900字范文 > 适当改造 proper modification英语短句 例句大全

适当改造 proper modification英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-25 06:03:33


适当改造 proper modification英语短句 例句大全

适当改造,proper modification

1)proper modification适当改造

2)contemporary reform当代改造


1.The Present Reconstruction of Chinese Traditional Thinking;从诗性走向方法:中国传统思维的当代改造任务

2.The true men of action in our time, those who transform the world, are not the politicians and statesmen, but the scientists.当代改造世界的真正的行动家不是政治家,也不是国务活动家,而是科学家。

3.Modern Manufacturing Mode and Education Reformation;现代制造系统模式与当前的教育改革

4.A Brief Talk on Principles to Redesign Landscape for Industrial Heritages;浅谈当代工业遗产景观改造设计的原则

5.Modern Implication of Seeking Truth from Facts--Reviewing Improving Our Study by Mao Zedong;实事求是之当代意蕴——重温《改造我们的学习》

6.Socialist Market Economy and "The Reform of Chinese National Character"--Reflections on Contemporary Signification of Marxism;社会主义市场经济与“改造国民性”──马克思主义当代中国化断想之一

7.Establishment of Contemporary Mathematics Courses Transformation Principles;当代教育观念下计算机技术改造数学课程原则的建立

8.Choice of Teachers Creative Work in Reform of Contemporary Education;当代教育改革背景下教师创造性劳动内容的选择

9.The Contemporary Significance of Kant s Thought of Peace --Reformation of Kant s Thought of Peace by Habermas and Rawls;康德和平思想的当代意义——哈贝马斯、罗尔斯对康德和平思想的改造

10.Right-brain Revolution and Creative Education: Understanding Tendency of Contemporary Educational Reform;右脑革命与创造教育——对当代教育改革发展趋势的认识

11.The Advancement and Reformation of Mordern Poetry现代诗歌的进步与改造

12.We should do our Best to protect and improve our ecological environment, so as to ensure that our economic development will not only meet the current needs of this generation, But Benefit future generations as well我们要努力保护和改善生态环境,使经济发展既满足当代的人需要,又造福于子孙后代

13.Appropriate Design: The Design Theory of Product Model;适当设计:产品造型的当代设计理念

14.The correct view is that the more the remoulding, the greater one"s self-respect. If anything, the result should be a sense of self-respect since one has awakened to the need for remoulding.应当是越改造越自尊,应当是自尊感,因为是自己觉悟到需要改造。

15.Ding-ling was a commissary of the authors turning to revolutionary asceticism.丁玲的转变,颇为典型地代表了当时左翼作家自我改造与自觉选择的方向。

16.The reform and opening-up endeavor is an embodiment and a creative development of the Chinese spirit of constantly striving for self-perfection and renovation in modern times.改革开放,是中华民族自强不息和变革创新精神在当代的集中体现和创造性发展。

17.Admit,Rebuild and Innovate--Explore Ideological and Political Education Innovatively in the Field of Contemporary Popular Culture;接纳改造创新——当代流行文化视域中的大学生思想政治教育工作新探索

18.Modern China reform"s route selectionstructure reform当代中国改革的路径抉择——结构型改革


contemporary reform当代改造

3)community renovation suitable for the elderly适老改造

4)Appropriate reconstruction适度的改造

5)self-adapting transformation自适应改造

6)Appropriated Adaptation适宜改造观


