900字范文 > 模型模拟 Model simulation英语短句 例句大全

模型模拟 Model simulation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-14 23:54:29


模型模拟 Model simulation英语短句 例句大全

模型模拟,Model simulation

1)Model simulation模型模拟

1.However, the confidence level of the model simulations and reconstruction from geological records is relatively low in mountain and coastal regions.气象资料检测证明了用气候模型模拟现代温度比用更复杂的湿度平衡模型好得多,而根据地质资料在山区和沿海地区重建和模型模拟的可信度要低一些。


1.probabilistic fire model概率火灾模型模拟之类

2.Two Algorithms That Simulate RMESH by PRAMPRAM模型模拟RMESH模型的2种方案

3.noneconometric simulation model非经济计量模拟模型

4.cybernetic model控制论模型, 模拟控制机

5.flow chart of data by simulation model模拟模型数据流程图

6.Theory Model and Numerical Simulation of the Filling of Micro Injection Molding;微注塑成型充模理论模型与数值模拟

7.This model may be classified as either an optimizing model or simulation model.这个模型可分为最佳化模型或模拟模型。

8.Mobility-type analogy电声-机械动态模拟导纳型模拟

9.A Virtual Pump Model for CFD Analysis of Pump Station虚拟泵模型在泵站CFD模拟中的应用

10.Research on Template of Radar System Functional Model in Air Defense Simulation System作战模拟系统中的雷达模型模板研究

11.Pattern simulation of sweater based on loop model基于线圈模型的羊毛衫花型仿真模拟

12.Beta-type Simulatorβ-型油藏数值模拟体系

13.integration type analog to digital conversion积分型模拟数字转换

14.count type analog to digital conversion计数型模拟数字变换

15.Passage 56-Passage 60模拟完型填空 Passage 56-Passage 60

16.Passage 6-Passage 10模拟完型填空 Passage 6-Passage 10

17.Passage 61-Passage 65模拟完型填空 Passage 61-Passage 65

18.Passage 66-Passage 70模拟完型填空 Passage 66-Passage 70



1.There are so many factors affecting the high risistivity of carbonate formations that it is difficult to identify the reservoir and interpret the property of fluids, the factors are analyzed which affect the values and differences of dual lateral logging combining the logging date withmodeling results.结合实测资料和模型模拟结果,对影响双侧向测量值和差异的各种因素逐一进行了分析,这些影响因素包括井眼大小、裂缝、岩性、流体电阻率、侵入深度等。


4)simulation model模拟模型

1.Application ofsimulation model combined underground water flow with water quality;地下水流与水质联合模拟模型的应用

2.Research onsimulation model for optimal allocation of water resources in Yongjia;永嘉县水资源优化配置模拟模型研究

3.Water resources allocation in Shenzhen City based onsimulation model;基于模拟模型的深圳市水资源配置

5)simulating model模拟模型

6)simulated model模拟模型


