900字范文 > 化稳性 chemical stability英语短句 例句大全

化稳性 chemical stability英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-06 21:38:45


化稳性 chemical stability英语短句 例句大全

化稳性,chemical stability

1)chemical stability化稳性

1.In this article,the method of producing the glass from the goldmine-tails has been studied, and the bending strength,chemical stability, density, thermal expansivity of the glass have been measured.研究了利用金矿尾砂熔制玻璃的方法 ,测定了基础玻璃的抗折强度、化稳性、密度、热膨胀性等理化性能。

2.The structure of borosilicate glass was analyzed by IR,the thermal expansion coefficient,expansion softening temperature andchemical stability were tested.研究结果表明:硼硅酸盐玻璃中引入Al2O3后,随着Al2O3加入量的增加,玻璃结构中[BO3]增多,[BO4]减少;玻璃的热膨胀系数先增大后降低,软化温度降低;硼硅酸盐玻璃中引入适量Al2O3后对玻璃的化稳性有改善作用。

2)emulsification stability乳化稳定性

1.Octenyl succinic anhydride modified potato starch(OSAS)with low-viscosity was prepared using acid- alcoholysis treatment,and the properties in submicroscopic morphology,RVA profile characteristics,transparency,ret- rogradation stability andemulsification stability were compared among native potato starch,acid-alcohol treated starch, OSAS,and acid-alcohol treated OSAS.用酸醇解法制备了低黏度辛烯基琥珀酸马铃薯淀粉酯,并将其与马铃薯原淀粉、辛烯基琥珀酸马铃薯淀粉酯和酸醇解马铃薯淀粉在显微形态、RVA图谱、透明度、凝沉稳定性和乳化稳定性上的特点进行了研究对比;结果表明:经酸醇解和辛烯基琥珀酸酐酯化处理后,明显提高了马铃薯淀粉的透明度、凝沉稳定性和乳化稳定性。

2.The functionalities of the products were measured,and the results showed that theemulsification stability and wetting ability were significantly improved.并对酶解后的粉末磷脂性能进行了测定,结果表明酶解后的粉末磷脂乳化稳定性和润湿能力都得到了明显改善,酶解后的粉末磷脂HLB值可以达到9左右。

3.Especially about the viscosity of different products, theemulsification stability, the embedding ability and the comparison of store stability were studied.主要研究了不同原料的酶解辛烯基琥珀酸淀粉酯的制备及其性质特征,着重比较了其粘度、乳化稳定性、包埋能力及作为壁材的微胶囊油脂的贮藏稳定性。


1.Stability and demulsification of ASP flooding production oily wasterwater三元复合驱采出水乳化稳定性及破乳的研究

2.The Study of The Influence of Sodium Alga Acid on The ES of SPI海藻酸钠对大豆分离蛋白乳化稳定性的研究

3.chemical stability test methods for synthetic rubber latex合成胶乳的化学稳定性测定方法

4.Response surface method to optimize the prescription of emulsion stabilizer of the lactic acid fermented beverage响应面法优化活性乳酸菌饮料乳化稳定剂配方

5.Effect of Sodium Citrate during Heat Processing of Milk Protein Emulsions柠檬酸盐对牛乳蛋白乳化液热稳定性的影响

6.freeze-thaw cycle stability test methods for compounded latex合成胶乳的冻结-融化循环稳定性试验

7.Study on Improving Storage Stability of Powdery Emulsion Explosive;提高粉状乳化炸药贮存稳定性能研究

8.Effect of Oil Phase Materials on Thermal Stability of Emulsion Explosives油相材料对乳化炸药热稳定性的影响

9.Performance Research of Emulsified Bitumen Cement-Stabilized Crushed-Stone Pavement乳化沥青水泥稳定碎石路用性能研究

10.Study on the emulsifying capacity and emulsion stability of soluble protein from sweet potato leaves甘薯叶可溶性蛋白乳化性及其稳定性研究

11.Effect of Modified Phospholipids Composite Emulsifiers on Stability of Emulsion Explosive改性磷脂复合乳化剂对乳化炸药稳定性的影响研究

12.Modification of glucose oxidase with galactosylation for enhancing its thermostability半乳糖苷化修饰葡萄糖氧化酶提高其热稳定性

13.This thesis has advanced several measures to raise emulsive explosives stability through the study of several factors affecting emulsive explosives stability.通过研究影响乳化炸药稳定性的几个因素,提出了提高乳化炸药稳定性的几种措施。

