900字范文 > 最低油耗寻优模式 Minimizing fuel consumption mode英语短句 例句大全

最低油耗寻优模式 Minimizing fuel consumption mode英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-23 00:35:51


最低油耗寻优模式 Minimizing fuel consumption mode英语短句 例句大全

最低油耗寻优模式,Minimizing fuel consumption mode

1)Minimizing fuel consumption mode最低油耗寻优模式

2)minimum fuel consumption mode最小油耗模式

1.The results of numerical simulations of maximum thrust mode andminimum fuel consumption mode using SQP and LP respectively show that SQP algorit.给出了SQP算法与LP算法用于最大推力模式和最小油耗模式仿真结果对比曲线。


1.Performance Optimization of Turbofan Engine Minimizing Fuel Consumption Mode某涡扇发动机最小油耗模式性能优化算法研究

2.Optimization Programming Model for Optimal Velocity Problems with ATIS and Fuel Consumption考虑ATIS和油耗影响的最优速度优化模型

3.Research on Commuter Bus Running Mode and Fuel Consumption Simulation Evaluation营运客车运行模式及燃油消耗仿真评价研究

4.Study of Power Consumption Minimization for Semi-Track Air Cushion Vehicle Based on Fuzzy Control;基于模糊控制的半履带气垫车能耗最小化研究

5.Studies on Water Consumption Characteristics of Winter Wheat and Summer Maize under Different Planting Patterns;不同种植模式下冬小麦夏玉米耗水特性研究

6.Oil holdup modeling of oil-water two-phase flow using thermal method based on LSSVM and GA基于最小二乘支持向量机和遗传算法的热式油水两相流含油率建模

7.Research on Plane Two Dimension Water & Sediment Mathematical Model Based on the Theory of Minimum Rate of Energy Dissipation;基于最小能耗率原理的河道平面二维水沙数学模型研究

8.Fred: You mean, because of the recent crude oil prices? Is your car a 2)gas-guzzler?佛瑞德:??是说,因为最近原油的价格???的车很耗油吗?

9.Simplification and application of calculation formula for linear contact minimum lubricant film thickness线接触最小油膜厚度计算公式的简化及应用

10.Recursive Partial Least-squares Modeling of Aromatics and Olefins in Gasoline递推偏最小二乘法的油品芳烃烯烃成分建模

11.Multi-product Pricing Method Based on Min-buying Pattern;基于最小购买模式的多产品定价方法

12.Study on the Minimum Number of Cars in Fixed-point Departure Mode定点发车模式中最小编成辆数的研究

13.Minimization of XML tree pattern queries under DTD constraintsDTD约束下的XML树模式查询最小化

14.The petrol consumption of the big car as very high.这辆大的小汽车耗油量很大。

15.Modeling and Verification of Fuel Consumption Calculating Model for Passenger Vehicles客车燃油消耗计算模型的构建及验证

16.Research on Fuel Mass Consumption Model of Scout Missile巡飞弹燃油消耗质量的数学模型研究

17.Design of simulate auto oil-consumption tester一种模拟自动耗油检测试验器的设计

18.synergic ascent最优上升(以最佳速度、最小燃料消耗量上升)


minimum fuel consumption mode最小油耗模式

1.The results of numerical simulations of maximum thrust mode andminimum fuel consumption mode using SQP and LP respectively show that SQP algorit.给出了SQP算法与LP算法用于最大推力模式和最小油耗模式仿真结果对比曲线。

3)minimum specific fuel consumption最低燃油消耗率

4)optimal model最优模式

1.Designingoptimal model of townie garbage industry in China;我国城市生活垃圾产业最优模式设计


6)Steepest descent optimization最陡寻优


最小辐亮度与最小辐照度(见核爆炸火球)最小辐亮度与最小辐照度(见核爆炸火球)minimum-brightness and minimum-irradiancezuixiao fuliangdu yu zuixiaofu乙haodu最小辐亮度与最小辐照度(minimum-brightness and而nimum一irradianee)见核爆炸火球。
