900字范文 > 限知视角 limited angle of view英语短句 例句大全

限知视角 limited angle of view英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-16 17:05:14


限知视角 limited angle of view英语短句 例句大全

限知视角,limited angle of view

1)limited angle of view限知视角

1.The common narrative angles of view like every angle of view,fixedlimited angle of view,and transformativelimited angle of view and pure objective angle of view are in detail dwelled upon by citing so.本文着重从叙事学角度探讨新闻话语选择叙事视角的艺术,结合新闻报道实例分析了新闻话语中常见的全知视角、固定式限知视角、转换式限知视角和纯客观视角等四种类型的叙事视角。

2)the limited omniscient perspective有限全知视角

1.The employment ofthe limited omniscient perspective,the first-person perspective and the limited third-person perspective in her works combines the form and content of the stories perfectly,which brings her lots of acclaim and makes Porter one of the most distinguished writers in the 20th century.有限全知视角、第一人称视角和第三人称有限视角的恰当使用使得作品的内容与形式完美地结合在一起,给波特带来了如潮的好评,波特也因此成为二十世纪最杰出的小说家之一。


1.Crisscross of Time and Space--To Read the Features of Time Pieced Together in《A Surrounded City》From the Limited Omniscient Angle of View;交错的时空——从《围城》看有限全知视角的时间拼贴特征

2.From Omniscient Point of View to Limited Point of View;从全知视角到有限视角——论亨利·詹姆斯对小说叙事角度的创新

3.On execution mechanism of incomplete contracts--Viewpoint on limited reason and information asymmetry;不完全合同的执行机制——以有限理性与信息不对称为视角

4.On “Zheng(ge)+N”and “Quan+N”from Cognitive Perspective;从认知视角看“整(个)+N”和“全+N”

5.Structure-boundary Unity:A Cognitive View of WH-movement Constraints;结构-边界统一体:WH移动限制的认知视角

6.Indigenous Culture as the Basic Limitation of Psychology;本土文化视角:从学科“定义”走向知识的“限定”

7.On the Transformation Model of Knowledge-limited Narrative Perspective of Tang s Ballade;唐代叙事诗限知叙述视角转换模式试探

8.The Institutions of Restriction to the Copyrights in Chinese Copyright Act试论我国知识产权权利的限制——以著作权为视角

9.India s Security Views of China--An Explanation in Social Cognition Theory;印度对华安全认知的来源——从社会认知视角分析

10.Demonstration of Civil Legal Interest: From the Angel of Limited Reasoning;民事法益的证成——以有限理性为视角

11.On Raising the Ceiling of Limited Imprisonment from the Scope of the Death Penalty Restriction死刑限制视角下的有期徒刑上限提高论

12.Extension and Constraint of Liability Limited:In the Perspective of Extension of Liability Limited to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises有限责任的扩张与限制——以有限责任向中小企业的扩张为视角

13.The Establishment of a Rational Idea of Criminal Law--from the Perspective of Limitations of Criminal Law;树立理性刑法观——以审视刑法的有限性为视角

14.I don"t know enough about it to decide, so I"ll pass the buck to you.我所知有限,不能决定,所以请全权处理。

15.New Perspective of the Intentional Forgetting:The Research of Cognitive Inhibition有意遗忘研究的新视角:认知抑制能力

16.Study of Technological Innovation Process of Enterprises from the Perspective of Knowledge Total Lifecycle;知识全生命周期视角下企业技术创新过程研究

17.Narrating the Voice of the Soul in All Known Perspective--On Luli"s Imprisoned Green全知视角下叙述心灵的声音——谈陆蠡《囚绿记》

puter Simulation of Image Reconstruction Using Optical CT in Orthographic Limited View Angle正交有限视角光学层析重建图像的计算机模拟


the limited omniscient perspective有限全知视角

1.The employment ofthe limited omniscient perspective,the first-person perspective and the limited third-person perspective in her works combines the form and content of the stories perfectly,which brings her lots of acclaim and makes Porter one of the most distinguished writers in the 20th century.有限全知视角、第一人称视角和第三人称有限视角的恰当使用使得作品的内容与形式完美地结合在一起,给波特带来了如潮的好评,波特也因此成为二十世纪最杰出的小说家之一。

3)the third-person limited point of view第三人称限知视角

1.By use ofthe third-person limited point of view and free indirect discourse,the characters conscious activities and ever-changing inner world are explored to show the true human nature.伍尔夫意识流小说的经典之作,在叙事策略上别具一格:运用第三人称限知视角和自由间接引语这种独特的叙事技巧,表现人物的意识活动,探索变化多端的人的内心世界,展示真正的人性。

4)first person perspective第一人称限知视角

5)mental limit perception narrative perspective心理限知叙事视角

6)Cognitive perspective认知视角

1.This paper briefly distinguishes between the lexical meanings of “Quan”and “Zheng”first,analyses in detail the categories of the noun modified by “Zheng(ge)+N”and “Quan+N”,and their different focus in meaning and cognitive perspective.本文简要区分“全”和“整”的词义,详细分析“全”和“整(个)”各自所修饰的名词类别及其离散性、完形性特征,以及“整(个)+N”和“全+N”的表意侧重点及不同的认知视角。


