900字范文 > 土壤坚实度 soil density英语短句 例句大全

土壤坚实度 soil density英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-29 07:26:56


土壤坚实度 soil density英语短句 例句大全

土壤坚实度,soil density

1)soil density土壤坚实度

1.Thesoil density and humidity before and after the bed-irrigation sowing changed knowing from analyzing the data of them.通过对施水前后土壤坚实度与土壤含水率测试数据分析,表明用本播种机施水后可改变土壤坚实度与含水率。

2.Thesoil density and humidity before and after the bed-irrigating sowing changed knowing from analyzing the Data of them.通过对施水前后土壤坚实度与土壤含水率测试数据分析,结果显示,施水后改变了土壤坚实度与含水率。

2)soil compaction土壤坚实度

1.Data fromsoil compaction test shows that the upper layer of soil is more compact than the lower layer especially above 10cm,and its compaction data is bigger than the data from lower layer.因此,可以利用土壤坚实度的改变作为评价该地区车辆通过后对沙地影响的指标。

3)stabilized soil坚固土壤

4)stiff soil坚硬土壤

5)Soil compaction土壤压实度

1.The MASW method used in soil compaction study;多道面波分析方法在测量土壤压实度方面的应用研究

2.A real-time measuring system of soil compaction;车载行进式农田土壤压实度实时测量系统

3.Soil compaction is a natural phenomenon which causes atmosphere and water to be not able to flow freely in soil because of the losing of pores among soil granules.本文旨在寻找测量土壤压实度的新方法。


1.The MASW method used in soil compaction study多道面波分析方法在测量土壤压实度方面的应用研究

2.Vibratory Acceleration and Soil"s Compaction Status Connection Analysis振动加速度与土壤压实状况关系分析

3.Soil compaction often makes soil structure destroying and soil degrading.土壤的压实往往造成土壤结构的破坏和土壤的退化。

4.The Experimental Study on Unconfined Compressive Strength of Soil Stabilizer;土壤固化剂无侧限抗压强度试验研究

5.Preliminary Study on Physical Properties of Soil Compact in Land Consolidation in Loess Plateau黄土区土地整理压实土壤物理性状的初步研究

6.Experiment Research of Alfalfa Soil Compaction by Mowing Machine;割草机对苜蓿地土壤压实的试验研究

7.Aeration porosity is more sensitive than total and capillary porosity to reflect soil compaction degree.与总孔隙度和毛管孔隙度相比,通气孔隙度在反映土壤压实时更为敏感。

8.soil consistence土壤结持度, 土壤稠性

9.Effect of Heavy Machinery Operation on Soil Aggregates Character in Phaeozem Region机械压实对黑土区耕作土壤团聚体特征的影响

10.homogeneous compaction of fill slope填土斜坡的均等压实度

11.Applying of Piezoelectric Type Soil Hygrometer in Agriculture Automation压电式土壤湿度计在农业自动化中的应用


13.The Research on Metrical Equipment of Soil Compaction Based on Conceptual Design;基于概念设计的土壤压实测量装置研究

14.Study on Compaction Effects during Soil Water Characteristic Curve Measurement;土壤水分特征曲线测定过程中的压实效应研究

15.Experiment and application on new technology for compacted soil irrigation with punching machines冲压机械密实土壤灌溉节水新技术试验及应用

16.Effects of controlled traffic tillage on soil physical properties固定道压实对农田土壤物理性状的影响

17.A Simulating Devices of Arable Soil Compaction一种模拟农田土壤机械压实装置的研究

18.Effect of Antecedent Moisture Content on Soil Structure Compacted by Machinery前期含水量对机械压实土壤结构特征的影响


soil compaction土壤坚实度

1.Data fromsoil compaction test shows that the upper layer of soil is more compact than the lower layer especially above 10cm,and its compaction data is bigger than the data from lower layer.因此,可以利用土壤坚实度的改变作为评价该地区车辆通过后对沙地影响的指标。

