900字范文 > 网络教学的优势 the advantages of network teaching英语短句 例句大全

网络教学的优势 the advantages of network teaching英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-20 06:21:20


网络教学的优势 the advantages of network teaching英语短句 例句大全

网络教学的优势,the advantages of network teaching

1)the advantages of network teaching网络教学的优势


1.Full Use of the Advantages of Campus Network for English Teaching and Learning;充分发挥网络教学的优势 创造良好的英语学习环境

2.The Advantages of Internet Education and the Construction for Its Teaching Platform System;网络教育的优势及教学平台体系建设

3.The Objective and Subjective Advantages of E-education of Translation;论网络环境下翻译教学的主客观优势

4.On Shallowly Photoshop Software Advantages on Teaching Make Use of Network Resources网络资源在photoshop软件教学中的优势

5.The advantage of online learning to the traditional educational mode;网络教育模式较之传统教学模式的优势

6.Exert the advantage of network and optimize the method of English teaching;发挥网络优势 优化英语教学模式

7.Advantages and Existing Problems in Multimedia-enhanced Instruction;多媒体网络辅助教学的优势和存在的问题

8.This text proceeds to expatiate to function and advantages of the network teaching only.本文仅对网络教学的功能及优势进行了阐述.

9.The Tactics of Mutual Superiority Between Network Teaching and Traditional Teaching in Middle School s Geography Subject;中学地理学科网络教学与传统教学优势互补的若干策略

10.So we must be convinced of the characteristic and preponderance of the internet course, in this way we can make good use of the network and internet courses to complete the teaching task.只有了解了网络课程的特点和优势 ,才会更好地利用网络及网络课程实施教学

11.College English Teaching Based on Computer Network;计算机网络环境下的大学英语教学模式的优势及应用

12.Integration of advantages on online education; Innovation of methods of college English program;整合网络教育优势,革新大学英语教育模式

13.Discussion about the Advantages and Utilizing Principle of Multimedia and Network in English Teaching in University;论多媒体网络技术在大学英语教学中的优势作用和运用原则

14.How to Make Full Use of the Function Superiority of Multi-media Internet Language Labs In Modern Language Teaching;如何发挥多媒体网络语言实验室在现代语言教学中的优势

15.The Advantages of Using Network Technology in English Teaching and the Analysis of Its Common Problems英语教学中运用网络技术的优势及常见问题分析

16.Developing Modern Distance Education in Western China Based on Dominant Specialty;立足学科优势发展我国西部高等网络教育

17.Making Full Use of Network Education, and Developing Student s Personalities in Innovation;发挥网络教育优势在创新中促进学生个性发展

18.Management and Innovation of TVU s Teaching Research Based on the Network Advantage;基于网络优势的电大教研工作的管理与创新


superior educational network优势教育网络

3)net advantage网络优势

1.In information net era, we should exert thenet advantages to strengthen the ideology and politics work so as to supply strongly ideology guarantee for the reform and modernization build in our country.人类社会正在迈向信息网络时代 ,面对社会生活的急剧变革 ,思想政治工作应跟上时代步伐 ,发挥网络优势 ,来加强新时期思想政治工作 ,为我国改革开放和现代化建设提供强有力的思想保证。

4)teaching advantage教学优势

1.They have incomparableteaching advantages over other teachers.名师具有一般教师无可比拟的教学优势。

5)networked advantage网络化优势

6)The Government Advantage of Internet Technology网络技术的国家优势性