14.The stability of the emulsion is strongly influenced by particle size.颗粒的尺寸对乳化作用的稳定性有很大的影响。

15.Visual Study on Stability and Ion Transport of Emulsified Liquid Membrane;乳状液膜的稳定性及离子传递的可视化研究

16.Effect of Different Factors on the Physical and Chemical Stability of Pesticides Microemulsion;不同影响因子对农药微乳剂理化稳定性的影响

17.Study on the Stability of the Emulsion Explosive and the Method of Characterizations;乳化炸药的稳定性及其表征方法的研究

18.Study on the Stability and Optimization of Formulated Sour Soybean Milk Processing调配型酸豆乳的生产工艺优化及其稳定性研究


emulsification stability乳化稳定性

1.Octenyl succinic anhydride modified potato starch(OSAS)with low-viscosity was prepared using acid- alcoholysis treatment,and the properties in submicroscopic morphology,RVA profile characteristics,transparency,ret- rogradation stability andemulsification stability were compared among native potato starch,acid-alcohol treated starch, OSAS,and acid-alcohol treated OSAS.用酸醇解法制备了低黏度辛烯基琥珀酸马铃薯淀粉酯,并将其与马铃薯原淀粉、辛烯基琥珀酸马铃薯淀粉酯和酸醇解马铃薯淀粉在显微形态、RVA图谱、透明度、凝沉稳定性和乳化稳定性上的特点进行了研究对比;结果表明:经酸醇解和辛烯基琥珀酸酐酯化处理后,明显提高了马铃薯淀粉的透明度、凝沉稳定性和乳化稳定性。

2.The functionalities of the products were measured,and the results showed that theemulsification stability and wetting ability were significantly improved.并对酶解后的粉末磷脂性能进行了测定,结果表明酶解后的粉末磷脂乳化稳定性和润湿能力都得到了明显改善,酶解后的粉末磷脂HLB值可以达到9左右。

3.Especially about the viscosity of different products, theemulsification stability, the embedding ability and the comparison of store stability were studied.主要研究了不同原料的酶解辛烯基琥珀酸淀粉酯的制备及其性质特征,着重比较了其粘度、乳化稳定性、包埋能力及作为壁材的微胶囊油脂的贮藏稳定性。

3)chemical stability化学稳定性

1.Study on thechemical stability of PVDF/PVC membrane;PVDF/PVC膜化学稳定性研究

2.Affecting factors onchemical stability of antibacterial borosilicate glass;抗菌玻璃化学稳定性影响因素研究

3.Effect of glass containerschemical stability on quality of liquor and method of test;玻璃瓶盛酒容器化学稳定性对白酒质量影响及试验方法探讨

4)emulsion stability乳化稳定性

1.Study onemulsion stability of lysophospholipids;溶血磷脂乳化稳定性研究

2.When beef tallow content was about 20%,the flavor and texture of emulsion could be improved and theemulsion stability was 99.实验结果表明,添加牛油的肥牛脂肪与未加牛油的相比乳化稳定性大大提高,可达到99。

3.The relativeemulsion stability was analyzed.本文测定了低粘度辛烯基琥珀酸淀粉酯和阿拉伯树胶的粘度,并分别采用低粘度的辛烯基琥珀酸淀粉酯和阿拉伯树胶作色拉油微胶囊体系的壁材,测定了乳状液的乳化稳定性和产品的微胶囊包埋率及贮存稳定性。

5)chemical durability化学稳定性

1.Study on thechemical durability of high doped rare earth phosphate glass;高掺量稀土磷酸盐玻璃化学稳定性的研究

2.The preparation andchemical durability study of high doped rare earth PAB glass;高掺杂稀土PBA玻璃的制备及其化学稳定性研究

3.Study onchemical durability of Y 2O 3 and Gd 2O 3 contaning La 2O 3 B 2O 3 BaO glass;对含Y_2O_3和Gd_2O_3的La_2O_3-B_2O_3-BaO玻璃化学稳定性研究

6)emulsifying stability乳化稳定性

1.The studies onemulsifying stability of SPI;大豆分离蛋白(SPI)乳化稳定性的研究

2.Study on the effect of several stabilizers onemulsifying stability;几种稳定剂对核桃炼乳乳化稳定性的增效作用研究

3.Effects of emulsification conditions onemulsifying stability of the soybean oil powder;乳化条件对饲用大豆粉末油脂乳化稳定性的影响


