900字范文 > 侗族歌班 chorus of Dong-nationality英语短句 例句大全

侗族歌班 chorus of Dong-nationality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-13 05:18:44


侗族歌班 chorus of Dong-nationality英语短句 例句大全

侗族歌班,chorus of Dong-nationality

1)chorus of Dong-nationality侗族歌班

1.Focused on thechorus of Dong-nationality, mainly on its structure and educational function, this dissertation aims to answer the above-mentione.本文以侗族歌班为切入点,全面考察其结构和教育功能,就是试图通过这一案例从教育学的角度回答上述问题。


1.Anthropological Research of Dong Nationality"s Chorus and it"s Social Function--By the Case of Xiaohuang Village of Congjiang County侗族歌班及其社会功能的人类学研究——以从江县小黄侗寨为个案

2.Modernity and Nationality: An Investigation and Analysis on the Chorus of Dong-nationality from the Perspective of Educational Anthropology;现代性与民族性:侗族歌班的教育人类学考察与分析

3.Value Analysison Two Dong-Nationality Song Teaching in Dong-Nationality Community侗族社区内两种侗歌教学的价值分析

4.A Look at the Inheritance and Protection of the Dong Chorus from the Fact That the Dong Songs Are Introduced to Classroom;从把侗歌引入课堂看侗族大歌的传承与保护

5.Analysis of the Textual Metafunction of the Dong Pipa Song of Shangzhong;尚重侗族琵琶歌(歌词)语篇功能分析

6.Judging fromDong Nationality songs to know the scemmary of Chinese national complen voice;浅谈中国多声部民歌中的“侗族大歌”

7.On the Indigenous Eco-Singing of the Dong"s Grand Song at the Young Singers" Contest从青歌赛原生态侗族大歌引发的思考

8.Definition of Galao in Dong Minority:Research of Multiple Concept of Big Song;南侗“嘎老”名实考——兼论侗族大歌一词的多重内涵

9.An Outstanding Achievement in the Development of the History of the Dong Chorus --Historic contribution of the Chorus of the Dong folk singers;侗族大歌发展史上的一次辉煌——黎平侗族民间合唱团对侗族大歌发展的历史性贡献

10.Thoughts on the Protection and Explosion of Miao Songs and Dong Songs;对苗族飞歌、侗族大歌保护与开发的几点思考

11.The Dong ethnic group also has a legend that says the Dong people didn"t know music or dance until their ancestors got them as a grant from the Heaven.侗族也有传说,过去侗家没有歌唱,没有舞跳。后来到天上讨来歌舞,

12.On Cultural Heritage of Dong Folk Songs from the Cultural Function Change of Dong Folk Songs Performance;从侗歌展演文化功能的变迁看侗族民歌文化的传承

13.For instance, "Caigetang", also known as "Duoye"of the Dong ethnic group,例如:侗族的"踩歌堂"(亦称"多耶"),

14.The Current Status,Protection and Prospect of Dong Nationality Multigart Folk Song;侗族多声部民歌的现状及保护与发展

15.Expound on the Image of the Character Disappointed inLove in Dong Nationality s“Love Songs”;侗族“情人歌”的失恋人物形象阐释

16.On Dong - nationality Folk Songs from "Weex Yeek"从“weex yeek”看侗族民歌的特征

17.On Performance of Song and Dance with Gong & Deng among Dong Ethnic Groups怀化侗族歌舞锣鼟艺术表现形式初探

18.The Fate of Dong Folk Songs in Internet网络传播条件下侗族民歌的命运趋向


Dong folksongs侗族民歌

1.The colorfulDong folksongs are still alive broadly in the real life of Dong people.多姿多彩的侗族民歌仍然广泛存活于侗族人的现实生活中,人们演唱侗歌并非纯粹的艺术行为,而是审美交流的一种基础方式,相应地形成了一整套运用侗歌表演来展演审美习俗的繁复而固定表演机制。

3)Dong minority big song侗族大歌

1.Dong minority big song intellectual property rights protection discussion and legal protection analysis;侗族大歌知识产权保护探讨与法律保护分析

2.A Survey of Singing Styles and Forms Characteristics of Dong Minority Big Song;侗族大歌演唱及形式特征研究

4)the Dong chorus侗族大歌

1.50 -Year Studies on the Dong Chorus (continued from last lov. );侗族大歌研究50年(下)

2.An Outstanding Achievement in the Development of the History of the Dong Chorus ——Historic contribution of the Chorus of the Dong folk singers;侗族大歌发展史上的一次辉煌——黎平侗族民间合唱团对侗族大歌发展的历史性贡献

3.But with the acceleration of human modernization,the Dong chorus is continuously affected and totally shocked by modernization, external cultures and market economy.侗族大歌是侗族民间世世代代以口传心授为传承方式并流传下来的、具有自己独特完整的多声部支声复调音乐体系的无伴奏、无指挥原生性的民间合唱音乐。

5)the polyphonic Dong Chorus侗族大歌

1.From the aspect of folk musicology, it is of great value and significance to sum up and de-scribe the studies and scientific research results ofthe polyphonic Dong Chorus during the past 50 years, and to discuss the environment and the time in which the Dong Chorus came into being, and the overall form and classification of the music.从民族音乐学的角度,将50年间(1953-2002年)国内、外侗族大歌研究的成果进行归纳、描述,对侗族大歌产生的环境、产生的年代以及音乐的总体形态特征和分类等进行探讨,具有重要的价值和意义。

6)the Dong songs and dances侗族歌舞



遗传多态性──中国的民族广西三江侗族自治县侗族 金峰摄[图]
