900字范文 > 茎段快繁 rapid shoot cuttings propagation英语短句 例句大全

茎段快繁 rapid shoot cuttings propagation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-23 16:53:12


茎段快繁 rapid shoot cuttings propagation英语短句 例句大全

茎段快繁,rapid shoot cuttings propagation

1)rapid shoot cuttings propagation茎段快繁


1.Study on the Technique System of Micropropagation in Vitro of Tea Plant and Variety about Organic Ingredient between Test Tube Plant and Outside Plant;茶树的茎段快繁与组培苗内含物变化的研究

2.Preliminary Study on the Embryo Culture, the Rapid Propagating System of the Stem Segments and Ploidy Breeding in Punica Granatum L.石榴胚培养、茎段快繁体系及倍性育种研究初报

3.Study on tissue culture in vitro and rapid propagation of Barbados nut(Jatropha curcas L.) stem麻疯树茎段离体培养及快速繁殖研究

4.Study on in vitro propagation of Alhagi sparsifolia cuttings疏叶骆驼刺茎段离体快繁技术的研究

5.Studies on Rapid Propagation Technology of Stem Segments in vitro of Hongxianmi Hylocereus undatus红仙蜜火龙果茎段离体快繁技术研究

6.Controlling Contamination of Stem Segment with Axillary Bud in Vitro Culture of Eucommia Ulmoides;杜仲带芽茎段快速繁殖中的污染及控制

7.The tissue culture and the establishment of rapid propagation of Jatropha curcas stem麻疯树茎段组织培养及快繁体系的建立

8.In Vitro Shoot Culture and Rapid Propagation of Chinese Tallow Trees for Energy Forests能源林树种乌桕茎段离体培养与快速繁殖

9.Studies on Rapid Propagation Technology of Common Buckwheat Stem Segments普通荞麦植株茎段快速繁殖技术的研究

10.Stems with axillary buds from Cardinal, elite of China rose, were used as explants for in vitro rapid propagation.以月季良种红衣主教带腋芽茎段为外植体进行离体快速繁殖研究 .

11.Shoot apex culture and rapid propagation of Dieffenbachia Tropic Marianne玛丽安万年青的茎尖培养与快速繁殖

12.Study on the Technical System of Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation in Daphne Odora Var.marginata;金边瑞香茎尖外植体快繁技术的研究

13.Micropropagation of Rubber Tree(Hevea brasiliensis) by Employing Mature Stem as Explants巴西橡胶成龄无性系茎段的试管微繁技术研究

14.In Vitro Propagation of Oncidium by Bud and Inflorescence Culture文心兰的茎尖及花梗组织培养和快速繁殖

15.Study on Rapid Cultivation Seedlings and Anti-tensile Strength of the Rhizomes of Phragmites Ites Cammunis;芦苇的快速繁育方法及其根茎抗阻拉力研究

16.Detoxification, Rapid Propagation and Pharmacodynamics of Crocus Sativus L;番红花球茎脱毒、快速繁殖及药效学研究

17.Research on the Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation Technique of Giant Anthurittm andracanum Shoot Tip巨型红掌茎尖组织培养及快繁技术的研究

18.Technological Study on High Efficiency of Virus-free Recovery of Potato by Meristem Tip Culture, Rapid-micropragation and Microtubers Multiplying;高效马铃薯茎尖脱毒、快繁及微型薯繁育技术研究


Stem section reproduction茎段繁殖

3)"Two-step" cutting"二段法"快繁

4)rapid propagation快繁

1.Tissue culture of stem apex and shootrapid propagation of ginger;姜茎尖的离体培养与试管苗快繁

2.Study on the optimum temperature forrapid propagation of Ophiopogon japonicus;矮生沿阶草快繁适宜温度条件的研究

3.Progress in the tissue culture andrapid propagation of Siraifia grosvenorii;罗汉果组织培养与快繁研究进展

5)fast propagation快繁

1.Fast propagation of Thompson seedless by tissue culture;无核白鸡心葡萄组培快繁技术研究

2.The results show that the root neck is the best explant of tissue culture andfast propagation for Anigozanthos manglesii.结果表明:根颈是曼氏袋鼠爪组培快繁的最适外植体;诱导芽生长的最适培养基为MS+6-BA 2。

3.This paper also established thefast propagation system of asparagus-fern.并初步建立了文竹的快繁体


1.A study on tissue culture and rapidpropagation of rose;月季组培快繁技术的研究

2.The improving research on thepropagation technology of Paeonia suffruticosa is conducted by stimulating mass of new buds based on the newly tender shoot of Paeonia suffruticosa as cultivating plants.以牡丹的当年生茎尖为外植体进行簇生芽诱导,对牡丹的快繁技术进行改良研究。

3.Propagation system of loquatThree differentpropagation systems of loquat were compared, by shoot tip culture, immature embryo culture and mature .包括枇杷快繁体系的建立;枇杷试管苗常规离体保存各影响因子的研究;枇杷种质资源低温保存和枇杷种质资源的超低温保存研究几个方面。


