900字范文 > 高强玻璃纤维 high strength glass fiber英语短句 例句大全

高强玻璃纤维 high strength glass fiber英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-07 16:20:07


高强玻璃纤维 high strength glass fiber英语短句 例句大全

高强玻璃纤维,high strength glass fiber

1)high strength glass fiber高强玻璃纤维

1.This paper studies the curing agent of eoxy resin in thehigh strength glass fiber composite bulletproof material with emphasis upon the effects of quantity and content of three kinds of curing agents and epoxy resin molecular weight on the mechanical properties of the composite material.对高强玻璃纤维复合防弹板的环氧树脂固化剂进行研究。

pared with conventional E-glass fibers,high strength glass fibers are characterized by superior tensile strength,elastic modulus,impact resistance,chemical stability,heat resistance and fatigue endurance.介绍了高强玻璃纤维和普通无碱玻璃纤维相比具有的拉伸强度高、弹性模量高、抗冲击性能好、化学稳定性好、耐高温、抗疲劳性好等优良特征,高强玻璃纤维在国内外发展的情况,高强玻璃纤维及其制品纱及织物的主要技术性能,它在航空航天、国防工业、一般工业、体育休闲器材等高性能的增强材料方面的广泛应用。


1.Study on Milling of Glass Fiber-reinforced Composites高强玻璃纤维复合材料的铣削加工性能研究

2.The Investigation of Strength of Glass-Fiber Concrete after High Temperature;高温作用后玻璃纤维混凝土强度研究

3.glass fiber reinforced concrete玻璃纤维增强混凝土

4.glass fibre reinforced elastomer玻璃纤维增强弹性体

5.glass fiber reinforced epoxy resin玻璃纤维增强环氧树脂

6.glass fiber reinforced polyester resin玻璃纤维增强聚酯树脂

7.glass fiber reinforced polypropylene玻璃纤维增强聚丙烯

8.glass fiber reinforced plastics for moulding玻璃纤维增强模压塑料

9.fiber glass reinforced plastic form玻璃纤维增强塑料模壳

10.ferry glass reinforced plastic construction玻璃纤维增强塑料结构

11.pultruded fibre reinforced plastics拉挤玻璃纤维增强塑料

12.glass fiber reinfoyced polycarbonate玻璃纤维增强聚碳酸酯

13.Study on Glass-Fiber Reinforenced PA66 Composites with Excellent Stability;高稳定性的尼龙66/玻璃纤维增强复合材料研究

14.Study on Bond Behavior of the Interface between GFRP Sheet and High Strength Concrete;玻璃纤维布(GFRP)—高强混凝土界面粘结性能的研究

15.fiber glass reinforced thermoplastics玻璃纤维增强热塑性塑料, 热塑性玻璃钢

16.glass fiber reinforced nylon 1010 resin玻璃纤维增强尼龙1010树脂

17.polymer modified glass fiber reinforced concrete聚合改性玻璃纤维加强混凝土

18.fiberglass-reinforced polyester sucker rod玻璃纤维增强的聚酯抽油杆



3)high strength glass fiber高强度玻璃纤维

1.This paper investigates the effects of different filament diameters and different sizing agents on the properties ofhigh strength glass fibers drawn from 400-hole bushings and the composites made therefrom.本文研究了不同直径系列及不同增强环氧型浸润剂系列对400孔高强度玻璃纤维及其复合材料性能的影响关系。

2.Tills paper introduced the compositions, propeties and applications ofhigh strength glass fibers in America, France.高强度玻璃纤维是高级复合材料的重要增强材料之一。

4)high strength GF sheet高强玻璃纤维布

5)high-strength and high-modulus glass高强高弹玻璃纤维布

6)compound glass fiber cloth高强复合玻璃纤维布

1.Application ofcompound glass fiber cloth into the reinforcement of old bridges can guarantee the stress components to work jointly and provide an overall support against the load.采用高强复合玻璃纤维布进行旧桥加固,能够保证受力构件协同工作,结构整体受力,共同承担荷载。


