900字范文 > 人工膜系统 artificial membrane system英语短句 例句大全

人工膜系统 artificial membrane system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-19 21:01:43


人工膜系统 artificial membrane system英语短句 例句大全

人工膜系统,artificial membrane system

1)artificial membrane system人工膜系统

1.A typicalartificial membrane system was constructed using one-ounce clear styrene cups,30-40 mm in diameter from top to bottom and 35 mm in height.介绍一种适合烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)产卵的新型人工膜系统。


1.A new artifical membrane apparatus for tobacco whitefly oviposition一种适合于烟粉虱产卵的新型人工膜系统

2.Studies on the interfacial events of the system of the artificial bR membrane and its theoretic design of photoelectric device;bR人工膜系统的界面问题研究和光—电器件理论设计

3.Studies on Purification Technology of the Integrated System of Membrane Bioreactor-Constructed Wetland;膜生物反应器—人工湿地复合系统净化工艺研究

4.System analysis of prosthetic valve replacement effects on hemodynamics人工瓣膜置换对血流动力学影响的系统分析

5.Study of Neural Network Model of Olfactory System and Its Applications on Artificial Olfaction and Iris Recognition;嗅觉系统神经网络模型研究及其在人工嗅觉与虹膜识别中的应用

6.Mark micromachining laser scanning system controlled by microcomputer掩膜微加工激光扫描单片机控制系统

7.Effects of membrane separation on other systems in propylene recovery by compression/condensation/membrane separation process压缩冷凝膜分离回收丙烯工艺中膜系统对其他系统的影响研究

8.Research of Vacuum Coating Robot Motion Control System;真空镀膜机器人运动控制系统的研究

9.Research on Artificial Retinal System Based on MEMS Technology;基于MEMS技术的人造视网膜系统研究

10.Adaptive Optics System for Human Retinal Imaging人眼视网膜成像自适应光学系统设计

11.Clinical study on wide field inversion lens system for treatment of pseudophakic retinal detachment广视野镜倒像装置系统应用于人工晶状体眼视网膜脱离手术的临床观察

12.manual mobile telephone system移动式人工电话系统

13.man-machine-environment system engineering人机环境系统工程学

14.information system of personnel and payroll人事工资管理信息系统

15.Study on Coating Technics for 3 Band in 1 Optical System of Pod三光合一吊舱光学分系统镀膜工艺的研究

16.The Design of Control System About Inorganic Membrane Industry Dust Remover Based on PLC基于PLC的无机膜工业除尘器控制系统设计

17.Empoldering Monitoring System of Mulch Trickle Irrigation for Cotton Based on Industrially Controlled Configuration Software基于工控组态软件开发棉花膜下滴灌监控系统

18.Application of Technology for Industry Ethernet Network in Control System to Reciprocating Diaphragm Pump工业以太网在往复式隔膜泵控制系统中的应用


artifical membrane oviposition apparatus人工膜产卵系统

3)artificial system人工系统

4)artificial systems人工系统

1.This paper proposes a computational framework for the modeling,analysis,control and management of complex systems usingartificial systems,computational experiments,and parallel execution under the guiding principle of "continuous investigation and improvement".以人工系统、计算实验、平行执行为讨论基础,以“不断探索和改善”为指导原则,提出具有不可分和不可知特性的复杂系统的建模、分析、控制和管理的理论体系和施行方法。


6)artificial rain system人工雨系统

1.Give a suggestion that some factors of urban road pollution must be considered and theartificial rain system may be combined in arterial roads planting.本文在论述街道空间结构及风对干道污染的影响机理的基础上,对现今城市干道绿化存在的几个问题进行了探讨;提出了干道绿化应充分考虑影响干道污染的因素,并与人工雨系统结合的建议。


