900字范文 > 澳门青洲山 Ilha Verde hill in Macau英语短句 例句大全

澳门青洲山 Ilha Verde hill in Macau英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-10 22:07:18


澳门青洲山 Ilha Verde hill in Macau英语短句 例句大全

澳门青洲山,Ilha Verde hill in Macau

1)Ilha Verde hill in Macau澳门青洲山


1.Characteristics and Diversity of Litsea monopetala community in Ilha Verde Hill,Macao澳门青洲山假柿木姜子群落特征及多样性研究

munity Characteristics and Species Diversity Research of Pterospermum heterophyllum Community in Ilha Verde Hill,Macau澳门青洲山翻白叶树群落特征及物种多样性研究

3.Taking Ilha Verde Treatment Plant in Macau for example, this paper presents the process of treatment for drinking water and automation technique.以澳门青洲水厂为例,介绍食水处理过程及其自动化技术。

4.The Research on the Prospective Psychology of Obtaining Employment to the Young People in Macau;澳门青年对澳门就业预期心理的研究

5.The first Europeans to Macau came from Portugal.到达澳门的首批欧洲人来自葡萄牙。

6.On Macao s Culture--An Oasis not Sands;不是“沙漠”是“绿洲”——漫谈澳门文化

7.Perth is the capital of Western Australia and has one of the most striking skylines anywhere.柏斯乃澳洲西部的门户,它是西澳大利亚洲的首府。


9.Measurement Results of Adolescents Physical Fitness in Macao and Their Comparative Analysis澳门青少年体质测试结果及对比分析

10.Analysis on Present-day Situation of Juvenile Deviate Behavior and Delict in Macao;澳门青少年偏差及违法行为现况分析

11.“Bennetts Green” won “Macau Futurity Trophy” held on Saturday, 10 November .「澳洲情怀」勇夺二○○七年十一月十日(星期六)第九场「澳门新星锦标」。

12.Analysis on Improving Effect of Australian Short Cattle to Dabieshan Yellow Cattle澳洲矮牛冻精改良大别山黄牛的效果分析

13.Study on the Growth of Macadamia Proteoid Root and Physiological Effect of Phosphate Fertilizer on Macadamia;澳洲坚果山龙眼根发育及磷素生理效应研究

14.The theory of differentia gives us the cut-through explanation to the juvenile crime in Macao.差异接触理论最能解释澳门的青少年犯罪问题。

15.An Epidemiological Study of Seborrheic Dermatoses in Macau Adolescents;澳门青少年脂溢性皮肤病的流行病学调查

16.A Study of Reliability and Validity of Adolescent Deviant Behaviors Questionnaire in Macao;澳门青少年偏差行为问卷信度和效度的研究

17.A Comparative Study of the Values of Adolescents in Guagzhou and Macau and Their Influencing Factors;广州澳门两地青少年价值观的比较研究

18.Internet Addiction and the Sociality Development of Adolescents in Macao;澳门青少年的网络依赖与社会性发展研究


Ilha Verde Treatment Plant澳门青洲水厂

1.Water Treatment and Automation forIlha Verde Treatment Plant in Macau;澳门青洲水厂的水处理及自动化

3)Research on the Development of Ilha Verde in Macau澳门青洲问题研究

4)Granny Smith澳洲青苹

1.Determining the Main Contents ofGranny Smith for Apple Juice Processing;加工苹果——澳洲青苹品质的测定研究

2.Determining the Main Factors ofGranny Smith for Apple Juice Processing;澳洲青苹加工适性的测定研究

3.Characteristics of Polyphenol Oxidase inGranny Smith Apple;澳洲青苹多酚氧化酶特性的研究

5)Granny Smith apple澳洲青苹

1.Studies on regeneration system of tissue culture inGranny Smith apple;澳洲青苹组织培养再生体系的研究(英文)

2.In this paper it is analyzed the exterior quality,the inherent quality and the characteristics of storage during different maturing stages ofGranny Smith apple,and find it that the best picking time ofGranny Smith apple is 10 th October.通过对不同成熟期澳洲青苹果实外观品质、内在品质及贮藏特性的研究,发现澳洲青苹果实最适宜采摘期为10月10日,最适宜加工果汁的采摘期为10月10~15日,最佳食用的采摘期为10月15~25日。

6)Macau youth澳门青年


青水青水 青水 病名。水肿之根于肝,从面渐及全身者。十水之一。《中藏经·论水肿脉证生死候》:“青水者,其根起于肝,其状先从面肿,而渐行一身也。”参见十水、水肿条。
