900字范文 > 民居形态 morphology of residence英语短句 例句大全

民居形态 morphology of residence英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-30 21:18:36


民居形态 morphology of residence英语短句 例句大全

民居形态,morphology of residence

1)morphology of residence民居形态


1.The Settlement and the People Residence Appearance Analysis in Liang Village of Pingyao County;平遥梁村的聚落形态和民居形态分析

2.On the Traditional Settlement Patterns and the Geographical Features of Residence in the Three Gorges Area论三峡传统聚居与民居形态的地域特征

3.A Study on Architectural Form and Culture of Northeast of Hunan Province;湘东北地区大屋民居形态与文化研究

4.The Research on Modern Conversion of the Modality Characteristic of the Traditional Folk Residence in Hunan Central-South Region;湘中南地区传统民居形态特征的现代转换研究

5.From Traditional Residential Form to Modern City Residential Architecture Space Form;传统民居聚居形态向现代城市住宅空间的演变

6.Dwelling Built from the Soul--Morphologic Research of Tibetan Folk-Houses by Experimental Method;从心而起的居所——西藏民居的实验形态研究

7.Residential Space Containing Spirit Contents:Architectural Form and Residential Culture of Mosuo Folk Houses有精神意义的居住空间——摩梭民居的建筑形态和居住文化

8.Study on the Urban Form、Traffic Pattern and Resident Traffic Mode;城市形态、交通模式和居民出行方式研究

9.Research on the Common People Residence and the Settlement Shape of Lanxi Goulanyao Village;江永兰溪勾蓝瑶族古寨民居与聚落形态研究

10.The Comparison Traditional Courtyard Dwellings s Space in Grayer Brick Manner of Zhejiang with Fujian;浙闽传统灰砖合院式民居空间形态比较研究

11.A Study on Traditional Yard-outside and Patio-inside Dwelling Architecture Pattern in Xiangnan;湘南传统外庭院内天井式民居建筑形态研究

12.A Research on the Consumption Conformation of Citizen under Consumerism s Impact;消费主义影响下的城市居民消费形态研究

13.The Research on the Gathered Shape and Architectural Language of Traditional Residential Building in NingBo;宁波传统民居聚集形态与建筑语言的研究

14.Identification and Analysis of Current Residential Consumption Pattern in China;对我国当前居民消费形态的认定与分析

15.An Analysis of Recreation Emotion Based on Changsha Residents Lifestyle;长沙市居民生活形态的休闲娱乐情感分析

16.The Construction Form of the Ancient Southern Houses and the Planning of Modern City Public Space;江南古民居建筑形态与现代城市公共空间规划

17.The Influence of Natural Ecological Environment on the Style of Bai Dwelling Houses;自然生态环境对白族地区民居建筑形式的影响

18.The Research of Residential Space Shape Pillowing Mountain and River in Yixing Ancient Shushan South Street宜兴蜀山古南街枕山临水型民居空间形态研究


The evolution of vernacular architecture民居形态演进

3)residents attitudes居民态度

4)ecological residents生态民居

1.The techniques ofecological residents in well-being towns and villages of Northwest西北生态民居村镇小康住宅技术

5)habitation modality居住形态

1.Analysis of transition and causes of in-city villageshabitation modality;“城中村”居住形态的变迁及成因分析

2.Study on Transformation and Renewal of Habitation Modality of "Village in City" in Xi an;西安市“城中村”居住形态的变迁与更新研究

6)living modality居住形态

1.Kunming Peripheral Rural Living Modality of Development Patterns;昆明周边农村居住形态发展模式探索

2.Current Situation and Transition of Living Modality of "Urban Village"--Study Case of Xi an;“城中村”居住形态的现状及演变——以西安市为例


安徽民居 安徽民居其布局一般都以三合院或四合院为基本单位,但宏观世界与北京的院落形式有别。根据当地气候、地形的特点,安徽传统的民居建筑多为各种造型的二层楼房,有的依山傍水,有的参差起伏,有的层楼叠院,精致朴素、堂皇俊秀。安徽民居代表西递村简介 西递村位于安徽省黄山市黟县东南部,四面环山,两条溪流从村北、村东经过村落在村南会源桥汇聚。现存明、清古民居124幢,祠堂3幢。2000年11月30日,被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产名录。 西递村是一处以宗族血缘关系为纽带,胡姓聚族而居的古村落,该村源于公元11世纪,发展鼎盛于14-19世纪。20世纪初,随着我国封建宗法制度的解体,西递村的发展也日趋缓慢。由于历史上较少受到战乱的侵袭,也未受到经济发展的冲击,村落原始形态保存完好,保持着历史发展的真实性和完整性。 西递村以一条纵向的街道和两条沿溪的道路为主要骨架,构成东向为主、向南北延伸的村落街巷系统。所有街巷均以黟县青石铺地,古建筑为木结构、砖墙维护,木雕、石雕、砖雕丰富多彩,巷道、溪流、建筑布局相宜。村落空间变化韵味有致,建筑色调朴素淡雅,体现了皖南古村落人居环境营造方面的杰出才能和成就,具有很高的历史、艺术价值。西递的石、砖、木三雕,堪称西递三绝。
