900字范文 > 刑法规范 Criminal legal norm英语短句 例句大全

刑法规范 Criminal legal norm英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-13 14:06:10


刑法规范 Criminal legal norm英语短句 例句大全

刑法规范,Criminal legal norm

1)Criminal legal norm刑法规范

1.The principle of criminal legal norm prescribed by law is an important principle of criminal legal norm’s disposition.刑法规范法定原则是一项重要的刑法规范配置原则。

2.The structural types of criminal legal norm might be divided into the two dialectical and unified kinds which are logical structure and noumenal structure.刑法规范的结构模式主要涉及结构类型、结构成分和结构形态三个方面。


1.Criminal norms possess both the functions of adjudication and behavior.刑法规范具有行为规范和裁判规范的功能。

2.The Basic Points of Structure Analysis of Criminal Legal Norm;刑法规范结构分析的基点初论——刑法规范结构之内涵与意义探究

3.On Relationship between Norm of Administrative Criminal Law and Principle of a Legally Prescribed Punishment for a Specified Crime论行政刑法规范的适用与罪刑法定原则

4.A Rational Analysis and Reality Choice of Accessory Criminal Law;附属刑法规范的理性分析与现实选择

5.Defects China"s Land Criminal Law and Its Improvement论我国土地刑法规范的缺陷及其完善

6.Legal Fiction and Legal Analogy: From the View of Criminal Norm;法律拟制与法律类推:以刑法规范为视角

7.On the Function of Blank Criminal Rules;空白刑法规范的罪刑法定机能——以现代法治国家为背景的分析

8.Self-criticism to the Legislation of Transforming Crime in the PresentCriminal Law;现行刑法中的转化犯之立法检讨——兼论刑法规范的内部协调

9.Transformation of Crimes and Its Harmony with Criminal Law;罪的转化与刑法规范的协调——刑法第333条立法缺陷的理论分析

10.An Exploration on the "or Something Else" in Criminal Law;我国刑法规范中的海外华人人权保护问题——以国际刑法为视角

11.Research on Criminal Illegitimacy of Continental Law System--The essence of the criminal law norm and the structure of the crime theory system;德日刑事违法性理论探析——刑法规范的本质与犯罪论体系的建构

12.Criminal Law and Common Feeling:Thinking On the Beauty of Criminal Law Tragedy after Reading Antigone刑法规范与人之常情——从《安提戈涅》看刑法的悲剧美

13.The Balance of Standard Sentencing and Discretion;量刑规范化与法官量刑自由裁量权的衡平

14.The Standard and Improvement Construction of the Criminal Judicial Expertise;试论刑事司法鉴定体制的规范与完善

15.Substandard Language Points in Criminal Procedural Law;《刑事诉讼法》语言不规范问题探析

16.The Standard Make of Police Criminal Legal Document;公安机关刑事法律文书的规范化制作

17.Criterion Analysis of Criminal Procedure System in Chinese Constitution;我国宪法中刑事诉讼制度的规范分析

18.Regulate Law-enforcement to Prevent Extorting a Confession by Torture;规范执法 治刑讯逼供之“顽症”


criminal rules刑法规范

1.We shoud reform law-making conception,use different kinds of constitution of crime,and construct directions of criminal case in order to ensure and maintain the balance and harmony ofcriminal rules.明确性与模糊性皆为刑法规范的属性,都有其存在的合理性依据。

2.As forcriminal rules,it possesses natures mainly including incompleteness,being connected with protection of legal interest,protecting rights coordinating with restraining powers,inevitability of enforcing sentences etc.刑法规范内生于刑法之中,作为刑法条文所表现的实质,具有与刑法本身不同的性质。

3)the norm of criminal law刑法规范

1.Usingthe norm of criminal law as the core to reconstruct the system of criminal jurisprudence, can reflect all objects of the research of the criminal jurisprudence; can promote the transition of the research of the criminal jurisprudence to formal rationality; can liberate the research of criminal jurisprudence from the isolated, static, enclosed state; can conduct the relationship between the .刑法规范是形式和内容的有机统一,统领刑法的所有概念。

4)normal criminal law规范刑法学

1.The definition of the concept of mixed crime involves the following aspects: reflecting the connotation and legislative intent of mixed crime without separation of its original meaning,indicating the positive provision of the law,distinguishingnormal criminal law from ontology criminal law within the theoretical framework of crime setup.对结合犯概念的揭示应注意以下几个方面:不能脱离结合犯的初始意义,应反映结合犯的本质内涵和立法目的,不能脱离法律的实证规定,不能混淆规范刑法学与本体刑法学的界限,不能脱离犯罪成立的理论体系。

5)norm of crime and punishment legally prescribed罪刑规范法定化

1.Generally,there are three views: affirmative,negative and intermediate;and all of these acknowledge anorm of crime and punishment legally prescribed in ancient China.的确,中国古代罪刑关系在立法上是表现为法定化的,即罪刑规范法定化,但在司法上罪刑之法定与非法定长期并存,形成了一个法吏实行严格的罪刑"法定"、大臣实行罪刑"非法定"、人主实行罪刑擅断三者互补互济的司法体制。

6)existing penal norms现行刑法规范


《德意志联邦共和国刑法典》德意志联邦共和国现行刑法典,是对1871年帝国《刑法典》进行多次修改后,于1969、1974年分别通过总则和分则,1975年1月1日生效。 全文358条,分总则、分则两编。总则5章,规定适用范围、犯罪、行为的后果、亲告和时效。分则28章,规定各种具体罪行和法定刑。这部法典是经过多年准备和反复争论后制定的,对各种犯罪行为规定得相当详细,不仅罪行种类较全,而且在每一罪行中又规定了在不同情节下法院应采取的措施,以减少分散的单行法规,并给法院以裁量的余地。该法典的主要特点有:①采取报应刑与矫正刑相结合的量刑办法;②实行多种多样的保安与矫正措施;③绝对废除死刑;④无期徒刑仅限于个别犯罪(如发动或准备侵略战争、谋杀、以灭绝种族为目的而杀人);⑤严格限制适用短期自由刑(6个月以下),而代之以罚金;⑥实行"日数罚金制"(Tagesbussensystem),即在刑法分则各条中只规定处罚金而不定数额,法院在判决时,根据罪行和被告经济情况,在法定幅度(5~360天,每天2~10000马克)内,宣告被告应处若干日罚金,每日罚金额为若干马克,共应缴纳罚金若干马克。日数罚金制原系19先在瑞典提出的,195月芬兰刑法首先采用,后来墨西哥(1929)、瑞典(1931)、巴西(1935)、古巴(1936)、丹麦(1939)各国陆续采用。联邦德国的采用,使这一制度受到了一些国家的法学家的注意。
