900字范文 > 粉磨系统 grinding system英语短句 例句大全

粉磨系统 grinding system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-11 02:27:40


粉磨系统 grinding system英语短句 例句大全

粉磨系统,grinding system

1)grinding system粉磨系统

1.his paper discussed application of roll squeezer in thegrinding system ofcement industry and it also designed a new type roll squeezer of saving energy in the theoryby analysing the comminution mechanism of roll squeeze论述了辊压机在水泥工业粉磨系统中的应用,同时,通过对辊压机粉磨机理的分析研究,从理论上提出了一种新型的节能辊压机。


1.This mill together with separator can form close-circuit grinding system for grinding clinker into cement products.本磨机与选粉机组成循环圈流粉磨系统,将熟料粉磨成水泥成品。

2.PSO Based Adaptive Fuzzy Control of Ball Mill Grinding Process基于PSO的球磨机粉磨系统自适应模糊控制

3.Energy Consumption Model of Roller Grinding System and Its Application in Project;辊压机粉磨系统的能耗模型及其工程应用研究

4.A Study on the Installation, Commissioning and Performance for a Final Grinding System Equipped with Roller Press;大型辊压机终粉磨系统的安装调试及性能研究

5.Introduction of the combined grinding system of the 2×4 500 t/d cement production line盘景2×4500t/d熟料生产线联合粉磨系统介绍

6.Selection and Application in Bag Precipitator in Slag Milling System矿渣粉磨系统袋式除尘器的选型及应用

7.direct-fired mill直吹式制粉系统磨煤机

8.Algorithm Study of Control on Middle-Storage Coal-Milling System;中储式磨煤机制粉系统控制算法研究

9.Auto disturbance rejection control technology in ball mill control system中储式磨煤机制粉系统的自抗扰控制

10.A Simulation System for Intelligent Decoupling Control of Coal-Pulverizing Systems with Ball Mill钢球磨中储式制粉系统智能解耦控制仿真系统


12.Study on Decoupling Control of Ball Mill Storage Pulverized Coal System;中储式球磨机制粉系统解耦控制的研究

13.Intelligentized Control and Realization of Ball Mill Pulverize System Burthen;中储式球磨机制粉系统的智能控制与实现

14.Research and Application of Ball Mill Pulverizing System Based on Fuzzy Control;基于模糊控制的球磨机制粉系统的研究和应用

15.The Research of New Modified, Energy Conservation Material Powder Grinding under the Control of Expert System;新型改性、节能材料粉磨控制专家系统的研究

16.Research on System Identification and Predictive Control of Mill Pulverized System;磨煤机制粉系统辨识及预测控制的研究

17.Optimize Control Intermediate Storage Bunker Ball Mill Pulverizing System of Power Plant;火电厂中储式球磨机制粉系统的优化控制

18.Studies on Modeling and Optimum Control in the Coal-pulverized Storage System with Tube Ball Bill;中储式钢球磨制粉系统的建模与优化控制研究


milling system粉磨系统

1.The amount of electric consumption of concrete factory is large,most of which is used inmilling system.水泥厂的电力消耗量大,且集中在粉磨系统。

2.Analysisd and studied the several principalmilling systems and theory of grinding,concludes have been drawn is that pregrinding and rollermilling system can raise output increasingly,depress the milling electricity consumption,is more idealmilling system.通过对主要粉磨系统的分析和粉碎理论的研究,得出采用细碎机预破碎粉磨系统或辊压粉磨系统能大幅度增加粉磨产量,降低粉磨电耗,是较理想的粉磨系统。

3)mill system磨粉系统

1.5m×3m ballmill system and the working condition is monitored by the noise supervisory technology.5m×3m球磨机磨粉系统中,并采用噪声监控技术对球磨机内工况进行监测,应用PLC将球磨机下料、分级机转速、输送风压等参数进行自动控制,使球磨机的产能提高了30%,球磨粉纯度波动由±10%稳定在±3%。

4)pregrinding system预粉磨系统

1.Improvement of roller press cementpregrinding system;带辊压机的水泥预粉磨系统提产降耗系列整改

2.SDIC Hainan Cement Limited Company adopted rollerpregrinding system in their cement grinding system.国投海南水泥有限公司水泥粉磨采用了辊压机预粉磨系统。

5)closed circuit milling system闭路磨粉系统

1.A new kind of classifier and theclosed circuit milling system consisted of it were introduced.介绍了一种新型分级机和由其组成的闭路磨粉系统,指出该系统中影响分级效果的重要因素,并着重对分级机转速和分级叶片处的通流面积两个因素进行了实验研究。

6)combined grinding system联合粉磨系统

1.Precautions of design and production for cement roller presscombined grinding system;辊压机水泥联合粉磨系统生产设计应注意的问题

2.Introduction of thecombined grinding system of the 2×4 500 t/d cement production line盘景2×4500t/d熟料生产线联合粉磨系统介绍

3.This paper analyzes main factors influencing the production capacity ofcombined grinding system,summarizes the pressing effect of roller press based on semi-industrial test of the combination usage of "1.详细分析了影响联合粉磨系统生产能力的主要因素;以“!1。


白垩,磨细白垩粉,白垩粉CAS:1317-65-3中文名称:石灰石;电石灰岩;石灰石粉;霰石,文石;方解石,碳酸钙晶体;碳酸钙,白垩;白云石,白云岩,石灰岩;石灰石,石灰石;大理石,大理岩,云石,玻璃球;波特兰石;白垩,磨细白垩粉,白垩粉英文名称:Limestone;Agstone;agricultural limestone;aragonite;atomite;bell mine pulverized limestone;calcite;calcium carbonate;carbonic acid, calcium salt;chalk;dolomite;domolite;franklin;lithograpic stone;marble;natural calcium carbonate;portland stone;sohnhofen stone;whiting;limestone,powder;flux lime
