900字范文 > 知识产权贸易壁垒 intellectual property barrier英语短句 例句大全

知识产权贸易壁垒 intellectual property barrier英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-19 08:06:54


知识产权贸易壁垒 intellectual property barrier英语短句 例句大全

知识产权贸易壁垒,intellectual property barrier

1)intellectual property barrier知识产权贸易壁垒

1.But this monopoly will becomeintellectual property barrier if it is beyond the reasonable scope.知识产权制度从本质上保证了知识产权所有人不让竞争对手使用自己的技术或销售自己的产品而拥有一种垄断性权利,但这种"法定垄断权"超出了合理的范畴,便成为知识产权贸易壁垒。

2)the intellectual property barrier知识产权壁垒

1.With the protection of intellectual property was strengthened more and more, the conflict betweenthe intellectual property barrier about the exhaustion of exclusive rights and trade liberalization policy becomes more and more deeply.随着知识产权国际保护的不断加强,由权利用尽原则形成的知识产权壁垒和贸易自由化之间的矛盾日益突出。


1.On TRIPS and IPR Barriers in the International TradeTRIPS协定与国际贸易中的知识产权壁垒

2.The Intellectual Property Barriers to Export in Ningbo and their Countermeasures;宁波出口面临知识产权壁垒及应对策略

3.Analysis of the Forming and Enterprises Countermeasures of IP Barriers in International Trade;国际贸易中知识产权壁垒的形成与企业应对策略分析

4.The Impact and Countermeasures of IPBT to Chinese Export Produce International Trade;知识产权壁垒对我国出口贸易的影响与对策研究

5.On Two Policy Tools of Technical Barriers to Trade: Standard and Intellectual Property Right;论技术性贸易壁垒的两大政策工具:标准与知识产权

6.Law and Practice of Intellectual Property Rights in the TBR欧盟贸易壁垒条例保护知识产权的法律与实践——以“美国音乐作品许可案”为例

7.1.Definition of "intellectual property"1."知识产权"定义。

8.2.Types of intellectual property2.知识产权类型。

anisation mondiale de la propriete intellectuelle世界知识产权组织(知识产权组织)

10.Information, Intellectual Property and China s Strategy of Intellectual Property;信息、知识产权与中国的知识产权战略

11.WIPO Copyright Treaty知识产权组织版权条约

12.Recognizing that intellectual property rights are private rights;承认知识产权为私权;

13.Knowledge Representation,Knowledge Complementary and Game-theoretical Equilibria of Intellectual Property Rights;知识表达、知识互补性、知识产权均衡

14.Knowledge, Knowledge Production, Intellectual Property Rights:Jurisprudential Analysis on theBasic Concepts of Intellectual Property Rights Law;知识、知识产品、知识产权——知识产权法基本概念的法理解读

15.Research on the Impact of Knowledge-based Trade Barriers On China s Exporte Trade;知识性贸易壁垒对我国出口贸易的影响及对策研究

16.Intellectual Right v. Human Right: The International Protection of IntellectualProperty in the Post-TRIPs Ages;知识产权与人权:后TRIPS时代的知识产权国际保护

17.Promoting Industrialization of Intellectual Fruits through Intellectual Property Right Financing;以知识产权融资促进知识成果产业化

18.Ultimate Property and Corporate Value--An Experimental Testing on Incentive Effect and Entrenchment Effect of Chinese Listed Company终极产权与公司价值——对中国上市公司激励与壁垒效应的实证检验


the intellectual property barrier知识产权壁垒

1.With the protection of intellectual property was strengthened more and more, the conflict betweenthe intellectual property barrier about the exhaustion of exclusive rights and trade liberalization policy becomes more and more deeply.随着知识产权国际保护的不断加强,由权利用尽原则形成的知识产权壁垒和贸易自由化之间的矛盾日益突出。

3)Intellectual property trade知识产权贸易

1.Research on Value Assessment Issues of International Intellectual Property Trade;国际知识产权贸易中的价值评估问题研究

2.WTO and the Legal System Study of Intellectual Property Trade of Our Country;WTO与我国知识产权贸易法律制度研究

4)Brief Discussion of the Intellectual Property Barrier略论知识产权壁垒

5)trade barriers to agricultural product export农产品贸易壁垒

6)trade barriers贸易壁垒

1.The maintrade barriers and countermeasures on China s shrimp export;我国对虾出口遭遇的主要贸易壁垒及其应对措施

2.Thetrade barriers confronted by the export enterprises in Wenzhou and the corresponding solutions;温州出口企业遭遇到的贸易壁垒及应对措施

3.A sharp double-blazed sword The evasion and utilization of technicaltrade barriers;一柄锋利的双刃剑——对技术性贸易壁垒的规避与利用


