900字范文 > 从师能力 ability to take up teaching as a profession英语短句 例句大全

从师能力 ability to take up teaching as a profession英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-21 15:42:24


从师能力 ability to take up teaching as a profession英语短句 例句大全

从师能力,ability to take up teaching as a profession

1)ability to take up teaching as a profession从师能力


1.On the Cultivation of Students Teaching Abilities for the P. E. Majors in Normal Colleges;高师体育教育专业学生从师能力培养的研究

2.Training Ability as a Teacher and Scientific Researcher for Graduate in the Experiment Teaching实验教学中培养研究生的从师能力和科研素质

3.Teacher Education in US: from “Competence based” to“Performance Standards based”;美国教师教育:从“能力本位”到“标准本位”

4.A Talk on Normal School Education Reform From an Investigation on Language Ability of Teaching;从教学口语能力调查谈师范教育改革

5.The Importance of Training Students Teaching Capacity in Music Instruction of Normal Universities;高师音乐教育要重视对学生从教能力的培养

6.Study on connotation and structure of physics teachers ability to teach majors;物理教师专业从教能力的内涵与结构探析

7.On the Teaching Capability Improvement of the Students Majoring in Music Education in Normal Colleges and Universities;论高师音乐教育专业学生的音乐从教能力

8.Analysis of Teacher Lecturer s Emotional Ability in Student-Centered Classroom Teaching;从“以学生为中心”的教学谈高校教师的情绪能力

9.Higher Pedagogical Mathematics Education by Mathematics Application Consciousness and Ability;从数学应用意识和能力谈高师数学教育

10.Teacher_student′s ability training as seen from biologicalextracurricular activity at middle school;从中学生物课外活动看师范生能力的培养

11.Expansion of Teacher"s Function and Cultivation of Student"s Ability in Practical Teaching基础教育新课程与高师学生从教能力的培养

12.Analysis of Improvement of young teachers’teaching abilities through teaching basic skills contest从教学基本功竞赛看青年教师教学能力的提高

13.From Beginner to Expert--A Study on the Mode of the Professional Competence Training for the Teachers in Higher Vocational College从新手到专家——教师职业能力培养模式的探索

14.On the Development of Professional Ability of English Student-teachers by Needs Analysis从需求分析看高校英语师范生职业能力的培养

15.Looking at the Structure and Level of Teachers’ Educational Technology Competence from Training Books从培训教材看教师教育技术能力结构与层次

16.From the Globe of Ability Structure to Research on the Fostering of Abilities for Physical Education Majors;从“能力结构”的形成谈高师体教专业学生能力培养方案

17.From"Reflexive Student" to "Reflexive Teacher"--Study on the reflexive consciousness and ability of the future teacher;从“反思型学生”到“反思型教师”——未来教师反思意识与能力的调查分析

18.On the Training of Teaching Ability of the Vocational School Teachers from the Perspective of the Teacher Development Theory;从教师发展理论看职业学校教师教学能力的培训


teaching ability从教能力

1.This is also a prerequisite for the normal students to improve classroom teaching quality and theirteaching ability.高师小学教育专业学生由于面对的教育对象的特殊性 ,必然要求他们要运用课堂纪律管理技能来驾驭好课堂纪律 ,保证课堂教学的良好秩序 ,这也是提高师范生课堂教学质量 ,使他们的从教能力得到锻炼的前提条件之一。

3)practice ability从业能力

1.Academy education of Chinese and Western medicine for improving clinicalpractice ability of physicians中西医院校教育对提升临床医师从业能力的思考

4)teacher"s ability教师能力

5)teacher capability教师能力

1.Therefore, the study of assessment toteacher capability of teach and research university in this article is critical to the development of teach and research university.人才培养与科学研究都是大学的基本职能,大学教师能力的高低直接关系到人才培养质量和科研的水平。

6)fell to work有能力从事


