900字范文 > 回波模拟 echo simulation英语短句 例句大全

回波模拟 echo simulation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-22 00:02:26


回波模拟 echo simulation英语短句 例句大全

回波模拟,echo simulation

1)echo simulation回波模拟

1.In order to evaluate the results of this system in practical application, a mathematical method based on Monte Carlo analysis was put forward, which includes two parts, asecho simulation and detection probability calculation.给出了雷达检测概率测试系统,并提出了一种基于MonteCarlo法的数学算法以评估该系统在实际应用时所得的测试结果,它主要包括回波模拟和检测概率计算两个部分。

2.According to the requirement of high frequency ground wave radar s test and the extraction reference of target information in HF ground wave radar, a responder is designed to complete the tasks of radar scaling, multichannel receiver calibration,echo simulation, and target management combining with the secondary radar s work principle.针对高频地波雷达测试的要求以及目标信息的提取依据,设计应答器来完成雷达定标、多同道接收机校准和回波模拟的任务,同时结合二次雷达的工作原理来实现目标管理的目的。

3.In order to evaluate the results of this system in practical application, a mathematical method based on Monte Carlo analysis was put forward, which includes two parts, asecho simulation and detection probability calculation.给出了雷达检测概率测试系统,并提出了一种基于MonteCarlo法的数学算法以评估该系统在实际应用时所得的测试结果,它主要包括回波模拟和检测概率计算两个部分。


1.Design and implementation of ground echo simulator for radar altimeter基于大地回波仿真的回波模拟器设计实现

2.SAR Raw Data Simulation of Urban Scenes Based on CSG model基于CSG模型的SAR城区回波模拟

3.A High Accuracy All-Programmable Radar Video Echo Simulator高精度全可编程雷达视频回波模拟仪

4.Airborne SAR echo simulator based on LabVIEW基于LabVIEW的机载SAR回波模拟器设计

5.A Method for Design of Radar Video Echo Simulator雷达视频回波模拟器的一种设计方法

6.Raw Signal Simulation of Airborne SAR Based on Trajectory Deviations基于运动误差的机载SAR回波模拟方法

7.Fuze Visual Point-object Simulation and Noise Collection System引信点目标回波模拟及杂波采集测试平台实现

8.Research on Weather Echo Signal Simulation in Radio Frequency Simulation System;射频仿真系统中气象回波模拟技术的研究

9.Echo Modeling and Simulation in a Fuze Target Simulator引信目标模拟器中回波的建模与仿真

10.The simulation with simple harmonic analysis on the performance of a regenerator was carried out.采用谐波分析法,对回热器进行了模拟。

11.Numerical Simulation on Microwave Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasma;微波电子回旋共振等离子体数值模拟

12.Numerical Simulation of Beam-Wave Interaction in the Gyrotron Oscillators;回旋管振荡器注波互作用的数值模拟

13.Study on Echoed Signal Simulation of Airborne SAR;机载合成孔径雷达回波信号模拟研究

14.Design of Wideband Radar Target Echo and Jamming Simulator宽带雷达目标回波和干扰模拟器设计

15.Simulation Method Research of SAR Echo Wave Signal一种SAR回波信号模拟方法的研究

16.Simulation and Realization of Target Echo Signals Based on Simulink基于Simulink的目标回波信号模拟与实现

17.The Research on Acoustic Signal Storage and Simulation of Underwater Target水下目标存储与回波波形模拟技术的研究

18.Simulation and Analysis of a Ka-band gyrotron traveling wave amplifierKa波段回旋行波放大器的数值模拟和分析


simulated echo模拟回波

1.According to Doppler theory,simulated echo signal comprise the corresponding Doppler Spectrum, then ocean current velocity can be simulated.并根据模拟回波信号中包含有相应的多谱勒谱的信息 ,模拟了海流的流速 。


1.An ocean Return Signal Simulator (RSS) and the principles of theRSS with its means of testing and calibrating for a satellite altimeter were given.给出了回波模拟器的原理及其对卫星高度计的测试和定标方法。

2.Sea surface return signal simulator(RSS) receives and processes the chirp signal transmitted by radar altimeter.海面回波模拟器能够接收和处理高度计信号,产生海面回波波谱来调制高度计信号,最后精确延时后发射回高度计,是在地面对高度计进行测试和定标的一种有效手段。

3.The principles and performance of an experimental Return Signal Simulator(RSS) with its means of testing and calibration for radar altimeter were given.给出了自行研制的回波模拟器实验样机的原理、性能及其对雷达高度计的测试和定标方法,应用该样机对神舟4号飞船的雷达高度计进行了全系统的地面测试和定标实验。

4)radar echo simulator雷达回波模拟器

1.A design of aimingradar echo simulator;炮瞄雷达回波模拟器的设计

2.Finally, an application scenario toradar echo simulator based on DRFM is established.介绍了数字射频存储器 (DRFM )的基本原理 ,重点分析了幅度量化引起的寄生信号电平 ,并给出其输出信号的表达式 ,提出了DRFM设计中需要重点考虑的几个因素 ,最后给出了DRFM在雷达回波信号模拟中的应用 ,提出了一种基于DRFM技术的雷达回波模拟器方案设

3.This paper introduces the work principles,hardware circuit structure and application of a pintsized multifunctionalradar echo simulator,which can generate various waveforms needed.雷达回波模拟器在雷达系统的性能测试中具有广泛的应用。

5)SAR data simulationSAR回波数据模拟

6)Radar echo simulation雷达回波模拟


