900字范文 > 舞蹈性 the nature of dance英语短句 例句大全

舞蹈性 the nature of dance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-05 17:38:12


舞蹈性 the nature of dance英语短句 例句大全

舞蹈性,the nature of dance

1)the nature of dance舞蹈性

1.This paper attempts to illustrate the important role of costume in the whole opera performance from three aspects—symbolism,prescriptivism,andthe nature of dance.本文试图从象征性、规定性、舞蹈性三方面来阐释戏剧服饰在整个戏曲表演中的重要作用。


1.Aesthetic Difference between Chinese and Western Classical Tragedies;舞蹈性别意识之嬗变——胡塞尔话语符号理论建构中的舞蹈文化阐释

2.The Yunnan festive lantern has beautiful songs and rhythm, with many dances;"云南花灯"词曲优美,舞蹈性强;

3.On the Dance Teaching of Folk Dance "Style";论舞蹈教学中民间舞蹈的“风格性”

4.The Necessity of Shape Dancing Training for Non-professinals非舞蹈专业开设形体舞蹈训练课程的必要性

5.The Complementary Nature and Its Future Development of Theater Dance and Modern Media剧场舞蹈与电视舞蹈的互补性及其未来发展

6.it is a kind of dance form which is composed of songs and dances and requires high skill.它属于歌舞相间、技艺性强的舞蹈形式,

7.The Highland dances are performed solo, and have precise, difficult movements and require much stamina and co-ordination.高地舞蹈属于独舞,由清晰但难度颇大的舞蹈动作组成,要求舞蹈者有良好的耐力和协调性。

8.On Same Origin,Blend and Effect of Wushu and Dance;论武术与舞蹈的同源性、交融性、影响性

9.Artistic Conception Creation of Dancing Arts--On Similarity between Chinese Calligraphy and Dance;舞蹈艺术的意境创造——兼论中国书画与舞蹈的共通性

10.An Analysis of the Non-tech. Problems Affecting Dancing Skills of Sports Dancers;试析影响体育舞蹈选手舞蹈技艺的几个非技术性问题

11.after the song, a male dance expert leads others to form a circle.由一名男性舞蹈能手领头,围成圆圈歌舞行进。

12.An Analysis of Original Ecological Attribute of Dance and Inheritance of Folk Dance;浅析舞蹈原生态的属性与民间舞的传承

13.Discussing about the Peculiarity of Zhang Jigang"s Creative Conception in the Dance (Dance Drama)试论张继钢舞蹈(舞剧)创作构思的独特性

14.erotic dancing with little or no clothing.性爱的舞蹈具有很少或没有衣服。

15."Kuiyi"is a self-entertaining dance among Kazakh men."葵依",是哈萨克族男子自娱性舞蹈,

16.On the Improvisational nature of Minority Folk Dance;略论少数民族民间舞蹈的即兴性特征

17.On the Importance of Dancing to the Physique and Performance of Models;舞蹈对模特形体和表演的重要性研究

18.The necessity of the physical dance course offered in colleges and univerities;浅论高校开设体育舞蹈课程的必要性


acting dance-mixing表演性舞蹈

1.The teaching of dance at higher education must be made according to the conditions of the educatees,the available objects can be planned and achieved particulaly from the essential practice,the local and racial dance- mixing,the acting dance- mixing and the dance making skill.高师音乐专业舞蹈教学应根据实际情况,制定合理目标,着重从基本训练,民族民间舞组合、表演性舞蹈组合、编舞等四个方面加以培养,使学生成为能跳、能教、能导的合格中小学音乐教师。




1.A brief talk about the effect ofdance on human body health;浅谈舞蹈对身心健康的功用

2.Between Rhythm and Posture(Ⅰ)——An analysis on Yeats lyrics and thedance image;在韵律和舞姿之间(一)——叶芝的抒情诗与舞蹈意象探幽

3.On the important significance of Tibetan Folk Dance in the basis teaching of Dance;浅析藏族舞蹈在民间舞基础教学中的重要意义


1.Dancing on West Nanjing Road ------Review on Shanghai Plaza 66;南京西路上的舞蹈——上海恒隆广场评析

2.Research on Root and Similarity of Wushu and Dancing;“武”“舞”缘姻略论——对武术与舞蹈的类属与共质的探讨


