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宋本 Song edition英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-21 19:00:14


宋本 Song edition英语短句 例句大全

宋本,Song edition

1)Song edition宋本

1.Differential textural research on carvingSong edition of Shang han lun (On Cold Pathogenic Disease);宋本《伤寒论》版本考辨

2.Original YuPian andSong edition revised by the people in Song Dynasty are different manifestations of YuPian in different periods.原本《玉篇》和经宋人重修的宋本《玉篇》是《玉篇》在不同阶段的表现形式,它们在编撰体例、词义训释等方面一脉相承。


1.The Han Shan Poetry Anthology collected in Gong Nei Department of Japanese Is Not Song Dynasty s Block-printed Edition: A Textual Research;日本宫内省藏宋本《寒山诗集》非宋刻本考

2.On Guang Yun of Song Edition;关于《宋本广韵》版本几个问题的探讨

3.Reorganization on the Yiwen of Thirteen Classics Explanatory Notes and Commentaries Quoted from YuPian;宋本《玉篇》引十三经注疏異文整理

4.A Comparison between the Song Dynasty Edition of Yupian and the Supplementary Characters of He Rei;宋本《玉篇》与《说文解字》新附字比较

5.An Explanation of He Juan (禾绢);釋《南史·宋本紀》之“禾絹閉眼諾”

6.The alteration of phonetic notation and the source of Yupian;切语用字的调整与宋本《玉篇》的来源

7.Textual Research on "Xiang Bo", a Misnomer from Treatise on Febrile Disease;宋本《伤寒论》中“相搏”为“相摶”之讹误考

8.Block-printed books did not appear until the Song Dynasty.及至宋代,方有刻本。

9.Acceptable Text Norm and Aesthetic Perspective of Modern Song Poetry of "Song Poetry Faction"近代“宋诗派”宋诗接受的范型文本与美学视角

10.The Analysis on TANG Wen-cui Version from Shaoxing Edition;从宋绍兴本看《唐文粹》的文本系统

11.The Reseach of Basic Characteristics and Causes of Huaben Novels in Song and Yuan Dynasties宋元话本小说的基本特征及成因研究

12.A Brief Account On Three Shiguwen Rubbings of the Northern Song Dynasty --With Refuting Xu Baogui s"the Find of Another Shiguwen Rubbing of the Northern Song Dynasty;《石鼓文》北宋三拓本述要——兼评徐宝贵“又一北宋拓本之发现”

13.Textual Reading of Helin Jade Crystal Bits, The Edition of Historical Notes of the Tang and Song Dynasties《唐宋史料笔记丛刊》本《鹤林玉露》校读记

14.Explanation about the Novel of Love, a Kind of the Vernacular Novel Prevalent during the Song and Yuan Dynasties from the Perspective of Carnivalization;宋元话本情爱小说的狂欢化视角解读

15.The Succession and Deviation of Zhejiang-printed Books in Song Dynasty to Ouyang Style Calligraphy;宋浙刻本对唐欧体书法的传承与变异

16.Formation of Zhang Fei s Residential hero image In the Song Yuan story-telling script novel;宋元话本与张飞市民英雄形象的定型

17.Corrigenda to the Proof Edition by Chinese Publishing House of the Astronomy Part in the Records of Song Dynasty;中华书局校点本《宋书·天文志》正误

18.The Emendation of the Phonetic Notations of the Song-Ba Edition of Wang Ren Xu s Kan Miu Bu Que Qie Yun;宋跋本王仁昫《刊谬补缺切韵》音注补苴


Song-Yuan script宋元话本

1.Song-Yuan script for story-telling has some effects on Ming-Qing chapters novel on some aspects, such as forms of literature, synopsis, language characteristics and so on.宋元话本在体裁形式、内容题材、语言特色方面对明清章回小说的影响 ,章回小说逐渐在内容、形式上摆脱了话本而独立存在。

2.Song-Yuan script for story-telling has some effects on Ming-Qing chapters novel on some aspect such as forms of literature,synopsis,language characteristics and so on.宋元话本是说话艺术异常发达的产物,明清社会的政治、经济都为章回小说提供了生存的土壤,而宋元时期的话本则是章回小说的直接源泉,它对章回小说的内容、语言等方面都产生了深刻影响。

3)The woodblock-reprinted Song Dynasty"s books翻刻宋本

4)The version made in Song dynasty宋刻本

5)block-printed edition of Sichuan district in Song Dynasty宋蜀刻本

6)Edition of Northern Song Dynasty北宋本


