900字范文 > 毛泽东诗词 Mao Zedong Poems英语短句 例句大全

毛泽东诗词 Mao Zedong Poems英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-26 08:09:24


毛泽东诗词 Mao Zedong Poems英语短句 例句大全

毛泽东诗词,Mao Zedong Poems

1)Mao Zedong Poems毛泽东诗词

1.On Images of Heroic Groups inMao Zedong Poems;论毛泽东诗词中的群体英雄形象

2.The use of allusions is one important characteristic of Mao Zedong poems,and their appropri- ate translations are of the utmost importance to the translation of Mao s poems.大量用典是毛泽东诗词的一大特点,典故的恰当处理对毛诗的翻译至关重要。

3.Making a general observation of the Mao Zedong poems,the personages directly relating are many.纵观毛泽东诗词,直接涉及的人物很多。


1.The Social and Historic Concept of Mao Ze-dong Reflected in His Poetry;从毛泽东诗词看毛泽东的社会历史观

2.Mao Zedong the Poet of the Red Flag: A Comment on the Red-Flag Image in Mao Zedong s Poetry;红旗诗人毛泽东——评毛泽东诗词中的“红旗”意象

3.Poetry with Aethetics, Poetry of Inscripting History--New Views on the Poetry of Mao TseDong;以美铸诗 以诗证史——毛泽东诗词新论

4.Defence of Mao Zedong s Poems --Discussion with Mr.Zhou Zexiong on Mao Zedong s Poems;为毛泽东诗词一辩——就《说说毛泽东诗词》一文与周泽雄先生商榷

5.Functions and Grammatical Meanings of Quantifiers in Chairman Mao’s Poems;毛泽东诗词量词功能及语法意义简论

6.Mao Zedong"s Poem Theory and His Creative Practice--Co-discussion on the Artistic Style of Mao Zedong"s Poems毛泽东的诗学理论与创作实践——兼论毛泽东诗词的艺术风格

7.These versions of Mao"s poems are still performed today.这些毛泽东诗词均为传诵至今的名篇。

8.The Translator s Roles: Specifics in the English Translations of Mao Zedong Poems;从《毛泽东诗词》的翻译看译者的角色

9."Integration of Human and Nature" in Mao Zedong s Poets(Ⅱ);毛泽东诗词中的“天人合一”因素(2)

10."Integration of Human and Nature" in Mao Zedong s Poets (Ⅰ);毛泽东诗词中的“天人合一”因素(1)

11.On Metaphors of Personified Mountains in Mao Zedong s Poems;试论毛泽东诗词中“山”的人格隐喻

12.Interpreting the Mountain Images in Mao Zedong’s Poetry;山的情结——毛泽东诗词中“山”的意象解读

13.On the Reproduction of Meaning in Some Mao Zedong s Poems--A Comparative Study;英译毛泽东诗词的意义传译比较分析

14.Translation of Two Chinese Characters in Mao Zedong s Poems;毛泽东诗词中“万”、“飞”两字英译比较

15.LIU Ji-kun s Research About the Poems andSpeeches by MAO Ze-dong as a Scholar from Hongkong;香港学者刘济昆对毛泽东诗词的研究

16.About the Position in the Chinese Literary History of Mao Zedong s Poems;论毛泽东诗词在中国文学史上的地位

17.On the Application of Mao Zedong Poetry in Middle School History and Geogrophy Teaching;毛泽东诗词在中学史地教学中的运用

18.Deconstruction and Reconstruction:On the Outlookof History in Mao Tsetung s Poems andCiPoetry;解构与建构——论毛泽东诗词的历史观


Poems of Mao Tsetung毛泽东诗词

1.Translation of English and Chinese Numerals with Semantic Fuzziness——English Translation of “Ten Thousand” inPoems of Mao Tsetung;论英汉语义模糊数字的翻译——兼论《毛泽东诗词》中“万”字的英译

2.Poems of Mao Tsetung(PMT)are abundant in numerals.善用数字是毛泽东诗词的一个显著特点。

3)Collection of Mao Tsetung"s poetry毛泽东诗词集

4)study of Mao Zedong Lyrics毛泽东诗词研究

5)the songs of Mao Tse-tung"s poems毛泽东诗词歌曲

6)Appreciation of Poems by Mao Zedong毛泽东诗词鉴赏


