900字范文 > 新神话主义 New Deificationism英语短句 例句大全

新神话主义 New Deificationism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-16 04:29:19


新神话主义 New Deificationism英语短句 例句大全

新神话主义,New Deificationism

1)New Deificationism新神话主义


1.The "Restatement of the Myth" from the Perspective of "New Myth Doctrine" Fantasy Literature“新神话主义”奇幻文学视野下的“重述神话”

2.The Present Phenomenon of Neo-mysticism in Magical Fantasy Movies;从“魔幻电影”看当代“新神话主义”现象

3."New deificationism" of New Chivalry Fiction in Mainland China and Eastern Mystery Fantasy Fiction;大陆新武侠和东方奇幻中的“新神话主义”

4.Rethinking Neo-Mythicism:the Academic Absence in Retold Myths in China;再论新神话主义——兼评中国重述神话的学术缺失倾向

5.Irrationalism Fairy Tales in the Modern Degenerating Literature;新时期颓废文学中的非理性主义神话

6.Seeking China’s New Identity: The Myth of Chinese Nationalism;探询中国的新身份:关于民族主义的神话

7.The Analysis of The Myth of Constitution in Modern Times of China in the View of the New Institutionalism in Sociology中国近现代宪法“神话”的社会学新制度主义分析

8.The Heroic and Optimistic Spirit in Chinese Ancient Mythology;谈中国古代神话的英雄主义和乐观主义精神

9.Protestant mystics.新教徒的神秘主义者

10.The Xibaipo Spirit--The Spirit of New-democratic Culture;西柏坡精神——新民主主义的文化精神

11.The Spiritual Motive of Capitalism:From Max Weber to Liah Greenfeld;资本主义精神:新教伦理、个人主义还是“民族主义”

12.Tracing to the Source of Myth of the Collectivism and the Individualism in Sino-Western Literature;中西文学中集体主义和个人主义的神话溯源

13.Signal, Desire & Myth: Consumerism & Media of TV;符号、欲望及神话:消费主义与电视

14.Endymion vs the Mythical Aestheticism Tendency in Keats"Poetry《恩底米安》与济慈诗歌的神话唯美主义

15."Agrarian Myth"and American Populist Movement“农业神话”与美国平民主义运动的兴起

16.Structuralism of Strauss in the Myth Study从神话研究看斯特劳斯结构主义思想

17.On Lvi-Strauss" Studies of Structuralistic Mythology列维·斯特劳斯的结构主义神话学研究

18.Social and Political Metaphor of Oedipus Myth--Interpretation of Myth Meaning in the Symbolism Perspective;俄狄浦斯神话的社会与政治隐喻——象征主义视角下的神话意义阐释


new socialism myth社会主义新神话


4)Humanitarian mythological perspective人本主义神话观

5)feminist myth criticism女性神话主义

6)Structural Mythology结构主义神话学


