900字范文 > 载频 Carrier frequency英语短句 例句大全

载频 Carrier frequency英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-19 12:22:12


载频 Carrier frequency英语短句 例句大全

载频,Carrier frequency

1)Carrier frequency载频

1.An algorithm to detect carrier frequency of DS signals based on blind source separation;一种基于盲源分离的直扩信号载频检测算法

2.Research on coded digital signal carrier frequency;叠加数字信号载频选择的研究

3.Blind estimation of MPSK carrier frequency;MPSK信号载频盲估计


1.modulation frequency ratio调制频率与载频之比

2.single-channel carrier frequency telephone terminal单路载频电话终端机

3.multichannel carrier-frequency telephone terminal多路载频电话终端机

4.ratio of carrier-to-interfering signal载频信号对干扰信号比

5.colour multiplexing彩色副载频正交调制

6.A Realtime Detection Approach of Carrier and Modulating Frequency of Tramroad FSK Signal车载FSK信号载频和调制频率的实时检测方法

7.Principle and Suggestion of Optimization Design of Carrier Frequency Arrangement and Transition in Station车站载频布置及载频切换优化设计原则与建议

8.Frequency Regulation Frequency regulation is a measure that states the difference between no-load and full-load frequency as a percentage of full-load frequency.频率调整率频率调整率是指空载和满载之间频率的差别与满载频率的百分比。

9.A Carrier Frequency Estimation Method of Non-cooperative Underwater Acoustic Direct-Sequence Spread-Spectrum Signal Under Low-CNR非合作水声低载噪比直接序列扩频信号的载频估计方法

10.radio-frequency carrier射频载波, 高频载波

11.adjacent audio carrier邻(频)道伴音载波

12.adjacent video carrier邻(频)道图象载波

13.modulator carrier调制器载(波)频(率)

14.Frequency spectrum element, carrier frequency. Frequency type can be specified.频谱元件,载波频率。可指定频率类型。

15.modulation frequency-carrier ratio调制频率-载波比率

16.chrominance subcarrier reference色度副载波基准频率

17.high -frequency channel高频电路, 载波电话通路

18.voice-frequency carrier teletype音频载波电传打字机


Carrier Frequency载波频率,载频

3)co-channel carrier同频道载频

4)loading frequency加载频率

1.Experiments on strain pseudoelastic property of shape memory alloy(SMA) were carried out and the Influence of temperature,cyclic number andloading frequency on pseudoelastic property of SMA were investigated.对形状记忆合金(Shape Memory Alloy,简称SMA)的超弹性特性进行了试验研究,得到了SMA的超弹性特性随环境温度、循环加载圈数以及加载频率等因素的变化规律,为进一步开发SMA被动阻尼器奠定了基础。

2.The frequency of strain burst, the amplitude of strain bursts, B, and the shear stress drop, D, were discussed in terms of the applied strain amplitude and cyclicloading frequency.研究了应变幅和加载频率对[123]Cu-16%Al单晶在循环形变中的应变突发行为的影响。

3.Fatigue crack growth behavior of DZ17G at room temperature is studied at different testing conditions of loading direction andloading frequency.研究了定向凝固高温合金DZ17G在不同加载取向及加载频率条件下的室温疲劳裂纹扩展行为。

5)carrier frequency protection载频保护

6)load frequency载荷频率

1.Influence ofload frequency and heat treatment on fatigue crack propagation rate of die-casting alloy AZ91HP;载荷频率和热处理对压铸镁合金AZ91HP疲劳裂纹扩展速率的影响

2.Three variables as temperature,load frequency and stress ratio are the critical parameters affecting fatigue crack growth behaviour in metallic material.温度、载荷频率和应力比是影响材料疲劳裂纹扩展行为的主要因素。

3.Analysis results with displacementload frequency of 0.针对空气弹簧分析过程中所存在的气压载荷问题,采取多步分析的思路,基于离散求和法APDL编写胶囊容积计算宏,应用于空气弹簧的垂向和横向动态力学性能分析,得出了位移载荷频率分别为0。


