900字范文 > 肌瓣 Muscle flap英语短句 例句大全

肌瓣 Muscle flap英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-15 02:57:17


肌瓣 Muscle flap英语短句 例句大全

肌瓣,Muscle flap

1)Muscle flap肌瓣

1.Morphologic changes of the muscle flap for reconstruction of oral defect;肌瓣转移修复口腔粘膜缺损后肌组织的形态学变化

2.Objective:To evaluate the healing process of oral m uc osal defect repairing by muscle flap and to find a good method of repairing the oral mucosal defects.目的 :观察肌瓣修复口腔粘膜缺损的愈合过程 ,以寻求修复口腔粘膜缺损的好方法。

3.To provide satisfactory muscle flaps for the osteomyelitis and the other plastic and reconstructive surgery of the lower one-third of leg.目的:为小腿下1/3的骨髓炎和其它创伤性修复提供满意的肌瓣。


1.39 Cases of Infected Wounds Repared by Musculo Cutaneous Flap Plugging;皮瓣肌皮瓣肌瓣填塞修复创伤及感染创口39例

2.Immediate breast reconstruction with partial latissimus dorsi and pectoralis major compound muscular flap背阔肌-胸大肌复合肌瓣即刻乳房再造研究

3.Use the orbital musculo-fascial flap and frontalis muscle flap suspension to correct serious ptosis of upper eyelid眶隔筋膜瓣联合额肌瓣悬吊矫正重度上睑下垂

4.Clinical Application of Free Anterolateral Thigh Flap Combination with Vastus Lateralis Flap游离股前外侧皮瓣联合股外侧肌瓣的临床应用

5.Immediate axillary fossa reconstruction with the latissimus dorsi muscul flap following Axillary Lymph Node Dissection in 67 cases of breast cancer乳腺癌术后即刻背阔肌肌瓣转移重建腋窝67例

6.Experimental study of revascularization of allogeneic trachea embedded in pectoralis major muscle flap胸大肌肌瓣包埋同种异体气管再血管化的实验

7.Application of sternocleidomastoid muscle flap during parotidectomy on the repair of facial deformity胸锁乳突肌肌瓣修复腮腺术后缺损畸形的应用

8.Treatment of Humeral Intercondylar Fracture with posterior Triceps-Anconeus Flap approach肱三头肌-肘肌瓣入路治疗肱骨髁间骨折

9.Recovery of the proximal tibial soft tissue loss and bone exposure by the medial head of gastrocnemius muscle flap and skin graft肠腓肌内侧头肌瓣植皮修复胫骨中上段骨外露

10.Repairing of cicatricial ectropion with orbicularis oculi myocutaneous flap眼轮匝肌肌皮瓣修复瘢痕性睑外翻

11.Applied anatomy of the rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flap and its intramuscular nerve distribution腹直肌肌皮瓣的应用解剖及其肌内神经分布

12.The abnormality mitral stenosis was in myocardium, not in the valve.二尖瓣狭窄的病变是在心肌而不是在瓣膜。

13.Lower eyelid blepharoplasty by layered and lifted tightly skin flaps and fascia flaps of orbital muscle皮瓣及眶肌筋膜瓣分层提紧的睑袋成形术

14.Myocardial Protection for Patients with Severe Aortic Stenosis in Aortic Valve Replacement重度主动脉瓣狭窄瓣膜置换术中的心肌保护

15.Frontalis aponeurosis flay and levator palpebrae superior aponeurosis flay on treatment of complete blepharoptosis提上睑肌腱膜瓣与额肌腱膜瓣悬吊在重度上睑下垂中的应用

16.Upper gluteal musculocutaneous flap with lumbo-sacral fasciocutaneous flap in repairing huge sacral bedsore应用臀大肌上部肌皮瓣联合腰骶筋膜皮瓣修复骶部巨大褥疮

parison of the Clinic Results of Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head Treated by Muscle-pedicle Bone Grafting Using Tensor Fascia Lata and Satorius Muscle;阔筋膜张肌肌骨瓣及缝匠肌肌骨瓣治疗股骨头缺血性坏死疗效比较

18.The Applied Anatomical Study of Pectoralis Major Island Flap Transfer;胸大肌岛状肌皮瓣转移过程的应用解剖学研究


muscular wrapping肌瓣

1.BMP-induced cartilage regeneration in tracheal autograft withmuscular wrapping;肌瓣包裹自体气管移植体复合BMP诱导软骨再生

2.Enhancement of revascularization in orthotopic canine tracheal autografts and allografts withmuscular wrapping;肌瓣对自体及异体气管移植段血液循环建立的促进作用

3)muscle flaps肌瓣

1.Vascular anatomy of intrinsicmuscle flaps of the hand;手内在肌的血供与肌瓣设计的解剖学基础

4)muscular flap肌瓣

1.All the patients suffered from multiple chronic sinus in prothorax wall during the therapy of the thoracic and cardiovascular diseases,treated with single ro compoundmuscular flap grafting operation.方法9月~9月采用单一或复合肌瓣移植治疗外科换药无法治愈的前胸壁多发性慢性窦道10例,发病原因均为DVR心瓣膜置换术、纵隔肿瘤切除术等心胸疾病外科治疗后。

5)Temporal muscle flap颞肌肌瓣

6)latissimus dorsi muscular flap背阔肌肌瓣

1.Immediate breast reconstruction with partiallatissimus dorsi muscular flap after subcutaneous mastectomy;经皮下背阔肌肌瓣转移即刻乳房再造研究


带血管蒂的臀大肌皮瓣移位术带血管蒂的臀大肌皮瓣移位术vaso-〖JP〗pedical gluteus major myocutaneous flap transfer是指用带有臀上、下血管的臀大肌及其表面的皮肤移位手术,以修复邻近部位的组织缺损。临床上多用以修复褥疮造成的组织缺损。
