900字范文 > 薛蟠 Xue Pan英语短句 例句大全

薛蟠 Xue Pan英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-27 09:46:21


薛蟠 Xue Pan英语短句 例句大全

薛蟠,Xue Pan

1)Xue Pan薛蟠

1.LIU Xiang-lian and XUE Pan in A Dream of Red Mansion ——Description Their Character Traits from the Relations Development of the two Persons;不打不成交的柳湘莲和薛蟠——从二人关系的发展变化看其性格特征

2.The Xue family ran away,forXue Pan connived at one of his servants to beat Feng Yuan to death for buying a concubine.“呆霸王”薛蟠为买妾纵豪奴将冯渊暴打致死后阖家主仆数十人离家出走,至一年后贾雨村乱判糊涂案时尚未走进贾府。


1."In return for money and good meals from Xue Pan, he had not checked his disgraceful behaviour but actually abetted him in order to curry favour.""后又附助着薛蟠图些银钱酒肉,一任薛蟠横行霸道,他不但不去管约,反助纣为虐讨好儿."

2."Presuming on his powerful connections, he had had a man beaten to death and was now to be tried in the Yingtian prefectural court. ""薛家姨母之子姨表兄薛蟠,倚财仗势,打死人命,现在应天府案下审理."

3."But Xue Pan was as fickle as water-weed which drifts east today, west tomorrow. ""偏那薛蟠本是浮萍心性,今日爱东,明日爱西"

4."Hounded by Feng Yuan"s ghost, Xue Pan has perished of some mysterious disease.""薛蟠今已得了无名之病,被冯魂追索已死."

5.I like his poems very much, they are full of life and have a simple kind of beauty.早年,有人说他写的是薛蟠体,实在不公平。

6.Faulty Sentence Poetry and Xue pan Style;病句诗与薛蟠体——新诗90年代的两种表现

7.The descriptions of the clerks foreshadow the main characters, of the Dreams in the Red Mansion.薛蟠致人死亡案中,胥吏的形象更是被作者揭露得淋漓尽致。

8."Realizing that he could not talk his mother round, Xue Pan had perforce to order his servants to make straight for the Rong Mansion.""薛蟠见母亲如此说,情知扭不过的,只得吩咐人夫一路奔荣国府来."

9."She also had a daughter two years younger whose infant name was Baochai, a beautiful, dainty girl of great natural refinement.""还有一女,比薛蟠小两岁,乳名宝钗,生得肌骨莹润,举止娴雅."

10.The spirit declares that Xue Pan and Feng Yuan were enemies in a former existence who were fated to clash in order to settle scores"乩仙批了,死者冯渊与薛蟠原因夙孽相逢,今狭路既遇,原应了结."

11."Beauty of Contrast" in the Plots of The Dream of the Red Chamber--As Is Shown in Jia Rui s Being Punished and Xue Pan s Getting a Beat;《红楼梦》情节的“对照美”——以贾瑞挨整与薛蟠遭打的对照为个案

12.Rude but not Treacherous, Vulgar but Humorous--On the Character of Xue Fan in The Dreams of Red Mansion;骄横而不奸恶 大俗而见谐趣——论《红楼梦》中的薛蟠形象

13.LIU Xiang-lian and XUE Pan in A Dream of Red Mansion --Description Their Character Traits from the Relations Development of the two Persons;不打不成交的柳湘莲和薛蟠——从二人关系的发展变化看其性格特征

14."One day they would meet to drink, the next to look at flowers, and soon they included him in gambling parties or visits to the courtesans"quarters, with the result that Xue Pan rapidly became even ten times worse than before.""今日会酒,明日观花,甚至聚赌嫖娼,渐渐无所不至,引诱的薛蟠比当日更坏了十倍."

15."An auspicious day for departure had just been chosen when he met the kidnapper who was selling Yinglian and, struck by her good looks, promptly purchased her. ""正择日一定起身,不想偏遇见了拐子重卖英莲.薛蟠见英莲生得不俗,立意买他"

16."Although the object of general admiration, so that others also had designs on them, they were left unmolested for fear of Xue Pan.""虽都有窃慕之意,将不利于孺子之心,只是都惧薛蟠的威势,不敢来沾惹."

17."Baoyu and Qin Zbong were naturally attracted by these boys too, but knowing them to be Xue Pan"s friends they did not venture to make any overtures. ""如今宝,秦二人一来,见了他两个,也不免绻缱羡慕,亦因知系薛蟠相知,故未敢轻举妄动"

18.Qin Zhong took advantage of the fact that nowadays Xue Pan had virtually stopped coming even to roll-call to make eyes at Sweetic and secretly signal to him."妙在薛蟠如今不大来学中应卯了,因此秦钟趁此和香怜挤眉弄眼,递暗号儿"


Xue pan style薛蟠体

1.Faulty sentence poetry andXue pan style are having a contest at present.目前的诗坛实际上就是病句诗与薛蟠体的较量。

3)Jia Rui and Xue Pan贾瑞与薛蟠

4)On Jia Lan and Xue Pan贾兰、薛蟠论略


6)flat peach蟠桃

1.Research of the Flat Peach Magma"s Processing Technology;蟠桃原浆加工技术的研究

2.Approach on the water management technology of theflat peach cultivation in the Sangonghe River Valley;三工河流域蟠桃栽培水分管理技术探讨

3.Study onflat peach germplasm based by molecular markers;利用RAPD技术对蟠桃品种的分析


