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内部审计报告 internal audit report英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-30 09:09:39


内部审计报告 internal audit report英语短句 例句大全

内部审计报告,internal audit report

1)internal audit report内部审计报告


1.How to bring the internal auditing report into full play in the enterprises;企业如何充分发挥内部审计报告的作用

2.Research on Concerning and Reporting of Internal Control in Auditing;审计中对内部控制的关注与报告研究

3.Internal Auditor s Evaluation of the External Audit Report: Application of A Cascaded Inference Model;内部审计师对外部审计报告的评价:一个串联推断模型应用

4.The New Development and enlightenment of Internal Control audit over Financial Report in U.S.A;美国财务报告内部控制审计的最新发展及启示

5.Auditing Failure and COSO Report--on enterprise innovation and internal control reform;审计失败与COSO报告——谈企业创新与内部控制变化

6.The Research on Audit of Internal Control over Financial Reporting of Listed Companies in China我国上市公司财务报告内部控制审计探析

7.The Impact of Listed Companies" Internal Control on Audit Report Lag上市公司内部控制对审计报告时滞的影响研究

8.Independence of Internal Auditing:Focus on the Reporting Lines of Internal Auditing Function内部审计的独立性:基于内审机构报告关系的探讨

9.Petitioner audited Enron′s publicly filed financial statements and provided internal audit and consulting services to it.上诉人审计安然公开申报的财政报告并为其提供内部审计和咨询服务。

10.auditor general"s annual report审计长年度审计报告

11.(h) Deadline for party to request review of part(s) of report: _______ 1 week(h) 各方请求审议报告部分内容的截止日期: ________ l周

12.The auditing report and the evaluation report shall be announced to the public.审计报告和评估报告应当向社会公告。

13.Conduct follow-up and report on management response to external audit.跟踪并报告管理层对外部审计结果的落实情况。

14.An Analysis on the Phenomenon of“ Small Finance Ministry” in China Revealed by Audit Report;浅析审计报告揭露出中国的“小财政部”现象

15.The applicantion of the audit report in the cadre achievement record;浅论审计报告在干部业绩档案中的应用

16.Internal Audit Section内部审计科(内审科)

17.The IRS audits questionable income tax returns.美国国内税务局审计可疑的所得税报告。

18.Influence of the Inner Control System on the Audit Reports in Small-sized Enterprises;小规模企业审计报告对内控制度的考虑


audit of internal control report内部控制报告审计

3)External Audit Report外部审计报告

1.Internal Auditor s Evaluation of theExternal Audit Report: Application of A Cascaded Inference Model;内部审计师对外部审计报告的评价:一个串联推断模型应用

4)accounting for internal reporting内部报告会计

5)audit report审计报告

1.The applicantion of theaudit report in the cadre achievement record;浅论审计报告在干部业绩档案中的应用

2.So it will be a new face for theaudit report on annual financial statements.财政部新发布施行的中国注册会计师执业准则,对审计报告格式与内容等方面作出新规定和要求,因此会计师事务所为被审计单位出具的年度财务报表审计报告将是一张新面孔。

3.The evaluation index system of audit quality comprises three evaluation indexes: the capacity of recognizing and evaluating the risk of material misstatement,the function of detecting earnings management and theaudit report.能否鉴别盈余管理、能否识别和评估重大错报风险、审计报告构成了审计质量评价体系的三个要素。

6)auditing report审计报告

1.On improvement of standardizedauditing report;谈标准化审计报告的改进

2.targeted on theauditing report for listed corporations in the Chinese economic ring, the paper makes a comparative study on the contents and form ofauditing report in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.本文以中华经济圈上市公司审计报告为研究对象,分别就大陆、香港、台湾三个地区审计报告的内容与格式加以比较研究。


内部内部interior囚都t加挽幻份;皿yT那二ocT‘J拓扑空间X的子集A的满足下列条件的所有点x的集合:存在X中的开集U:,使x任U:CA.集合A的内部通常记为IntA,且表示含于A内的X中的最大开集.等式IntA=x\「X\A」成立,这里〔X}表示X的闭包.拓扑空间X中集合的内部是正则开(化孚血r open)集或典范集(。口训jCalset).其典范开集构成拓扑基(b朋e)的空间称为半正则的(~一记gu~lar).所有正则空间都是半正则的.内部有时也称为集合的开核(open ken祀1 of the set). B .H,floH咖apeB撰【补注1亦见集合的内部(泊忱由r of a set).白苏华、胡师度译
