900字范文 > 艺术院校辅导员 the assistant of art institute英语短句 例句大全

艺术院校辅导员 the assistant of art institute英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-18 20:05:13


艺术院校辅导员 the assistant of art institute英语短句 例句大全

艺术院校辅导员,the assistant of art institute

1)the assistant of art institute艺术院校辅导员

2)supervisors in international studies universities外语院校辅导员


1.Pioneering Supervisors" Work Methods In International Studies Universities in the New Period新时期外语院校辅导员工作方法创新

2.The Innovation of the Working Idea and Approach of the Instructor Who Works in Sports Institute;体育院校辅导员工作理念及方法创新

3.Discussing about the Professional Construction of Instructor Team in Academy;浅析高职院校辅导员队伍专业化建设

4.How To Do Well in Vocational College Political Assistants;如何做好高职院校的政治辅导员工作

5.Thinks on the Multi-location of Roles of Counselor in PE Institute;体育院校辅导员多重角色定位的思考

6.A Discussion of the Development and Management of Vocational College Counselors;试论高职院校辅导员队伍建设与管理

7.Reflections on Vocational College Counselors Work;高职院校学生辅导员工作的几点思考

8.Research on the Assistant s Quality of Higher Vocational Colleges in New Period;对新时期高职院校辅导员素质的研究

9.About the Specialization of the Political Instructor in Colleges and Universities;谈高等院校政治辅导员的“专业化”

10.Discussion on all-round Quality of Political Assistant in PE Institute;关于体育院校学生辅导员素质的探讨

11.A Commentary on the System Construction of the Instructors Quality Education of P E Colleges and Universities;体育院校辅导员素质教育体系的研究

12.Research on the Construction of Higher Vocational College Counselors Team under New Period新时期高职院校辅导员队伍建设研究

13.Some Thoughts of the Counselor Work in Higher Vocational College under the New Situation新形势下高职院校辅导员工作的思考

14.Some Considerations on Learning Atmosphere Building and Tutors’Work in Colleges高等院校学生学风建设与辅导员工作

15.The Function of the Instructor in Construction in the Harmonious Campus in the Higher Vocational Colleges;高职院校辅导员在构建和谐校园中的作用

16.The Research on Counselor Troop Construction at Local Newly-built Colleges;地方新建本科院校辅导员队伍建设研究

17.Present Situation Analysis and Countermeasures Consideration of Counselor Troop Building in Vocational Colleges and Universities;高职院校辅导员队伍建设现状分析及对策思考

18.Present Situation and Countmeasure Analysis for the Construction of Vocational College Couselors Team;高职院校辅导员队伍建设的现状及对策分析


supervisors in international studies universities外语院校辅导员

3)arts institute艺术院校

1.Based on the analysis on the main problems in English writing of students ofarts institutes, this paper discusses a writing task teaching design that takes "stimulating writing interests" and "enriching writing contents" as aims, is based on text contents and related to students majors.基于对艺术院校学生在英语写作中存在的主要问题分析,探讨了一项以"激发写作兴趣"和"充实写作内容"为目的、基于课文内容且与学生专业相关的写作任务教学设计。

4)Art colleges艺术院校

1.Taking readjustment of superior sources in comprehensive art colleges as starting-point, the paper expounds efficient wars to cultivate skill-oriented talents in vocational colleges of comprehensive art.本文主要从综合艺术院校优势资源的整合利用入手,阐明以实践基地为保障、以剧(节)目为载体,引领建立在表演艺术基础上的艺术与科技、艺术与管理相结合的各专业综合实践,是综合艺术高职院校技能型人才培养的有效途径。

2.The students\" humanistic quality in art colleges is not satisfactory,which embodies in three levels of knowledge,ability and culture.当前艺术院校学生人文素质不容乐观,具体表现在知识、能力和修养三个层面。

3.With the deep-going of educational reform & large scales of newcomers into colleges,the vulnerable students groups in universities especially in art colleges seem to enlarge all the more.随着我国教育改革的深入,生员的大规模扩招,高校尤其是高等艺术院校学生弱势群体渐有扩大之势,其类型有经济弱势群体、心理弱势群体、专业学习弱势群体、交往弱势群体等。

5)art college艺术院校

1.Construction and practice of the new mode of two curriculum in theart college;在艺术的琴弦上演奏“两课”教学改革之歌——艺术院校“两课”教学新模式的构建与实践

2.The status quo of cultural teaching of college English in theart colleges and universities and countermeasures for improvement;艺术院校大学英语文化教学的现状及改进对策

3.On the Oral English Teaching in Art College;对艺术院校学生口语教学的探讨

6)art institutes艺术院校

1.The thesis raises doubts and reflections on the evaluating mechanism ofart institutes in the multiple-development viewpoint of art.艺术院校的学术评估机制无疑在学院的发展过程中起着导向性的作用,它的价值取向将最终决定学院在当代艺术格局中所扮演的角色。

2.The article recalls the processes of the practice and inquiries of the credit system in our higherart institutes, basedon which analyses what should be settled in carrying forwards the reform of the credit system.本文主要回顾了我国高等艺术院校实践和探索学分制教学管理模式的大致过程,并在此基础上着重分析了当前进一步推进学分制教学改革所要解决的基本问题。


辅导员1.帮助和指导学习﹑工作的人。 2.专指少年先锋队员的指导者。由共青团选聘,任务是辅导少先队中队或大队委员会开展工作。
