900字范文 > 雾化锥角 spray cone angle英语短句 例句大全

雾化锥角 spray cone angle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-26 20:07:30


雾化锥角 spray cone angle英语短句 例句大全

雾化锥角,spray cone angle

1)spray cone angle雾化锥角

1.to measuring the atomized particle size from the fuel injector group and its distribution under different pressures,thespray cone angle was given by relevant recognition software.11μm,而雾化锥角则由73。


1.Numerical study on spray angle of the dual-orifice pressure-swirl atomizer双路离心式喷嘴雾化锥角的数值研究

2.steam atomizing conical jet蒸汽雾化圆锥形喷嘴

3.Experimental and Numerical Investigation on Sprays of Hollow-Cone Pressure Nozzle;空心圆锥雾化喷嘴喷雾实验与数值研究

4.Optimization of the large cone angle parameters of downhole oil/water separation hydrocyclone井下油水分离旋流器大锥角参数优化

5.Research on deposition track and its coupling in spray forming billet with two scanning nozzles锭坯双喷嘴扫描喷射成形雾化锥沉积轨迹及其耦合研究

6.Series of conical tapers and taper anglesGB/T157-1989锥度与锥角系列

7.Optimum Design and Calculation Analysis of Large Cone Angle Thrust Tapered Roller Bearings for Rolling Mills;大锥角轧机止推圆锥滚子轴承优化设计与计算分析

8.The Optimization and Experimental Research of Valveless Piezoelectric Pump with Changeable Nozzle/diffuser Elements;连续可变锥角的锥形流管无阀压电泵的优化与实验研究

9.The Theoretical and Experimental Research of the Effect of Atomizing Angle on Pressure Type Liquid Atomization;雾化角对压力式液体雾化效果影响的理论及实验研究

10.increment angle(圆锥齿轮)齿端角

11.Optimizing Design on Punch Cone Angle of Motor Commuter电机换向器整体冷锻模冲头端部锥角优化设计

12.Study of Mold Cone Angle of Hydraulic Briquetting Press Based on ANSYS基于ANSYS的生物质液压成型模具锥角优化

13.A structure or part suggestive of a pyramid in shape.角锥性器官形状象角锥的结构和部分

14.Effect of incident laser beam angle varying on cube corner retro-reflector measurement accuracty激光光束入射角度变化对角锥棱镜测量精度的影响

15.Test Research on Simple Centrifugal Atomizer (Part Ⅱ)--Computation of Atomizing Angle简单离心喷油器的试验研究(Ⅱ)——雾化角的计算

16.Preparation of Magnetic Alloy Micropowder Absorber and Optimizing Construction Design to Two-layer Pyramid;磁性微粉吸收剂的制备及两层角锥结构优化设计

17.A Numerical Study of the Evolution of 2-D Disturbance in Supersonic Sharp Cone Boundary Layer with Zero Angle of Attrack;零攻角尖锥边界层中二维扰动演化特征的数值研究

18.Numerical simulation of disturbance evolution in the boundary layer of a hypersonic blunt cone at low incidence小攻角高超声速钝锥边界层内扰动演化的数值模拟


spray cone angle喷雾锥角

1.Spray tip penetration,breakup length andspray cone angle of diesel oil containing dissolved propane versus time under different backpressures were obtained.研究了不同比例柴油/丙烷混合燃料的喷雾发展过程,归纳出柴油溶解不同比例丙烷在不同环境背压下喷雾的喷射距离、破碎长度、喷雾锥角随时间的发展规律。

2.Thespray cone angle of each nozzle were measured by the digital camera and computer photo processing.0MPa压力下工作时每个喷嘴的流量特性,通过数码照相和计算机图像处理测定各喷嘴的喷雾锥角,利用相位多普勒粒子分析仪(PDPA)和激光多普勒测速仪(LDV)测量雾化粒度SMD。

3.By means of rounded testing of R0110 injector group, fuel-supplying performances,spray cone angle changing characters, droplet size and its distributions law have been obtained.通过对该喷嘴组的全面试验研究,得到了该喷嘴组的供油特性、喷雾锥角的变化特点和液滴尺寸及其分布规律。

3)spray angle喷雾锥角

1.The results show that,at the same ambient pressure and nozzle hole diameter,thespray angle increases and spray tip penetration decreases with the increase of DMM fraction in the blends.研究结果表明,在相同环境压力和喷嘴直径下,随着燃料中二甲氧基甲烷掺混比例的增加,喷雾锥角增大,贯穿距离减小;环境压力的增加使得燃油喷雾锥角增大,贯穿距离度减小。

2.The tests include: the fuel flow characteristic of the injector was investigated,thespray angle was measured by digital camera and computer photo processing,and the spray particle size(SMD) and size distribution were determined by the Phase Doppler Particle Analyzer(PDPA) and Laser Doppler Velocimeter(LDV).主要包括:测定喷嘴的流量特性,通过数码照相和计算机图像处理测定喷嘴在不同压力下的喷雾锥角,利用相位多普勒粒子分析仪(PDPA)和激光多普勒测速仪(LDV)测量喷嘴的雾化粒度SMD及尺寸分布。

3.The influence ofspray angle on the combustion process and form.研究了喷雾锥角对燃烧过程的影响规律以及喷雾锥角对碳烟和NOx生成的影响。

4)atomization-conical bodies雾化锥体

5)Spray Cone雾化锥

1.Modeling of Solidification Process of Al-Zn Droplet during Spray Forming, Part Ⅱ,Spray Cone Behaviors;喷射成形Al-Zn合金凝固过程模拟Ⅱ——雾化锥凝固行为

6)oil cone油雾[化]锥[体]