3)stabilized soil坚固土壤

4)stiff soil坚硬土壤

5)Soil compaction土壤压实度

1.The MASW method used in soil compaction study;多道面波分析方法在测量土壤压实度方面的应用研究

2.A real-time measuring system of soil compaction;车载行进式农田土壤压实度实时测量系统

3.Soil compaction is a natural phenomenon which causes atmosphere and water to be not able to flow freely in soil because of the losing of pores among soil granules.本文旨在寻找测量土壤压实度的新方法。

6)soil compaction土壤紧实度

1.Effects ofsoil compaction on the chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and growth of Malus hupehensis seedling;土壤紧实度对平邑甜茶幼苗生长及叶绿素荧光参数的影响

2.Effects ofsoil compaction on grain yield and quality of wheat;土壤紧实度变化对小麦籽粒产量和品质的影响

3.The results showed that the increase ofsoil compaction depressed plant height of cucumber seedling significantly after planting 15 days;the width and length of the forth leaf after fix planting 9~17 days increased;stem thickness of plants,biological yield,economic yield,economic coefficient and total absorptive capacity of .6 g/cm3的土壤进行盆栽试验,研究了土壤紧实度对黄瓜生长、产量及养分吸收的影响。


土壤水力传导度土壤水力传导度hydraulic conductivity of soil土壤水力传导度的测定方法较多,饱和土壤的渗透系数常用达西试验装置测定。非饱和土壤水力传导度常用垂直土柱入渗法,水平短土柱法,瞬时剖面法等方法测定。但这些方法均假设土壤各向同性,故在田间运用中有一定的局限性。turang shull.chuandaodu土壤水力传导度(hydraulie eonduetivityof 5011)单位水力梯度下,土壤水流通量。其量纲为〔L尹‘〕,常用厘米/秒或米/日表示,亦称导水率,是分析土壤中水流运动的重要参数。根据达西定律,一维垂直土壤水流运动方程为:~,‘口功一一八戈胡— d之式中q为土壤水的通量;z为垂直坐标;0为土壤体积含水率;K(a)为土壤水力传导度,当土壤为非饱和时,为e的函数;当土壤饱和时,是与土壤含水率无关的常数,记作凡功为土壤的总水势,包括重力势和基质势两部分,即当之向下为正时: 梦一功m一之式中砂。为基质势。在土壤处于饱和状态时,土壤水力传导度常称为渗透系数。由于土壤饱和时,所有孔隙都充满了水,且都可以导水,所以土壤的水力传导度最高。在非饱和土壤中,有些孔隙是充气的,土壤的横断面上导水孔隙减少,水力传导度降低。同时,在吸力增加时,最先排出的是大孔隙中的水分,其余土壤水分在较小孔隙中流动,而水在孔隙中流动的速度又是随孔径的减小而减小,因此,非饱和土壤水力传导度也随之降低。另外,当大孔隙中水排出后,它就成为水流流向相邻孔隙的障碍,这也是非饱和土壤水力传导度降低的一个原因。由于上述缘由,土壤水从饱和过渡到非饱和时,土壤水力传导度将急剧降低。当吸力从零增加到0.1兆帕(l巴)时,土壤水力传导度可以降低几个数量级(有时降低到饱和时数值的1/100000)。土壤水力传导度与含水率或吸力有密切关系,以一个非饱和的水平土柱为例,当水流在吸力作用下流动时,若土柱两端的吸力水头保持恒定,则水通量是稳定的。若土柱很短,使两个观测点的距离较小,可计算出土样的某一平均吸力时的平均水力传导度(即 △X_,_,、,:.~一~__、.___、__.。。.___K-Q巍之。其中“肋水平距离,么瓜为两观测点的吸力差)。在同一平均吸力时,通量与吸力梯度成正比。可是,通量和吸力梯度关系直线的斜率随不同的平均吸力而变(见图1)。在饱和土壤中则相反,土壤水力传导度一般不随水势或压力的数值而变。不同质地土壤水力传导度与吸力的关系如图2所示。图2表明,虽然沙质土在非饱和时水力传导度Ksl高于粘质土饱和时的水力传导度K。2。
