体孔体积分形维数,探讨了孔体积分形维数与孔隙率,孔表面积、平均孔径、孔分布及宏观力学性能的关系。

2.The relationship of porevolume fractal dimension with porosity,pore area,pore size distribution and phosphate slag content are investigated.研究表明,磷渣-水泥浆体的孔结构具有明显的分形特征,孔体积分形维数在2。


1.Influence of Pore Diameter Distribution on Porous Nickel"s Pore Volume Fractal Dimention孔径分布对多孔镍孔体积分形维数的影响

2.The Fractional Calculus of a Type of Fractal Function and the Dimension;一类分形函数的分数阶微积分及其维数

3.Natural Frequencies of Composite Beams Having Variable Fiber Volume Fraction Including Rotary Inertia and Shear Deformation纤维体积分数可变的复合材料梁计及转动惯量和剪切变形时的固有频率

4.Analysis on Fractal Dimensions of Liquid Front During Explosion Dispersion爆炸分散液体前锋形态的分形维数分析

5.The McShane and Henstock Integrals of Fuzzy-Number-Valued Functions in n Dimensions;n维模糊数值函数的McShane积分和Henstock积分

6.Effects of Structural Parameters on Fiber Volume Fraction of 3D Woven Composites;结构参数对三维机织复合材料纤维体积分数的影响

7.Effect of Different Volume Fraction of Martensite on Deformation Behavior of Dual Phase Steels马氏体体积分数对双相钢变形行为的影响

8.Arithmetic Research of Fractal Dimension with Image Face Based on Fractional Brownian Motion基于图像表面积的分形布朗运动分数维算法研究

9.Integrals extend to higher dimensions through multiple integrals.积分借着重积分扩展到较高的维数。

10.The fractal measurement of aerosol equivalent volume based on counting signal悬浮颗粒计数信号等效体积的分形测度

11.Numerical Simulation of Effect of Jetting Speed on 2-D Ni Dendrite Fractal Growth in Jet-electrodeposition with Point Anode射流速度对点阳极电沉积二维镍枝晶分形生长影响的数值模拟

12.On the Boundary Type Cubature in Multiple Numerical Integration;高维数值积分边界型求积公式的研究

13.Form is sometimes referred to as area, mass or shape. Three-dimensional forms are solids. Two-dimensional forms with length and width are plane forms.形体有时被认为是面积、体积或形状。三维形体是实体。具有长和宽的二维形体是平面。

14.A Prospectively Randomized Study of Clinical Target Volume Margins for Three-dimensional Conformal Radiotherapy in Patients with Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Thoracic Esophagus;食管癌三维适形放射治疗临床靶体积前瞻性随机分组临床研究

15.Three-dimensional Digitalized Visualization of Necrotic Volume, Distribution and Morphology and Collapse Identification on ONFH三维CT重建股骨头坏死体积、分布、形状的测定及塌陷预测

16.Effect of Martensite Volume Fraction on Deformation Dislocation Structure and Fracture for Hot Rolled Dual-Phase Steel马氏体体积分数对热轧双相钢形变位错结构和断裂的影响

17.Finite Volume Method and Its Application of the Two-dimensional Numerical Simulation in the Narrowed Riverway Flow Field During Construction Diversion;有限体积法在分期导流束窄河道流场二维数值模拟中的应用研究

18.3D-FLIT and its application to linear feature extraction of ICT cubic data三维有限线积分变换及其在工业CT体数据线特征提取中的应用


fractal crushing破碎分形

1.A confined compression test was used to investigate the crushing behaviors of coarse quartz sand and fine gravel particles under high compressive stress,and theirfractal crushing was studied based on the fractal concept and the measured data of particle-size distribution.利用侧限压缩试验研究高压应力下石英粗砂和细砾的颗粒破碎特性,基于分形模型和粒径分布资料,研究颗粒的破碎分形。

3)volume fractal dimension体积分形维数

1.Porevolume fractal dimensions of fly ash - cement paste at different ages and its porevolume fractal dimensions were determined by MIP(mercury intrusion porosimetry) on experiments.采用压汞法对不同龄期粉煤灰-水泥浆体的孔分形结构进行了实验研究,测定了复合浆体孔体积分形维数,探讨了孔体积分形维数与孔隙率,孔表面积、平均孔径、孔分布及宏观力学性能的关系。

2.The relationship of porevolume fractal dimension with porosity,pore area,pore size distribution and phosphate slag content are investigated.研究表明,磷渣-水泥浆体的孔结构具有明显的分形特征,孔体积分形维数在2。

4)Fractal dimension of aggregates团聚体分形维数

5)fractal dimension of floc絮体分形维数

6)pore volume fractal dimention孔体积分形维数

1.Porous nickel\"spore volume fractal dimention is determined by data of MIP based on Menger-sponge model,pore structures of porous nickel is found to have typical fractal nature and the values of fractal dimension are between 2.用压汞法对用粉末冶金法制备的多孔镍试件进行了测试,得到了多孔镍试件的孔隙率及孔径分布曲线,并以Menger海绵体模型为基础,根据压汞实验数据确定了多孔镍试件的孔体积分形维数,发现多孔镍的孔隙结构具有明显的分形特征,分形维数在2。


笼形破碎机笼形破碎机cage crusher}ongxl门9 Posu}宜.笼形破碎机(c age crusher)由两个相向高速转动的转笼,对物料进行多次冲击使之破碎到一定粒度的破碎机。适用于干燥的粘土块、硅藻土、白奎、石棉矿、煤、沥青等软物料的细碎。转笼由带有数圈钢棒的圆盘组成。两个转笼的钢棒圈互相交错布置,形成破碎腔。最外圈钢棒的周速为22~37m/s。笼形破碎机的规格以其工作圆盘直径x转笼宽度(mm)表示。如拟()0。只29。笼形破碎机,其工作圆盘直径为l000mm,转笼宽度为29omm。每个转笼的机轴通过单独的电动机,经传动装置驱动。笼形破碎机工作时,物料由给料口给入破碎机中心部分(笼内),散开后落入钢棒运动一越缄!笼形破碎机 l一轴;2一加料斗;3、4一笼;5一轮毅;6一皮带轮;7一轴承架仍一电机区内,最先受到最内层转动钢棒打击以后,被抛向转动方向与之相反的另一排钢棒物料再次被破碎,然后再被抛向第三排钢棒圈,最后经受最外层钢棒圈打击后,由破碎机底部排出。笼形破碎机的钢棒易于磨损,故虽然其产品拉度细小而均匀,但应用仍受到限制。 (王宏勋)
