900字范文 > 篮球运动训练 motion training of basketball英语短句 例句大全

篮球运动训练 motion training of basketball英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-19 14:38:49


篮球运动训练 motion training of basketball英语短句 例句大全

篮球运动训练,motion training of basketball

1)motion training of basketball篮球运动训练

1.The research on tire and recovery ofmotion training of basketball;篮球运动训练疲劳及恢复手段探讨


1.The Four Phases in the Evolvement of Basketball Training;刍议篮球运动训练发展演变“四步曲”

2.ON HOW TO IMPROVE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF BASKETBALL TRAINING IN A CLASS--The source trace to the downslipping of Chiness Basketball Sports略论如何提高篮球运动训练课的质量——兼论中国篮球运动滑坡探源

3.The principle of ankle joint and its prevention of basketball athlete in university;篮球运动员拼抢篮板球的技术及训练方法

4.How to Raise and Train Basketball Athlete s Basketball Consciousness;试论篮球运动员篮球意识的培养与训练

5.Basketball Player how to Cultivate and Train Basketball Consciousness;篮球运动员如何加强篮球意识的培养与训练

6.A Study on Training College Basketball Players to Obtain Attacking Rebounds;高校篮球运动员拼抢进攻篮板球技术训练初探

7.Discussion about psychologycal training of basketball in different training periods;浅析不同训练时期的篮球运动员心理训练

8.Discussion On Cultivating The Movement Consciousness In Basketball Teaching Training;刍议篮球教学训练中运动意识的培养

9.Discussion on Improving Basketball Consciousness During the Players Skill Training Period;在技术训练中培养运动员的“篮球意识”

10.On body center of basketball player and its training;试论篮球运动员的身体重心及其训练

11.Study on the Training of Being Nasty to Stop to Gump the Hurl in basketball Teenager atheletes;青少年篮球运动员急停跳投训练初探

12.Train of Bounce of Basketball Player in Early Stage;篮球运动员少儿时期弹跳力训练探讨

13.On the cultivation of the player s power of observation in basketball training;论篮球训练中运动员观察能力的培养

14.The Application of False Action in Basketball Teaching and Trainning;浅谈假动作在篮球教学训练中的运用

15.The Potentialities in the Early Stage Training ShouldBe Exploited for Improving the Individual Abilityof Chinese Basketball Players;试论篮球运动员早期训练潜力的开发

16.Introduction to Basketball Guard training Methods篮球后卫运动员的技术训练方法介绍

17.The Analysis on Psychological Training Methods of Middle School Basketball Athletes浅谈中学篮球运动员的心理训练方法

18.Effects of Isokinetic Exercises on Vertical Jump of Basketball Player等速训练对篮球运动员弹跳力的影响


basketball training篮球训练

1.Origin and development of self-regulation theory and its application inbasketball training;自我调控理论及其在篮球训练中的应用

2.Relations between teenager s culture study andbasketball training;青少年运动员文化学习与篮球训练的关系

3.The authors propose that the coach, in thebasketball training, should learn to know how to make full and reasonable use of the four methods of diagnosis to monitor the athletes performance, cooperation, fatigue, as well as the rational use of technical and tactical training, their physiology and psychology, and then.下文探讨了在篮球训练中,教练员应如何充分合理地运用好中医四诊,通过对队员的表现、训练的配合程度、训练的疲劳程度、技战术运用的合理性,以及对队员的生理、心理适应能力进行了解。

3)eye movement training眼球运动训练

1.Objective To compare the effects of simpleeye movement training andeye movement training combined with traction test on the vision after orbital blowout fracture.目的观察单纯眼球运动训练和眼球运动训练辅助牵拉试验在眼眶爆裂性骨折术后患者眼肌力训练中的应用及对患者视功能的改善作用。

2.Objective To investigate the applying effects of simpleeye movement training andeye movement training combined with traction test on vision recovery after orbital blowout fracture.目的分析单纯眼球运动训练和眼球运动训练辅助被动牵拉训练在眼眶爆裂性骨折术后患者眼肌力训练中的应用及对患者视功能的改善作用。

4)Amateurish basketball teaching篮球业余训练

5)basketball skill training篮球技术训练

1.In the trend of the modernbasketball skill training development, the systematic theory, and controllable theory has begun involved.在现代篮球技术训练发展趋势中,系统论、控制论等理论思想越来越深入到其中,通过对系统的控制要素研究和系统的控制机制研究,促进篮球技术训练的科学化、现代化。

6)after school basketball training课余篮球训练

1.Theafter school basketball training is the important composition part of school sport work, it is the important measure that raises the level of basketball and reserves future force for the basketball cause of our country.学校课余篮球训练是学校体育工作的重要组成部分,是为我国篮球事业培养后备军,提高篮球水平的重要措施。


