900字范文 > 血小板配型 platelet typing英语短句 例句大全

血小板配型 platelet typing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-15 20:02:23


血小板配型 platelet typing英语短句 例句大全

血小板配型,platelet typing

1)platelet typing血小板配型

2)platelet PLA_2血小板型PLA_2


1.Study on in Vitro Antibiotic Activity of Recombinant Human Platelet Phospholipase A_2重组人血小板型PLA_2体外抗菌活性研究

2.Effects of Gouty Granule on LP-PLA_2 Value and Swollen Ankle Joint Degrees of Rat Model of Sodium Urate Arthritis痛风颗粒对尿酸钠关节炎模型大鼠踝关节肿胀度、血清LP-PLA_2的影响

3.platelet-producing megakaryocyte血小板生成型巨核细胞

4.Study on the New Platelet Additive Solution Substituting Blood Plasma in Platelet Storage;新型血小板保养液组替代血浆保存血小板的研究

5.Effects of Peanut Seed Capsule on the Number of Blood Corpuscle in Decreasing Hemoblast"s Model Mice花生种皮对血小板减少型小鼠血细胞数的影响

6.The Role of Rat Platelet and Platelet Phospholipase A_2 in Host Defense Bacteria Infection;大鼠血小板和血小板型磷脂酶A_2在宿主防御细菌感染中的作用

7.Experimental Research on the Effect of Modified PLT Additive Solution for Platelets Storage at Low Temperature;新型血小板添加液对血小板低温液态保存效果的实验研究

8.Significance of gentyping of platelet antigen in random infusion of paletlet血小板抗原基因分型在随机血小板输注中的意义

9.Reasons for red blood cell spill-out in thrombocytapheresis by MCS+ type blood cell separatorMCS+型血细胞分离机采集血小板冲红的原因分析

10.Significance of Detection of Platelet Activation Function and the Change of Blood Sugar in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus2型糖尿病血小板活化与血糖变化的相关分析

11.Analysis of Efficacy for ABO-incompatible Platelet Transfusion in Children儿童患者ABO血型不合单采血小板的输注

12.Treatment of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine on Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura in Children中西医结合治疗小儿特发型血小板减少性紫癜

13.Effects of Propofol on Platelet Activity and Coagulation Function and Blood Glucose in Rats with TypeⅡ Diabetes Mellitus;异丙酚对Ⅱ型糖尿病大鼠血小板活化、凝血功能及血糖的影响

14.Study of the Relationship between Level of Homocysteine and Platelet and Acute Cerebral Diseases in Young/Middle-aged血小板和同型半胱氨酸与中青年缺血性脑血管病相关性研究

15.Effects of nattokinase on hemorheology and platelet aggregation in rats with acute blood stasis纳豆激酶对急性血瘀模型大鼠血液流变学及血小板聚集的影响

16.Study of Vascular Endothelial Cells Injury and Platelet Dysfunction in Rats with Noxious Heat and Blood Stasis Syndrome中医“热毒血瘀证”模型大鼠血管内皮损伤及血小板功能障碍研究

17.Effect of Rumex.japonicus Houtt extracts on hemopoietic system of model mice with thrombocytopenia羊蹄根提取物对血小板减少症模型小鼠造血系统的作用

18.Prognostic significance of serum platelet-activating factor in chronic severe hepatitis B慢性乙型重型肝炎与血清血小板活化因子的相关性


platelet PLA_2血小板型PLA_2

3)platelet phospholipase A2血小板型A2

4)platelet-specific alloantibody血小板血型抗体

5)mature type platelet成熟型血小板

6)senility type platelet衰老型血小板


