900字范文 > 汉语思维 Chinese thinking英语短句 例句大全

汉语思维 Chinese thinking英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-30 00:14:13


汉语思维 Chinese thinking英语短句 例句大全

汉语思维,Chinese thinking

1)Chinese thinking汉语思维

1.The Analysis of Chinese Thinking Effects on the English Teaching in Senior High School;论汉语思维对高中英语教学的影响

2.This paper, through comparing the difference between English and Chinese in four sides, analyses the negative effect ofChinese thinking on English writing and puts forward the suggestions.不少英语作文的问题出自语言表达方面 ,笔者从英汉语言差异的角度 ,分四个层面探析汉语思维对英语作文的负影响 ,并提出应对措施。

3.This article investigates the issue of ambiguity in English expression from the perspective of the interference ofChinese thinking,which may result in ambiguous uses of abstract and general terms,incoherent connections of clauses,failure to convey the exact idea meant to express and so forth.本文从汉语思维的影响这一角度来探究英语表达的清晰问题,并就应对措施提出了一些建议。


1.On the Chinese Way of Thinking Affecting the Use of Concise English Expressions in Writing;汉语思维对英语写作简洁用语的影响

parative Analysis on Thinking Modes of Chinese "Holism" and English "Individualism"“整体性”汉语思维与“个体性”英语思维对比分析

3.English Composition Affected by Chinese Thought Pattern and Suggestions for Its Improvement;试析汉语思维模式对英语写作的制约

4.The Negative Influences of Chinese Thinking Patterns on English Writing汉语思维模式对英语写作的负面影响

5.Study on the Influence of Chinese Thinking Mode on Written English by Chinese Undergraduates汉语思维模式对大学英语写作的影响

6.An Investigation of the Chinese Thinking Pattern Influence on the English Text;汉语思维方式对英语语篇影响的调查研究

7.The Impact of Chinese Thinking on the Text Structure in English Writing汉语思维模式对英语写作语篇结构的影响

8.Thought Modes Embodied in Chinese-Uygur Grammatical Structure;试论汉维语法结构中体现的思维方式

9.English Sentences with Inanimate Subjects and Different Mental Properties Between English and Chinese;英语无灵主语句与英汉思维特征对比

10.Influence of Chinese and English Thinking Patterns on Oral English汉、英思维模式对英语口语表达的影响

11.The Thought Method and Cultivating of Chinese Language Rule;汉人的思维方式与汉语语言规则的养成

12.Translation of Four-Character Phrases Based on the mode of Thinking of the Chinese People;从汉民族思维模式看汉语中四字成语及其翻译

13.English-Chinese Bilingual Multidimensional Spreading Activation Model of Language and Thinking英—汉双语语言与思维多维激活扩散模型的研究

14.Cultural Influence on Discourse Thought Pattern of the Chinese Learners in L2 English Composition;汉语文化对二语习得者语篇思维模式的影响

15.A Contrast of English-Chinese Thinking Differences and Language Expression Styles;英汉思维差异与英汉语言表达方式对比

16.The Example Analysis on the Thought of the Characters form of the Chinese Characters Cognition Community in the Chinese Language Society;汉语社会中识字社群的汉字字形思维例析

17.The Different English-Chinese Thought Patterns and Their Reflection on Pragmatic of Social Language;论英汉民族思维模式与英汉社交语用差异

18.Viewing English and Chinese Thinking Modes from the Phenomenon of Improper Word Order in Translation从英汉翻译中语序不当现象看英汉思维差异


the way of thinking in chines e and the way of thinking in English汉语思维和英语思维

3)Chinese thinking pattern汉语思维方式

4)Chinese mode of thinking汉语思维模式

5)English and Chinese thinking-style英汉语思维模式

6)differences of thinking mode英汉民族语言思维差异


