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世界体系 world system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-03 17:52:51


世界体系 world system英语短句 例句大全

世界体系,world system

1)world system世界体系

1.The World System and Chinese Post-Modernization:Analysis of Political Economics;世界体系与中国后期现代化:政治经济学层面的分析

2.The end of the Cold War opened the gate of another transition of theworld system.冷战的终结,开启了世界体系又一次转型的大门。

3.Adopting a long-term view from the world history and the evolutionary ideology embodied in economics,politics,sociology,philosophy and biology,this paper makes an adequate analysis of the historical regularity in the long cycles of the rising of great powers by focusing on the evolutionary process of structural changes in the economic,political,social and cultural aspects of theworld system.通过宏观的长期的世界历史视角,吸收经济学、政治学、社会学、哲学和生物学关于进化的思想,分析世界体系经济、政治、社会、文化结构变迁进化的长周期过程,以及大国崛起的历史规律,可以发现,世界体系变迁并不是一个均衡点到另一个均衡点的一波又一波平稳的态势,而是表现为有规律地打破均衡,由不均衡到均衡再到新的不均衡的周期性进化。


1.World City in the International Relation:the Angle of World-system Theory;国际关系中的世界城市:世界体系论的视角

2.Dialogue Concerning the Two chief World systems关于两种世界体系的对话

3.Criticism of the Concept of Hegemony in Immanuel Wallerstein s World-system Theory;沃勒斯坦世界体系理论霸权观的批判

4."Anti-Americanism" and Its Meanings in Transitional World System;世界体系转型中的“反美主义”及其意义

5.Walllerstein s World System Theory--main ideas and comments;沃勒斯坦的世界体系论——要旨与评析

6.On the Theory of “the World-System Marxism”简述“世界体系的马克思主义”思潮

7.The Theory of "Modern World System" and Its Contemporary Value“现代世界体系”理论及其当代价值

8.The Construction of An Educational System of World Heritage Tourism for the World Heritage Protection;构建世界遗产旅游教育体系保护世界遗产

9.Review of China"s Studies on the Question of World History System in the 21st Century新世纪我国学术界关于世界史体系问题的研究

10.The 21~(st) Century Monetary System and Asian Regional Currency;20世纪世界货币体系的三大缺陷——兼论21世纪世界货币体系和亚元建立设想

11.The world economic system is advancing towards disorder世界经济体系开始走向紊乱。

12.majors [World Trade Organization]主要贸易体系〔世界贸易组织〕

13.Capital Markets System [World Bank] - CMS资本市场体系(简写为CMS)[世界银行]

14.fostering a world trade system that is both fair and market oriented;促成开放的、市场导向的世界贸易体系;

15.The tectonic plates of the world"s political economy are shifting.世界政经体系的地壳正在移动变位。

16.The ideology has great influence in the world.这种思想体系在世界上有很大的影响。

17.On the future security of China from the geo-political system of the world;从世界地缘政治体系看中国未来安全

18.Marx s Construction of the Theory of World History;马克思“世界历史”理论体系的建构


small-world architecture小世界体系

1.Recently, Watts and Strogatz have proposed the “small-world architecture”(SWA), which provides us an interesting approach to address this issue.由Watts和Strogatz提出的小世界体系(SWA)为解决这一问题提供了一条有趣途径。

2.This thesis mainly focuses on asmall-world architecture based kernel auto-associative memory framework and its applications on small scale face recognition, specifically including how to construct a unified framework of conventional auto-associative memory models, how to reduce complexity of fully-connected models and the unified framework’s application on face recognition.本文主要研究了核框架下基于小世界体系的自联想记忆模型及其在人脸识别中的小规模应用。

3.Based on above theoretical analysis,the new model breaks the traditional mean of random rewiring but instead constructs a task-based net-work structure,which is much closer to human brain while possessingsmall-world architecture and can also achieve better performance than the existing counterparts of the same class.提出一种新的基于小世界体系的结构自适应联想记忆模型。

3)worldview system世界观体系

4)world system theory世界体系论

1.Reorient marks the tentative foundation of the newworld system theory of Frank.《白银资本》标志着弗兰克新的世界体系论的初步确立。

5)system of world history世界史体系

6)world-system analysis世界体系分析

1.Dissipative structure theory of Ily Prigogine is one of the important sources of Wallerstein sworld-system analysis.普里高津的耗散结构论是沃勒斯坦的世界体系分析的重要源流之一,其影响主要表现在三个方面:在耗散结构论的时间之矢的基础上,沃勒斯坦建构了研究历史社会体系的五种时空;借助于耗散结构论的复杂性研究,沃勒斯坦提出学科一体化方法以消除两种文化的对立;沃勒斯坦引申了普里高津的"世界的返魅"的概念,强调历史社会体系在分叉点上的不确定性和人的自由意志问题。


