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择偶 Mate Decision英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-14 12:14:04


择偶 Mate Decision英语短句 例句大全

择偶,Mate Decision

1)Mate Decision择偶


1.Research on the Criterion of Spouse-selection and the Way of Spouse-selection of Contemporary Suzhou City Young People;当代苏州城市青年择偶标准与择偶方式研究

2.On the Epoch Characters of Mate-selecting Standard Viewed from its Changes --Choice Made by Chinese Female in the Past 50 Years since the Foundation of New China;从择偶观的变迁看择偶标准的时代性——论中国女性建国至今50多年的配偶选择

3.But now, there"s an alternative for the more scientific, intellectual single: IQ dating.可现在有了一种更科学、更知性的择偶办法---智商择偶。

4.The Sociological Research about Chang of University Teachers Criterions and Ways of Spouse-selection;高校教师择偶标准与择偶方式变迁的社会学研究

5.The Motive and Needs of the Female’s Choice of the Spouse: A Case Study of the Yi Female’s Choice of the Spouse at Zhiju Village of Chuxiong in Yunnan Province;女性择偶的动因与需求——以云南楚雄直苴村彝族择偶为例

6.An experimental study on spouse and opposite sex friends expectations in college students;青年学生择偶、择友期望行为的实验研究

7.When it comes to choosing a spouse, remember some of these facts.谈到择偶的时候,切记以上这些事实。

8.25 A maid with many wooers often chooses the worst.25求婚者越多的少女,择偶往往越差。

9.A maid with many wooers often chooses the worst.求婚者越多的少女,择偶往往越差。

10.Criteria of choosing spouse in English upper-and-middle class from 16th - 18th century16~18世纪英国中上阶层的择偶标准

11.Research of the Influences of Social Status on Male s Mate Criteria;社会地位对男性择偶标准的影响研究

12.Spouse Choosing Values of Female Postgraduates Born in 1980s;“80年后”女硕士生择偶价值观研究

13.The Mate Selection Preference of Contemporary Chinese and Influent Factors;当代中国人的择偶偏好及其影响因素

14.The Comparison between Older Young Women s Spouse Criterion of First Marriage and of Second Marriage;大龄女青年初婚与再婚择偶标准比较

15.Enhancement of Self-perceived Mate Value Precedes a Shift in Men’s Preferred Mating Strategy;男性择偶策略改变的前提:自感配偶价值提高(英文)

16.An Anthropological Investigation on Spouse Choosing in Zhaocun Village in Eastern Gansu--Women in Spouse Choosing in Gansu s Mountain Areas;对甘肃东部赵村择偶问题的人类学调查——甘肃山区择偶过程中的女性

17.Male Postgraduates Mate Preferences and Their Attitudes to Virginity;男性研究生择偶偏好及其对童贞的态度研究

18.Domain-specificity of Long-term Mate Preference among Chinese Young Females;中国青年女性婚姻择偶的领域特殊性研究


personal advertisement择偶启事

1.The paper reviews the studies and disputes concerning mate selection criteria and strategies based onpersonal advertisements(ads) in the west since 1970’s up to date, of which theoretic perspectives contain evolutionary psychology, social learning and social exchange theories.文章梳理了自20世纪70年代至本世纪初,西方以择偶启事为研究蓝本的择偶标准与择偶策略研究,展示了西方研究者运用进化心理学理论、社会学习理论与社会交换理论,对一般异性恋择偶,择偶启事回复率、初婚和再婚人士择偶,同性恋、异性恋、双性恋择偶间比较,以及网络启事择偶几方面的研究历程;预测了未来择偶启事研究的趋势应是几种理论间观点的相互借鉴与整合。

3)Mate choice配偶选择

4)choose spouse proble m择偶问题

5)slope of mate selection择偶坡度

6)mate selection criteria择偶标准


择偶过滤说择偶过滤说theory of filtering in choosing spouse择偶过滤说(theory of filtering in ehoos-ing spouse)成年男女在选择配偶的过程中,从广泛选择对象到确定互托终身的婚姻伴侣,要经过筛选淘汰。社会心理学家提出一种择偶的过滤假说,认为男女的相互选择必须经过几个发展阶段,每个阶段都是一道过滤关卡。第一是刺激阶段,双方评判对方的基本标准是生活背景、外表长相、社会地位、学历、财产等外部条件;第二是价值阶段,双方评判对方的基本标准是兴趣、爱好、态度和价值观等内部条件的相似性,而外部条件的重要性则降低了;第是角色阶段,双方评判对方的基本标准是彼此在角色行为上相互适应的程度,追求能否达到性格特性和内在需求的互补。(陈若莉撰篇会嘉高玉祥审)
