900字范文 > 女性情结 female complex英语短句 例句大全

女性情结 female complex英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-25 06:58:15


女性情结 female complex英语短句 例句大全

女性情结,female complex

1)female complex女性情结

1.This paper studies thefemale complex in the fork songs of three gorges,especially the phenomenon of "sister center" in love songs.研究三峡民歌中的女性情结,特别是情歌的“姐儿中心”现象可以发现,不是三峡民歌占据女性情结,而是女性情结占据三峡民歌。


1.a complex of females; sexual attraction to the father.一种女性情结,对父亲的性吸。

2.Female Complex·Female·Femininity;女性情结·女性·女性意识——关于多元语境下对普希金文本的解读

3.A Study of Faulkner"s Women Complex论《喧哗与骚动》中福克纳的女性情结

4.A Summary of Basic Features of the Love Motif in Female Literature;斩不断的“情爱”情结——女性文学情爱主题特征概述

5.The feminism complex of two lesbians--On the theme of feminism in Rubyfruit Jungl两名女同性恋者的女性主义情结——论《红果丛林》的女性主义主题

6.The Writing about "Home Complex" in the Field of Taiwanese Women s Iiterature;台湾女性文学场域中的“家园情结”书写

7.The Narcissism Complex of Yi an under the Vision of Feminism;女性主义视野下的易安自恋情结试探

8.On the Feminity Worship Complex in Lin Yutan s Translation of "The Life of a Loving Couple";林语堂翻译《浮生六记》之“女性崇拜”情结

9.Personality Structure of Lovely Women in Er Pai;“二拍”中情爱女性之人格结构探微

10.Exploration of "Resentment and Envy Complex" and the Human Nature in The Bathing Woman《大浴女》怨羡情结勘探和人性拷问

11.The Self-expression of Women in Urban Areas--Women s complex about urban areas in Zhang Ailing and Sui Shuqing sworks;都市女性的自我言说——张爱玲、施叔青作品中女性的都市情结

12.The Literature Expression about the Complex of Rural Female Entering Cities Since the 1990s;90年代以来乡村女性进城情结的文学表述

13.On the "Novels About Men and Women"of Watanabe Junichi--With a Focus on the"Sexual Love Complex";浅议渡边淳一的“男女小说”——以其“性爱情结”为中心

14.On the Social and Cultural Connocation of Modern Chinese Writers Female-worship;论中国现代作家女性崇拜情结的社会文化内涵

15.No Place to Break through:the Tragedy of Women Married to Members.--ZHANG Ai-ling Love the Plight of the Urban Women无处突围:“女结婚员”的悲剧——张爱玲笔下都市女性的情爱困境

16.Lesbian complex and Reconceptualization of Feminist Utopia--An appreciation of friendly relations between sisters in Chen Ran s Novels;嫘斯嫔情结与女性“乌托邦”的建构——陈染小说姐妹情谊解读

17.Continuing Thinking at the Place Where Sex Stops--On Chen Ran s Feminine Consciousness from the Complex of Patricide;在性别停止的地方继续思考——从恋父/弑父情结看陈染的女性意识

18.Esthetic Dislocation and Oedipus Complex审美错位与恋母情结——试论魏晋士族男性女性化缘由


feminism complex女性主义情结

1.pursuing free and unfettered life like Celestial being,feminism complex vs.本文试以“铜豌豆“和“马神仙“概括两人杂剧创作倾向之不同 ,并从直面现实人生与追步神仙逍遥、女性主义情结与男权封建色彩、酣畅淋漓激切与委婉曲折平淡和关注普通百姓与聚焦风流名士四个层面来具体比

3)QU Yuan"s Feminine Emotion屈原的女性情结

4)Southern Lady Complex淑女情结

5)complex of unmarried female怨女情结

6)virgin complex处女情结

1.There are some expressions: thevirgin complex,the contradictable imagination about woman and the coexitence with daring and reserve in the sexual discription.本文从性意识的角度出发分析张资平性爱题材小说的特色,那个时代的性意识具有新旧杂糅的特点,在小说中主要表现为对处女情结的执著、对女性充满矛盾的想象以及在性爱描写上大胆与含蓄并存的特征。


