900字范文 > 最优保存 elitist model英语短句 例句大全

最优保存 elitist model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-07 19:36:37


最优保存 elitist model英语短句 例句大全

最优保存,elitist model

1)elitist model最优保存

1.In order to avoid local minimum points during training BP network,adaptive crossover mutation algorithm andelitist model algorithm were used,which could optimize the weight and bias of BP network so as to build a hyb rid genetic algorithm neural network.为了避免BP神经网络在训练过程中收敛于局部极小的缺陷,采用自适应交叉变异、最优保存的混合遗传算法对BP网络的权值和阈值进行优化,从而提出一种新的基于混合遗传算法的神经网络模型。

2.The method useselitist model to ensure the convergence.算法采用最优保存策略来保证全局收敛性。



2.The Elitist Genetic Algorithm Base on Genetic Warehouse基于基因库的最优个体保存遗传算法

3.Optimal Investment Policies for an Insurer Facing Different Interest Rates for Saving and Borrowing;不同存贷利率下保险盈余的最优投资问题

4.Optimal Model of Hedging Based on the Deposit and Increment Portfolio;基于存量与增量组合的最优套期保值决策模型

5.Keeps inventories as low as possible to adequately supply the operation‘ s needs and maximise inventory turnover and space utilisation.保证库存量满足酒店运行所需物资的充裕底线,优化仓库面积使用率并且使存货周转率最大化。

6.It is safest to deposit your money in the bank.钱存入银行最保险。

7.Equivalence between the Inventory-Optimal Oddment Allocation and the Backorder-Optimal One;零头分配中库存最优与缺货最优的等价性

8.An optimal model of spare parts is set up according to modern stock theory and tradeoff between the cost of spare parts and the maximal availability of the materiel.按照现代库存理论,综合权衡备件经费与装备的最大可用度,建立备件供应保障的优化模型。

9.Deposit Insurance,Moral Risks and Optimal Monitoring of Banks --An Analytical Framework and Its Application in China;存款保险、道德风险与银行最优监管——一个分析框架及其在中国的应用

10.Cost and Optimal Warranty Length in Warranty Planning;保修计划中的成本与最优保修期研究

11.A study of the dynamic optimal inventory/pricing policies in a homogeneous inventory system;时齐库存系统的最优动态存储和定价问题研究

12.Study for optimal inventory/pricing problems of nonhomogeneous inventory system;非时齐库存系统的最优存储/定价问题研究

13.Optimal Inventory Model for Single Deteriorating Item under the Effect of Time-Limited Free Back-orders;耐烦期有限的库存系统的最优存贮模型

14.The necessary and sufficient condition of the optimal control existing in the stochastic Navier-Stokes equation;随机Navier-Stokes方程最优控制存在的条件

15.An Optimal Production-Inventory Policy for Deteriorating Items;一类变质性物品的最优生产-库存策略

16.Optimal Auctioning and Ordering in an Inventory-pricing System;库存/定价系统下的最优拍卖与订购

17.Optimal Control on Stochastic Inventory Systems with Time-Limited Free Backorders;有限耐烦期随机库存系统的最优控制

18.The Rule Model of Perishble Asset Optimization;基于易腐性特征的最优库存决策模型


elitist method保存最优解策略

1.The first method is the newelitist method, which replaces the worst individuals with the recorded peaks between the selection and the crossover of the genetic algorithm.一种策略是新的保存最优解策略 ,即在遗传算法的选择和杂交两个阶段之间 ,用已经找到的某些峰替代当前种群中最差的部分个体 ;另一种策略是对那些与已找到的峰相近或相似的个体采用较高概率进行变异 ,而不是将其适应值降低。

3)elitist strategy最优保存策略

1.A newelitist strategy in genetic algorithms.;一种新的遗传算法最优保存策略

2.New input operator and delete operator are proposed,andelitist strategy is used.本文提出的基于遗传算法的移动机器人路径规划,用栅格表示移动机器人的工作环境,采用序号编码和与此编码机制相适应的遗传操作算子,并增加了新的插入算子和删除算子,同时应用了最优保存策略,最后得到移动机器人在由栅格表示环境下的最短无碰路径。

3.The improvements of NGA are as following:the discriminating standard L for distances among individuals set as dynamic function to keep the diversity of colonies;theelitist strategy is adopted to ensure the convergence of the algorithm;the circling strategy of local extreme values is used as auxiliary termination principle to avoid falling into local optima.算法主要做了以下改进:设置个体之间的距离判别标准L为动态函数,保持了群体的多样性;采用最优保存策略保证算法的收敛性;采用局部最优徘徊策略作为辅助终止原则,避免陷入局部最优情况。

4)saving best result algorithm最优保存算法

1.This algorithm imports simplex searching algorithm,saving best result algorithm and eliminating near best result algorithm based on niche selection technology.它在小生境技术的基础上引入单纯搜索算法、最优保存算法和近优淘汰算法,并使之相互结合。


1.TheElitist Genetic Algorithm Base on Genetic Warehouse基于基因库的最优个体保存遗传算法

6)optimal individual conserving method最优个体保存策略

1.The conventional genetic algorithm is improved by theoptimal individual conserving method to avoid the early mature which is the drawback of the conventional genetic algorithm.通过将传统的遗传算法进行改造,采用了最优个体保存策略,以避免传统遗传算法的早熟现象,得到全局最优个体,克服了传统遗传算法的固有弱点,同时加快了传统遗传算法的收敛速度,进而获取电梯群控调度的优化解,算例及仿真结果表明了该方法的有效性。


克罗米通 ,优乐散,优力斯,巴豆酰甲苯胺药物名称:克罗米通英文名:Crotamiton别名:克罗米通 ,优乐散,优力斯,巴豆酰甲苯胺外文名:Crotamiton,Eurax适应症: 用于疥疮。 用量用法: 治疗前洗澡,揩干,将本品从颏下涂搽全身皮肤,特别在皱折、手足、指趾间、潮湿部位如腋下和腹股沟;24小时后涂第2次,再隔48小时洗澡将药洗去,穿上干净衣服,更换床单等;配偶和家中同患者同治。对顽固病例,1周后重复1次;亦有人主张每天涂搽1次,连续5-7天。 注意事项: 可引起接触性皮炎,急性炎症性糜烂或渗出性皮肤损害禁用;勿接触眼睛和粘膜;若误服本品,应立即洗胃。 规格: 克罗米通霜剂。软膏剂:10%. 类别:皮肤病用药
