900字范文 > 审计市场效率 market efficiency audit英语短句 例句大全

审计市场效率 market efficiency audit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-30 09:09:50


审计市场效率 market efficiency audit英语短句 例句大全

审计市场效率,market efficiency audit

1)market efficiency audit审计市场效率

2)auditing market performance审计市场绩效


1.The Research of the Independent Auditing Market Performance Based on the SCP Model;基于SCP模型的中国独立审计市场绩效研究

2.Study on Industry Expertise for Auditor Firms and Auditing Market Performance会计师事务所行业专长与审计市场绩效的经验研究

3.Research on the Correlation between Audit Market Structure and Market Performance;审计市场结构与市场绩效的相关性研究

4.The Existing Problems in the Government Performance Auditing Practice and the Countermeasures under Our Socialist Market Economy市场经济条件下我国政府绩效审计存在的问题及对策

5.Empirical Research on Performance and Strategy of Industry Specialization in Chinese Audit Market中国审计市场行业专门化经营绩效与战略的实证研究

6.Research on the Government Performance Audit of Shanghai County Class上海市县(区)级审计机关绩效审计问题研究


8.An Analysis to the Relationship Between Insufficient Effective Demand of Audit in Aecurities Market And Audit Failure;证券市场审计有效需求不足与审计失败的分析

9.Application Research on Environmental Performance Audit in Mining City Restructure;环境绩效审计在矿业城市转型中的应用研究

10.Research on Performance Audit in Consideration of Urban Ecological Environment Based on Risk-oriented Audit基于风险导向的城市生态环境绩效审计研究

11.On Performance Auditing and the Mode of Performance Auditing with China s Features;绩效审计与中国特色绩效审计模式刍议

12.The Creative Research in System that County Class Performance Audit;县级审计机关绩效审计体制创新研究

13.Adopting Special-purpose-fund Audit as the Approach for Performance Audit;以专项资金审计为路径开展绩效审计

14.Audit Failure: Origin of National Audit "Negative Performance";审计失灵:国家审计“负绩效”的根源

15.Study on the Market Conducting Effect of the Audit Opinions from Chinese Listed Companies;我国上市公司审计意见的市场传导效应研究

16.The Design of Employee Performance Evaluation for Qinhuangdao City Labor Market;秦皇岛劳动力市场员工绩效考评体系设计

17.The Computer Manufacturing Industry in China:A SCP Analysis;中国计算机制造业:市场结构、行为与绩效范式

18.An Analysis on Formation Mechanism of Audit Opinion and Market Conduction Effect;审计意见的形成机制与市场传导效应分析


auditing market performance审计市场绩效

3)audit market审计市场

1.The Structure, Behavior and Performance of Chinese Audit Market;中国审计市场的结构、行为与绩效

2.The Research of Correlation between the CPA Audit Market Characteristic and the Audit Opinion;注册会计师审计市场的特征与审计意见相关性研究

parative Study on Managerial Mechanism of Sino-Foreign Audit Market;中外审计市场管理机制比较研究

4)Auditing market审计市场

1.Nowadays,researches on the equilibrium auditing market,still focus on the game between managers and CPAs, while few has been done on the game between investors and CPAs.目前利用博弈模型对均衡审计市场的研究还主要集中在管理者与注册会计师的博弈,而对投资人与注册会计师的博弈却很少触及。

2.On basis of environment-deciding theory ,this article analyzed the power conversion of auditing market according to the changes of internal and external environments .本文立足于环境决定论,对处于内外环境交互作用变化中的中国民间审计市场的动力转换问题进行了深入分析。

5)independent auditing market performance独立审计市场绩效

6)audit efficiency审计效率

1.The practical problem which should be solved urgently is that theaudit efficiency must be raised .提高审计效率是目前审计工作中迫切需要解决的实际问题,需要通过加强对法律法规及审计规范的学习,来提高审计执法人员的政策理论水平。

2.Besides these, some valuable suggestions on how to enhanceaudit efficiency are given for our audit practice.介绍了美国注册会计师协会(AICPA)通过2000年的一项实践调查研究发现的能够有效提高审计效率的四项管理与技术操作,并结合我国实际,相应地提出了提高审计效率的一些建议。


证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场) 证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场)——证券发行市场又称一级市场或初级市场,是发行人以筹集资金为目的,按照一定的法律规定和发行程序,向投资者出售新证券所形成的市场。证券发行市场作为一个抽象的市场,其买卖成交活动并不局限于一个固定的场所。
