900字范文 > 双因素分析 double factor analysis英语短句 例句大全

双因素分析 double factor analysis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-17 01:00:15


双因素分析 double factor analysis英语短句 例句大全

双因素分析,double factor analysis

1)double factor analysis双因素分析


1.Framework of Two-Mechanism FDI Intra-Industry Spillover on Host Country Internal Market;构建外商直接投资行业内溢出效应双机制双因素分析模型

2.An Analysis of Anxiety Elements in the English Study of Tibetan Bilingual Students;藏族“双语”学生英语学习焦虑因素分析

3.Yeast Two-hybrid Analysis on Cryptochromes of Soybean;大豆隐花色素基因的酵母双杂交分析

4.Analysis of the Dual factors in the Consumers Market;消费者市场营销中的“双因素”分析

5.Variance Analysis of Two Factors on the Hydraulic Asphaltic Concrete Strength水工沥青混凝土强度双因素方差分析

6.Parametrical study on limit of bearing capacity of hyperbolic paraboloid cable structures双曲索网结构极限能力影响因素分析

7.The Design and Analysis of Main Plot Two way Block on Two Factors Split Plot Experiment双因素裂区试验主区双向区组的设计与分析

8.The essential factors attributed to the dual effects are also analysed.文内还分析了发挥双向效应的重要因素。

9.The Constraints and Contrastive Analysis of Two Kinds of Double-NP Sentences;两类双项名词句的制约因素和对比分析

10.Negative Effect of China s Balance of Double Payment Surplus and Analysis of the Factors Concerning Systems;中国国际收支双顺差负面效应及制度因素分析

11.Option Games Analysis of Oil Investment Based on Two Stochastic Factors;基于双因素随机变动的石油投资期权博弈分析

12.Research on the Two-factor Theory and the Function of Compensation System From the Angle of Game Theory;“双因素”理论与薪酬制度激励功能的博弈分析

13.An Empirical Study of Factors Affecting Undergraduates Learning Outcomes through Bilingual Teaching;影响本科双语课程教学因素的实证分析

14.A Gravity Model Approach to Geographical Factors in Bilateral Trade;用重力模型分析影响双边贸易的地理因素

15.Application of double-factor horizontal analysis to college teaching assessment;双因素水平分析在高校教学评估中的应用

16.Key Technologies of Bimetal Tube Expanded Forming and the Equipment Research双层管线形胀合力学研究及关键因素分析

17.The Influence Factor Analysis for a Dual-sensor Probe to Measure the Lunar Soil"s Thermal Properties双探针法测量月壤热物性参数的影响因素分析

18.Analysis on Nonlinear Factors of Variable Speed Constant Frequency Doubly Fed Wind Turbine Generator System变速恒频双馈风力发电机组的非线性因素分析


double factor variance analysis双因素方差分析

1.Through the indoor CBR experiment studies on the two kinds representative slate filling,its characteristic and influencing factor has analyzed,the implement of“ nonrepeatitivedouble factor variance analysis”i“nanalysis tool storage room”of EXCEL carries out analysis .通过对武广沿线2种典型的板岩填料进行的室内承载比试验,分析了其特征及影响因素,并利用EXCEL“分析工具库”中的“无重复双因素方差分析”工具对各种影响因素的显著性进行了分析,试验结果和分析所得的结论为武广客运专线路基和相关工程的设计与施工提供了参考。

3)two-factor variance analysis双因素方差分析

1.The thesis makes some improvement in thetwo-factor variance analysis method and it also conducts an analysis and assessment of the examination results of the mathematics majors in “the Middle School Teachers’Self-taught Examinations”.本文对双因素方差分析法作了改进 ,并对中学教师自学考试中数学专业的考试效果进行了评价分

4)Bi-variants Relation Analysis双因素相关分析

5)double-factor horizontal analysis双因素水平分析

1.Application ofdouble-factor horizontal analysis to college teaching assessment;双因素水平分析在高校教学评估中的应用

6)two-factor analysis双因素分析法


