900字范文 > 高职会计教育 tertiary vocational education in accounting英语短句 例句大全

高职会计教育 tertiary vocational education in accounting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-07 05:09:30


高职会计教育 tertiary vocational education in accounting英语短句 例句大全

高职会计教育,tertiary vocational education in accounting

1)tertiary vocational education in accounting高职会计教育

1.As an accounting teacher, according to my comprehension of accounting and several years of experience in teaching, I have analysed the present situation intertiary vocational education in accounting and put forward some ideas about related problems.由于高职会计教育在会计教育体系中占有重要地位,作为高职高专院校的一名会计专业教师,笔者根据对会计学科的认识以及近几年的教学工作经验,对目前我国的高职会计教育现状进行研究分析,针对现存的一些问题提出了相关的改革设想,具有一定理论意义和实践指导意义。


1.Analysis on the Tendency of Accounting Education for Vocational Students in the 21Century;21世纪高职会计教育发展趋势分析

2.On Combination of Production and Teaching in Accountant Teaching;对高职会计教育加强“产学”合作的探讨

3.An Inquiry into the Teaching Reform of "Integration of Theory and Practice" for Accounting Major in Higher Vocational College高职会计教育“理实一体化”教学改革思路探析

4.Discussion on Experimental Teaching of Accounting in Vocational Education;关于高职教育中会计实验教学的探讨

5.The Developing and Improving of Accounting Training materials in Higher Vocational Education高职教育会计实训教材的开发与改进

6.Reforming and Creating of Accounting education in the Advanced Professional and Junior Colleges;高职高专会计专业教育的改革与创新

7.Newly Exploring Financial Accounting Talents Training in Higher Vocational Colleges;高职教育财务会计人才培养改革新探

8.To View on Talent Fostering Mode through the Aim of Higher Vocational Education;从高职教育目标看会计人才培养模式

9.Higher Professional Education in Computerized Accounting is Imperative;电算会计高等职业技术教育势在必行

10.Some Advice of Present Situation and Reform of Accounting Education in Higher Vocational Colleges高职院校会计教育现状与改革的建议

11.Conducting accounting professional morality education in higher education;会计职业道德教育在高等教育中的实施

12.Insist on the Innovation of Education and Promote the Healthy Development of the High Vocational Education in Accounting;坚持教育创新 促进会计高职教育健康发展

13.The Thought on How to Implement the Professional Ethicsof Accountants in Higher Education;关于高等教育实施会计职业道德教育的思考

14.Augmenting the Professional Moral Education Among the Students of Accounting Specialty in Advanced Vocational Education;加强“高职”会计专业学生的职业道德教育

15.Present Status and Countermeasures for Higher Vocational Accounting Specialty Vocational Morality Education;高职会计专业职业道德教育的现状及对策

16.Teaching Reform of Speciality Orientation of CPA in Higher Vocational Education;浅谈高职注册会计师专业方向教育教学改革

17.On Teaching of the Practical Accounting in Vocational Higher Education;论与高职教育相适应的实践型会计学教学

18.Small Enterprises Demand for Accountants and Curr ent Educational Situation in Fujian s Junior Colleges;简析小企业会计需求与我省高职高专教育现状


accounting higher vocational education会计高职教育

1.At present, there is a very strict set of professional entrance system in accounting industry in our country which is not only a threshold for qualified accountants but also the direction ofaccounting higher vocational education.会计高职教育应根据会计人才市场、会计职业资格设定、会计高职人才培养目标、课程设置和教学模式设定。

3)higher professional education of accounting高职高专会计教育

4)Accounting computerization education in vocational institution of higher learning高职会计电算化教育

5)socialization of higher vocational education高职教育社会化

6)Accounting Vocational Education会计职业教育

1.On Reform ofAccounting Vocational Education;关于会计职业教育改革的思考

2.Knowledge economy has changed the social circumstance, people s methods of manufactory and the way of living, and made a great impact on accounting vocational education.知识经济改变了社会经济环境,改变了人们生产、生活方式,也给会计职业教育以巨大冲击,致使会计职业教育的观念、培养目标、教学内容和教学手段等诸方面难以满足知识经济的需要。


