900字范文 > 大坝渗水 Seepage of dam英语短句 例句大全

大坝渗水 Seepage of dam英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-17 10:55:08


大坝渗水 Seepage of dam英语短句 例句大全

大坝渗水,Seepage of dam

1)Seepage of dam大坝渗水

2)dam seepage大坝渗流

1.Based on Guidelines for Reservoir Dam Safety Evaluation(SL 258—2000),a seepage stability evaluation for the dam of Xiashan Reservoir was carried out by analysis of the monitoring data ofdam seepage with finite element method(FEM) and analysis of its operation behavior.按照SL 258—2000《水库大坝安全评价导则》要求,采用渗流观测资料分析、渗流有限元计算分析及运行表现分析方法,对峡山水库大坝渗流安全进行评价。

2.Correlation between factors has an effect on the analysis ofdam seepage observation data.大坝渗流观测资料分析中,各因子间常存在不同程度的相关性,这种相关性有时会对分析效果产生较大的影响,另外,通常的回归模型为线性模型,难以精确反映一般为非线性函数的因变量的变化规律。


1.The Design of Dam Seepage Monitoring System and the Seepage Simulation with Computer;大坝渗流监测系统设计及渗流计算机模拟

2.Analysis of Effect about Cushion Blanket of Concrete-faced Rockfill Dam Foundation upon Dam Seepage Flow;面板坝建基面垫层铺盖对大坝渗流的影响分析

3.Research on Analyzing Dam Seepage Based on ANSYS;基于ANSYS的大坝渗流分析研究

4.Seepage Analyse and Stability Calculation to the to Pusamiao Reservoir Dam菩萨庙水库大坝渗流计算及稳定分析


6.The Seepage Computer Monitoring and the Monitoring Date Analyzing of Lian Hua Dam;莲花大坝渗流计算机监测及观测数据分析

7.Transfusion Analytical Study on the Dam of Heihushan Reservoir"s Elimination the Dangerous Reinforcement Project黑虎山水库除险加固工程大坝渗流分析研究

8.Analysis on dam seepage of Yunlong Reservoir during the first storing-up period云龙水库初蓄期大坝渗流观测资料分析

9.Analysis of seepage and stability for main dam of Gaoqiaogou reservoir房县高桥沟水库大坝渗流和稳定性分析

10.Analysis on Seepage and Reinforcement Design Program of Caohe Reservoir Dam漕河水库大坝渗流分析及加固设计方案探讨

11.Analysis on seepage monitoring data of Yunpeng earth-rockfill dam云鹏水电站大坝渗流安全监测资料分析

12.Observation and Analysis of Seapage Around Abutment in Left Bank of Liujiaxia Dam刘家峡大坝左岸绕坝渗流的观测与分析

13.Analysis on change pattern of groundwater seepage in the right abutment of Hunanzhen dam湖南镇大坝右坝肩地下渗流变化规律分析

14.Study on Seepage in the Dam Base of Xiaolangdi Project on Yellow River;黄河小浪底水利枢纽工程大坝坝基渗流分析

15.Seepage Control and Numerical Analysis of Daxigou Asphalt Core Rockfill Dam大西沟沥青心墙坝防渗处理和渗流分析

16.Seepage Characteristics of Danjiangkou Water Control Project Dam Foundation丹江口水利枢纽大坝地基的渗流特性

17.Seepage might cause leakage, piping effect, landslide and even endanger the whole dam.堤坝的渗流会导致渗漏、管涌、滑坡甚至危及整个大坝的安全。

18.How to recognize the dam seepage and seepage failure type and calculate seepage of dam is very importance.如何认识堤坝渗漏机理、渗透破坏类型和渗流计算具有很大的意义。


dam seepage大坝渗流

1.Based on Guidelines for Reservoir Dam Safety Evaluation(SL 258—2000),a seepage stability evaluation for the dam of Xiashan Reservoir was carried out by analysis of the monitoring data ofdam seepage with finite element method(FEM) and analysis of its operation behavior.按照SL 258—2000《水库大坝安全评价导则》要求,采用渗流观测资料分析、渗流有限元计算分析及运行表现分析方法,对峡山水库大坝渗流安全进行评价。

