900字范文 > 低盖度植被 low coverage vegetation英语短句 例句大全

低盖度植被 low coverage vegetation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-08 16:00:35


低盖度植被 low coverage vegetation英语短句 例句大全

低盖度植被,low coverage vegetation

1)low coverage vegetation低盖度植被

1.Study on multiple vegetation index in detecting ability oflow coverage vegetation几种植被指数探测低盖度植被能力的研究


1.Study on multiple vegetation index in detecting ability of low coverage vegetation几种植被指数探测低盖度植被能力的研究

2.The Effect of Distribution Pattern of Low Coverage Caragana korshinskii Sand Fixation Forest Work on the Vegetation Recovery低覆盖度柠条固沙林不同配置对植被修复的影响

3.Analysis Vegetation Coverage Changes in Karst Area on RS and GIS;基于RS和GIS岩溶地区植被覆盖度分析

4.The Picking Vegetation Fraction by SPOT5 DATA;由SPOT5提取植被覆盖度技术研究

5.Method of Estimating Vegetation Coverage Based on Remote Sensing基于遥感的植被覆盖度估算方法述评

6.Assessment on the Vegetation Coverage after Land Reclamation Based on RS基于遥感的土地复垦植被覆盖度评价

7.Multilayer random coupled model to observe vegetation cover in sample areas多层随机拟合法测量样方植被覆盖度

8.RS Dynamic Monitoring and Analysis of Vegetation Changes in Puge普格县植被覆盖度遥感动态监测分析

9.Determination of Vegetation Coverage By Photograph and Automatic Calculation植被覆盖度的照相测量及其自动计算

10.A Research on Extracting Vegetation Fraction Based on MODIS Image基于MODIS影像的植被覆盖度提取研究

11.Vegetation Cover Change on Low Mountain and Hill Area in the Southwest of Suzhou;苏州市西南部低山丘陵植被覆盖变化及研究

12.the secondary factors were the food abundance, vegetation type, coverage and shrub overcast, respectively;次要因子是食物丰富度、植被型、郁闭度、灌木盖度;

13.Study on Vegetation Coverage and Its Dynamic Change of Beijing Suburbs by Remote Sensing;北京郊区植被覆盖度变化动态遥感监测

14.The System Model of Dual-factors Controlling Vegetation Coverage in Erjina Oasis;额济纳绿洲植被盖度的双因子系统模型

15.Study on Vegetation Coverage and Its Dynamic Change by Remote Sensing;基于遥感的植被覆盖度估算及其动态研究

16.Error analysis of plant coverage measurement by overhead photograph;照相法在植被覆盖度测量中的误差分析

17.Dynamic Change of Vegetation Coverage based on 3S Technology in Duolun County基于3S技术的多伦县植被覆盖度动态变化研究

18.Study on Vegetation Coverage Changes in Dujiangyan Before and After Wenchuan Earthquake汶川地震前后都江堰植被盖度变化的遥感研究


vegetation coverage植被盖度

1.Correlation between zoker population quantity andvegetation coverage in the Hongzhuang forest farm of Ningxia Guyuan City;固原市红庄林场甘肃鼢鼠(Myospalax cansus)密度与植被盖度的相关性研究

2.Research onvegetation coverage change and its impact factors in Wuqi Country,Shaanxi Province陕西吴起县植被盖度变化及其影响因素研究

3.Urbanvegetation coverage change inside the Third-Ring Road of Shenyang City,China: A study with linear spectral unmixing technique基于线性混合像元分解的沈阳市三环内城市植被盖度变化

3)vegetation cover植被盖度

1.The occurrence of Hylobitelus xiaoi and its relationship withvegetation cover;萧氏松茎象种群发生与植被盖度的关系

2.The result shown that thevegetation cover significantly changed and the vegetation and ecological environment degraded.结果表明,自1997年以来石羊河流域的植被盖度发生了非常明显的变化,植被总体上仍然向退化方向发展,生态环境进一步恶化。

3.The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of soil depth onvegetation cover and above ground biomass of natural grasses protected from grazing in the east part of Inner Mongolia through field survey.本文调查了内蒙古东部地区多伦、锡林浩特和巴林左旗3个长期保护天然草地的土壤厚度和植被盖度等植物生长状况。

4)vegetation fraction植被盖度

1.Research on change ofvegetation fraction and its effect factors in Yanchi county,Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region;宁夏盐池植被盖度变化及影响因子

2.The mixed pixel model was utilized to work out thevegetation fraction(VF).为向城市绿地的合理规划提供参考,改善城市的环境质量,以青岛市Landsat ETM+为数据源,采用辐射传输方程反演地表温度,并以此计算热岛强度;用混合像元分解法提取植被盖度,在此基础上对热岛强度和植被盖度的空间相关性进行了分析;在GIS环境中,通过重采样的方法定性分析了绿地空间分布特征和周边环境对热岛强度的影响。

3.Based on"3S"technique,applying three different time RS data(time before the construction-2001、among construction- and after construction-) of Landsat5-TM analyzed thevegetation fraction change for the sensitive area of the speedway from Taihe to Jinggangshan.摘要:基于"3S"技术,利用泰和至井冈山高速公路建设前(2001年)、建设中()及建设后()的3个时相的Landsat5-TM遥感数据对公路建设影响区的施工场地、取弃土场地等有人为活动干扰的敏感区域进行植被覆盖动态变化分析,结合GPS野外定位等现场调查实际情况进行比对,结果表明:在公路沿线的各敏感区域内,公路建设前的原始植被覆盖率要整体上高于建设中及建设后的;少数施工场地在公路竣工采取地表恢复后的植被覆盖度仍较低,植被有待于进一步采取措施恢复;基于遥感技术分析的公路建设后各敏感区域植被恢复情况与野外调查的实际状况较吻合,以"3S"为技术手段的植被盖度动态变化分析方法可以用于公路建设影响区的环境保护验收中。

5)vegetation coverage植被覆盖度

1.Remote sensing estimation ofvegetation coverage in Guangzhou based on the correction of atmospheric radiation;基于大气辐射校正的广州市植被覆盖度遥感估算

2.The relationship between soil erosion andvegetation coverage on the basic of TM image interpretation in Nanchuan City,Chongqing;应用TM图像分析重庆南川市土壤侵蚀与植被覆盖度的关系

3.Estimation ofvegetation coverage based on an improved sub-pixel model;基于修正的亚像元模型的植被覆盖度估算

6)vegetation fraction植被覆盖度

1.Temporal-spatial characteristics and grading structure ofvegetation fraction based on TM image in Guangzhou;基于遥感影像的广州市植被覆盖度内部结构与时空变化

2.Spatio-temporal characteristics ofvegetation fraction calculation from TM imagines in Guangzhou from 1990 to ;广州市1990—植被覆盖度的时空变化特征

3.The Method of Vegetation Fraction Estimation by Remote Sensing;植被覆盖度的遥感估算方法研究


