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素滤子 prime filter英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-12 23:03:22


素滤子 prime filter英语短句 例句大全

素滤子,prime filter

1)prime filter素滤子

1.Normal filters andprime filters of pseudo NM-algebras;伪NM代数的正规滤子与素滤子

2.Normal MP-filters andprime filters of an implication lattice;蕴涵格的正规MP滤子与素滤子

3.Some important properties of pseudo MTL algebras are introduced and the definitions of filter,prime filter,maximal filter are given.介绍了伪MTL代数的一些重要性质,引入了伪MTL代数的滤子、素滤子以及极大滤子的概念,研究了它们的性质以及它们之间的关系。


1.Fuzzy Filters and Fuzzy Prime Filters of BR_0-AlgebraBR_0代数的模糊滤子与模糊素滤子

2.The Prime Boolean Fuzzy Filters of IMTL Algebras and Their OperationsIMTL代数上的素布尔模糊滤子及其运算

3.Study on Novel Negative Charged Composite Nanofiltration Membranes from Chitin/CMC Macromolecule;新型荷负电甲壳素/羧甲基纤维素钠高分子复合纳滤膜的研究

4.Every filter is contained in a maximal filter, called ultrafilter.每个滤子包含在一个极大的滤子里,一个极大滤子称为一个超滤子。

5.(∈,∈∨q)-Fuzzy BCK-filters(∈,∈∨q)-模糊BCK-滤子

6.Sum-of-Squared Differences Enhanced the Performance of Kernel Particle Filter in Non-rigid Object Tracking;像素差的平方和增强核粒子滤波的非刚体目标跟踪

7.Study on influencing factors of modified lava media for iron and manganese removal from mine water改性火山岩滤料去除矿井水中铁锰离子影响因素研究

8.Some Kinds of Special Fiters and Fuzzy Filters;MTL-代数中几类特殊的滤子和Fuzzy滤子

9.Implicative filters and positive implicative filters of MTL algebras;MTL代数的蕴涵滤子与正蕴涵滤子

10.Principal Filter And Implicative Filter of implication BCK-algebra;关联BCK-代数的主滤子与关联滤子(英文)

11.A Boolean And Positive Implicative Filter In MTL-algebraMTL代数中的布尔滤子和正蕴涵滤子

12.Siemens-Halske process西门子-海尔斯克沥滤法

13.electronically tunable optical filter电子可调谐光学滤波器

14.(α,β)((λ_1,λ_2))-Fuzzy BCK-filters(α,β)((λ_1,λ_2))-模糊BCK-滤子

15.Target tracking using distributed Unscented particle filter in sensor network分布式Unscented粒子滤波跟踪

16.Pseudo-Scott Topology and Pseudo-Scott Open Filter伪Scott拓扑与伪Scott开滤子

17.Effect of High Volume Hemofiltration on Respiratory Mechanics and Inflammation Media、Neuclear Factor Kappa B of Endotoxin-induced Acute Lung Injury in Dog;高容量血液滤过对内毒素诱导犬急性肺损伤的呼吸力学、炎症介质和核因子-κB的影响

18.Study on the Processes of Ultrasonic Extraction-Ultrafiltration and Freeze-drying for Separating Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 from Antler Velvet超声提取—超滤—冻干工艺用于分离鹿茸中胰岛素样生长因子-1的研究


prime MP filter素MP滤子

1.The properties of MTL algebra are discussed,and the concept MP filters,prime MP filters,and Boolean filters are introduced into the MTL algebra.讨论了MTL代数的性质,并在其上引入了MP滤子、素MP滤子、布尔滤子的概念;刻画了包含F及a的最小MP滤子的结构;讨论了极大MP滤子与素MP滤子的关系;证明了当F是布尔滤子时,M/~F成为布尔代数。

3)Weakly prime filters弱素滤子

4)prime prefilter素预滤子

5)Strong-prime MP Filter强素MP滤子

6)Fuzzy Prime MP Filter(Fuzzy)素MP滤子