2.Correlation between factors has an effect on the analysis ofdam seepage observation data.大坝渗流观测资料分析中,各因子间常存在不同程度的相关性,这种相关性有时会对分析效果产生较大的影响,另外,通常的回归模型为线性模型,难以精确反映一般为非线性函数的因变量的变化规律。

3)dam seepage flow大坝渗流

1.Rainfall and water level show lagging effect and nonlinear ondam seepage flow;and the relationship between rainfall and water level is coupled;therefore,the mechanism of dam seepage is very complex.降雨和库水位对大坝渗流表现出一定的滞后性和非线性,且降雨和库水位之间本身又存在一定的耦合关系,渗流的机理比较复杂。

4)dam permeation大坝渗透

5)dam seepage大坝渗漏

1.Analyzing thedam seepage with the plunging salt method, we discover the major seepage zone of the dam and draw a conclusion that the seepage zone of zhonglu reservoir dam is located in the foundation of the dam but not the dam body.为了查明大坝的主要渗漏部位 ,并分析钟吕水库大坝渗漏的原因 ,采用投盐法作了试验和分析 ,获得较满意的结果。

6)risk-removal of ill-conditioned and dangerous reservoirs大坝截渗


达西渗流定律流体在多孔介质内运动的基本规律,也是从宏观角度描述渗流过程的统计规律。这个定律是1856年法国水利工程师H.-P.-G.达西为解决水的净化问题从大量实验中总结出来的。达西对水通过均匀砂层的缓慢流动作了大量实验,研究表明:单位时间流过砂层的体积流量Q与横截面积A、测压管水头差h1-h2成正比,与流过的砂层长度L成反比:式中Q/A=v为渗流速度;(h1-h2)/L=J为水力坡度。上式也可写成: v=KJ, (1)式中 K为标志渗流能力大小的实验常数,称为渗透系数。它既与砂层的结构有关,又与流过的流体性质有关。由量纲分析知,,其中ρ、μ分别为流体的密度和动力粘性系数;g为重力加速度;k称为介质的渗透率。式(1)又可写作: 。 (2)式(1)或式(2)都是达西渗流定律,它表示渗流速度与水力坡度呈线性关系,故称达西线性渗流定律。实验发现,随着雷诺数Re的增加,多孔介质中的流动状态经历三个区域:①线性层流区:粘性力占优势,达西定律成立,上限约在Re=10左右;②非线性层流区(过渡区):为主要被惯性力制约的层流,达西定律不成立,上限约在Re=100左右,在上限附近开始有层流到湍流的过渡;③湍流区:惯性力占优势,达西定律不成立。由此可见,从上限雷诺数方面偏离达西定律与层流到湍流的过渡不是完全等价的。在渗流速度很低时,流体与介质间的表面分子力作用显得更为重要。部分液体的滞流现象使孔隙度发生变化,从而引起渗透率的相应变化。实验表明,这时孔隙度和渗透率均随渗流速度的增加而增加,速度到某一临界值后不再变化,因此不遵循达西定律。在雷诺数大于上限Re数的情况下,应该用"渗流的二项式定律"代替达西定律,即J=Av+Bv2,式中A、B为决定于流体和介质性质的常数。在雷诺数小于下限Re数情况下,非线性渗流定律的一般形式可写为: ,式中f(J)为小雷诺数情况下渗透率随水力坡度的变化函数关系,由实验确定。以上主要是单相流体达西渗流定律;对于多相流体,达西定律对每一相仍然成立,只需将渗透率修正为该相的相渗透率即可。参考书目J.Bear, DynamicsofFluidsinPorous Media,American Elsevier,New York,1972.
