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技战术 technique and tactics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-16 13:13:18


技战术 technique and tactics英语短句 例句大全

技战术,technique and tactics

1)technique and tactics技战术

1.A study on Wang Hao’stechnique and tactics in the man’s single final of the 29~(th) Olympic Games’ Table Tennis对王皓在第29届奥运会乒乓球男单决赛中技战术的研究

2.As the same,the level of the research on basketballtechnique and tactics has improved unceasingly.随着奥运会篮球赛事对职业球员的开放,以及NBA与世界篮球的交融,世界篮球运动的技战术水平有了显著的提高,与之相应的篮球技战术研究水平也在不断提高。

3.It can be found that there have been the progressing of thetechnique and tactics,the actual strength of in side players have enhanced in the two teams.~赛季CBA联赛已结束了,从总决赛五场比赛的技术统计和战术表现可看出两队的技战术水平有了长足的进步,内线实力大为加强,队员之间的配合更加娴熟,但队员的心理调节能力还显得不过成熟,尤其是防守的攻击性方面还有待进行一步加强。


1.About the Tactics and Moves(关于技战术的词汇)

2.Analysis of Tactics and Strategies by China s Excellent Ping-Pang Athletes in the Eleven-Point Contests;11分赛制的乒乓球技战术战例分析

3.The Tactics Design Method Applying in the Ice Hockey Technical and Tactical Training;战术设计法在冰球技战术训练中的应用

4.Operational Patterns for Psychological Warfare in High-tech Local War;高技术局部战争中的心理战作战样式

5.Motion combat is the technical and tactical core of modern basketball;运动战是现代篮球技术、战术的核心

6.inside baseball精通战略和技术的打法

7.Realization of Innovation from Technology-determined Period to Strategy-guided Period;从技术决定战略到战略引导技术的创新之路

8.Choice of Technique, Technological Substitution and Technological Innovation Strategy;技术选择、技术替代与技术创新战略选择

9.Technological discontinuities,pitfalls of technological innovation,strategic technological innovation;技术间断、技术创新陷阱与战略技术创新

10.The Trend of Technology Convergence and the Tactics of Technology Convergence in Our Country;技术融合趋势及我国的技术融合战略

11.The Contribution Ratio of Technical Progress and the Investment Strategy for Emerging Technology;技术进步贡献率与新兴技术投资战略

12.NAD Technology--The Packaging CAD Facing Challenge and Development;NAD技术——包装CAD技术的挑战与发展

13.Research on the Tactic Technic Index System of Tactical Vehicles战术车辆战术技术指标体系构建方法研究

14.Key technologies of advanced manufacturing system and its challenges to traditional competitive strategies;现代制造技术对传统战略理论的挑战

work Centric Warfare Operational Concept and InformationFusion Technology;网络中心战作战理念与信息融合技术

16.Integration of Enterprise Development Strategy and Technological Creation Strategy;企业发展战略与技术创新战略的整合

17.Integrating Technology Foresight and Technology Assessment in S&T Development Strategy;整合技术预见与技术评估的科技发展战略

18.Technology Foresight:Strategic Science and Technology Planning &Policy Development;技术预见:科学技术战略规划和科技政策的制定


techniques and tactics技战术

1.Investigation of the application of competitive kickboxingtechniques and tactics in National kickboxing Championship ;全国跆拳道冠军赛技战术运用情况的调查分析

2.A Preliminary Research on the Dynamic Development of Techniques and Tactics of World Women s Handball;世界女子手球运动技战术发展动态初步研究

3.11-Score System Striking to the Techniques and Tactics of Table Tennis;11分制对乒乓球技战术的冲击

3)skills and tactics技战术

1.An analysis on the index of Yan Zi & Zheng Jie sskills and tactics in the Australia Open ;对晏紫/郑洁在澳网公开赛中技战术指标的统计分析

2.Analysis of score changes and the application ofskills and tactics for pearl ball解析珍珠球得分的变化与技战术的运用

3.Analyzingskills and tactics of Zheng Jie s after her success in Wimbledon Championships,we research the serve,service return,drive ball in baseline,volley and other techniques,and study different skills with different opponents.通过对郑洁温网晋级四强全程比赛进行技术统计及技战术分析,从发球、接发球、底线抽球和网前拦截等技术环节及六场比赛中对阵不同对手所采用不同战术打法的分析,思考郑洁"惊艳"温网的原因,探寻中国网球发展的启示:单打的突破,跳出了双打荣誉光环,提升了中国网球国际地位;选择适合亚洲人身体条件特点的技术风格与打法,一样能取得优异成绩;温网的历史性突破,为备战奥运及参与今后的大满贯竞争增强了信心;温网辉煌,助推中国网球进一步普及与提高。

4)technique and tactic技战术

1.Some changes of basketball rules in the main point and some influences of the new rules of basketball modified totechnique and tactic of basketball are analysed.分析了近年来篮球规则的变动要点及篮球新规则的修改对篮球技战术产生的影响。

2.We analyzed thetechnique and tactic index of our woman single tennis players by using the methods of mathematical statistics, documents, and logical analysis.运用文献资料法、数理统计法和比较法,对我国网球女单选手在澳网女单比赛中的技战术指标进行统计分析。

3.This paper carries on a comparative analysis on the data statistics oftechnique and tactics of five teams which includes China,USA,German,Sweden and Canada in the 4~(th) Women s Football World Cup.通过对第四届女足世界杯决赛阶段中、美、德、瑞、加的攻防技战术指标的比较研究,揭示世界高水平女子足球运动队的竞技能力结构特征,把握世界女足发展的趋势,为我国女足的科学化训练提供理论参考依据。

5)skill and tactics技战术

1.Based on some aspects such as exertion ofskill and tactics, defence and some questions exposed during competition,this paper does the research on the performance of Chinese women volleyball team in World Cup by using the methods of documents, observation,statistics and contrast .采用文献资料、观察、数理统计、对比等研究方法,从技战术运用、防守和比赛中暴露问题等几个方面对中国女排在世界杯上的表现进行讨论与分析。

6)tactics and technology战术技术

1.Through analyzing action mission,structure and function of torpedo weapon system,a complete,advanced and credibletactics and technology index system is established for torpedo weapon system.通过对鱼雷武器系统的作战任务、结构、功能的分析 ,为鱼雷武器系统建立了一个全面、先进、可信的战术技术指标体系 ,并对主要的战术技术指标给出了定义 ,分析了影响和决定系统战术技术指标的主要因素 ,最后 ,给出了鱼雷武器系统战术技术指标体系的结构图 ,为全面描述鱼雷武器系统的战术技术性能和指标的进一步量化提供了依据 。


兵种战术学(见战术学)兵种战术学(见战术学)science of arms tacticsbingzhong zhanshuxue兵种战术学(seiene。。faxTn。taeties)见战术学。
